The AirTag has privacy and anti-harassment measures designed even for Android users

One of the most important questions about the new AirTag it is how its development has been. From Apple they affirm that privacy has been taken into account from the beginning of the product. But anti-harassment measures have also been considered, even for Android users. Two essential elements given the size and capabilities of this tiny beacon.

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How to change the playback speed of voice memos

From now on listening to WhatsApp voice notes can take less time: the application has just introduced three-speed playback. You can speed up the audios to 1.5x and 2x; with the disadvantage of the logical distortions in the voice.

Voice notes are a good way to communicate anything without the hassle of having to explain it by putting letters together, but they have a clear drawback: endure your listening from beginning to end to be able to find out everything. But what if you could speed up playback to cut that time in half? Well, it’s already possible: the latest version of WhatsApp includes audio playback at three speeds. Hallelujah.

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How vaccine production has increased and how this will affect Spain

Large pharmaceutical companies failed to fulfill their commitment to the European Union to produce and ensure the distribution of vaccines against COVID-19. And only three countries (the United States, Israel and the United Kingdom) have a large part of their population vaccinated.

However, despite such data and the fact that the arrival of vaccines could be compromised, especially if AstraZeneca maintains the age restriction and Janssen may follow in its footsteps, vaccine production will star in such significant growth that we can be optimistic about it. to achieve group immunity by the end of summer.

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