China has fined Alibaba, one of the largest online stores in the country and the planet, with 18.2 billion yuan, about $ 2.8 billion To the change. One of the biggest fines ever imposed on a tech company. The reason? Chinese authorities say it stifled competition.
Maria Rivera
Surface Season 2 Release Date, Cast, Plot, and Everything You Need to Know
Surface Season 2 Release Date, Cast, Plot, and Everything You Need to Know Surface is a thrilling thriller about a …
Learn the basics of programming with this free two-hour beginner’s course
If you want learn to program There are countless websites to do it and also free. Now, what is usually difficult is not getting where but deciding when and which course you need to start.
To do this, the folks at freeCodeCamp, who have an extensive curriculum to learn from scratch, create extremely basic and novice-proof mini courses and tutorials. That is the case with this hours video (in English with subtitles) covering an introduction to programming.
In less than three years Proton and Steam Play have changed the world of Linux gaming by running more than 14 thousand games
Few games were as highly anticipated by the end of 2020 and ended up making as much noise (though mostly for bad reasons) as Cyberpunk 2077. The ambitious CD Projekt Red title came with so many bugs and performance issues, especially on next-gen consoles. last, that Sony ended up removing it from its digital store and until the sun today it has not returned.
The best version, most reviews agreed, is the PC version, one that could also be played almost from day one on Linux. Yes, one of the most powerful and technically ambitious triple-A games of recent times, played better on Linux than on a PS4 (depending on the PC of course). The point is, if that story doesn’t tell us already how different the Linux gaming landscape is today than it was 5 years ago, nothing will.
Here are T-Shirts and sweatshirts starting from 15.99 euros!
We made you wait longer than expected (but for a good reason), we showed them to you in the E3 …
The Epic Games Store will lose more than 300 million dollars in deals and free games, but they assure that it remains profitable
A projection of about 600 million dollars. That is the amount that, according to Apple estimates, Epic Games will spend …
Black Clover: the hardest challenge for Asta in chapter 289, available in Manga Plus
The last chapter of Black Clover ended with an incredible twist, showing a devastating attack by the protagonist Asta, who …
Vigilante My Hero Academia: announced a mysterious project for chapter 100
While the return of the anime of My Hero Academia with the first episodes of the fifth season, and the …
The Attack of the Giants: what led Eren to become an antagonist?
Eren Jaeger, initially the protagonist ofAttack of the Giants, has undergone a very particular evolution in the course of Hajime …
Is there a way to play Fortnite from an iPhone or iPad?
Fortnite, one of the most popular games in recent times, was removed last August from the iOS and Android app stores. The reason? Epic Games announced its own payment system in Fortnite that violated Apple and Google rules (dodged their commissions), and they decided remove the game from the App Store and Google Play, respectively.
In the beginning, those who had the game downloaded and installed could continue playing it, but with the arrival of the fourth season everything changed. To play Fortnite, you need the updated version and Epic has not officially released it in either app store. On Android, the solution is to use the Epic launcher, but what about iOS? Is there a way to play? We’ll tell you then.