characteristics, price and technical sheet

Being a small mobile should not imply having inferior characteristics to its counterparts. Fortunately, there are manufacturers like Sony that for years have offered compact flagships with the latest technology. The new arrives Sony Xperia 5 III, the renewal of its ‘flagship’ in compact size.

Pantalla OLED at 120 Hz, Snapdragon 888 and a photographic section similar to the Xperia 1 III with a triple camera configuration and the first telephoto sensor with a double focal lens. These are the characteristics of the Xperia 5 III, one of the most interesting terminals for those looking for a compact mobile and do not want to give up the high-end.

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The European Union will not renew contracts with AstraZeneca and Janssen at the same time as it will have a dose advance from Pfizer

The European Union has finally made a decisive decision and will not renew contracts for the purchase of vaccines from the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical Astrazeneca and the American Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), after the alleged side effects they have caused.

The news of the suspension of the Janssen administration had already upset the plans and forecasts of the different governments, who had great hope in this vaccine in order to advance the numbers of immunized people as much as possible, since it only requires one dose and It is also the one that takes the least time overall to provide immunity, two weeks, for four from Pfizer, six from Moderna or sixteen from AstraZeneca.

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Rebellion against Google’s alternative to third-party cookies: Brave and DuckDuckGo will block the use of FLoC in browsers

We have already spoken on other occasions about FLoC (Federated Learning Cohort), the innovative technology that Google is developing with the aim of replacing cookies as a system for monitoring the user’s web activity, diluting it within demographic groups to safeguard their privacy.

Google is already testing FLoC in its Chrome browser, although not with all users, but only with 0.5% of them (in AmIFloCed, an online tool of the EFF, you can check if you are one of them). Its goal is to reach 100% of its users in the next two years.

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