what is joi?

what is joi:

joi (|) is a lightweight (~5kb gzipped), front-end JavaScript library for creating expressive, responsive layouts. It provides a simple API for creating fluid and responsive grid layouts with column gaps, item sizing, and responsive media queries.

Why use joi:

There are many reasons to use joi, but here are some key benefits:

1. Ease of use – the job is easy to learn and use. The library provides a simple API that makes it easy to create responsive grid layouts.

2. Responsiveness – joi layouts are automatically responsive, adjusting to the size of the screen or viewport. This makes them perfect for modern web applications and websites.

3. Cross-browser compatibility – joi is compatible with all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE11.

4. Small size – joi is a lightweight library, weighing just 5kb gzipped. This makes it easy to include on your page without adding unnecessary bloat.

What is joie de vivre:

Joie de vivre (|) is a French phrase meaning “joy of life.” It is often used to describe someone who is very happy and enjoys life.

The joie de vivre library provides simple, responsive grid layouts that you can use to create beautiful and expressive web pages. It is easy to learn and use and is compatible with all major browsers. So if you’re looking for a library that will help you add some joy to your life, joining is a perfect choice.

What is joy validation:

joi validation is a lightweight (~2kb gzipped) library for validating forms using joi. It provides a simple API for checking if form values meet the criteria you specify and supplying helpful messages when they do not.

Why use joi validation:

1. Ease of use – joi validation is easy to learn and use. The library provides a simple API that makes it easy to create custom fields and validate user input against them.

2. Customization – You can easily customize error messages by defining rules that check if form values meet your criteria. This makes the library perfect for creating dynamic forms with rich error messages, like those used during online credit card transactions (such addresses).

3. Cross-browser compatibility – joi validation is compatible with all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

4. Small size – joi validation is a lightweight library, weighing in at just 2kb gzipped. This makes it easy to include on your page without adding unnecessary bloat.


1 .Node JS + NPM (Node Package Manager) installed

2. webpack module bundler used to build the code & compile it into dist folder run command npm install -g webpack

Three .joi packages are installed globally by running npm install -g @types/joi, or you can use the typings tool for auto-completion support. Is he also recommended to type check your code before compiling it?

4 .copy all files & folders into the root folder of your created application or project then you are ready to start using joi validation in your application.

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