the consecration of a style

Talking about Zack Snyder —and, especially, about his superhero movies— is, except for honorable exceptions in which an increasingly atypical moderation reigns, a matter of love or hate. Since his debut in the DC Universe with the fantastic ‘Man of Steel’, the controversy was at the hand of a clear and concise vision that opted for tonal severity and a criticized reinterpretation of the ethics and morals of its protagonists.

For four years, the Green Bay filmmaker defended tooth and nail a style that was blown up in 2017 for a personal tragedy that, added to Warner’s apparent obsession with imitating the competition formula, gave rise to the abominable ‘Justice League’; a Frankenstein monster headed for disaster led by a Joss Whedon as a substitute, and in which two completely incompatible genetic codes coexisted.

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When copying an Apple product is not enough

The obsession of some Asian technology brands with Apple is well known. While long ago they focused on copying or imitating apple products, in recent times have chosen to copy another of their products: las keynotes. Huawei, OnePlus, Xiaomi, and to a lesser extent Samsung are among the companies taking a step forward in their quest to resemble the California company.

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