Green light from EMA to use of Janssen vaccine in Europe, although it confirms link with thrombi as “very rare side effect”

On the same day that the first doses of Janssen arrived in Spain, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine against COVID-19 in which they had placed high hopes because it is a single-dose vaccine and with more logistical facilities (it does not need deep freezers) , came the jug of cold water: the United States, which had already administered almost seven million doses, asked to suspend its administration after detecting some cases of thrombi in that list of vaccinated. Six cases out of almost seven million. The pharmaceutical company itself suspended the administration worldwide.

It was expected since then, April 14, that the European Union would make a decision regarding this vaccine through the EMA (European Medicines Agency) to give the green light or not to its administration to European citizens. He just gave his verdict: recommends continuing to vaccinate with Janssen, so it is to be expected that the vaccination campaign that was planned with her will be resumed. In the case of Spain, the age group where it was planned to administer its first doses was between 70 and 79 years.

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24 películas y series de zombies imprescindibles para ver en streaming antes de ‘Ejército de los muertos’

La esperada vuelta de Zack Snyder a los zombies se ha hecho posible gracias a Netflix. El 21 de mayo se estrena ‘Ejército de los muertos’ (Army of the Dead, 2019). Queda por ver si es capaz de igualar lo que consiguió en 2004 con el remake del clásico de George A. Romero, pero la ausencia de James Gunn en el guion es un desafío difícil de superar. De todas formas, siempre puedes recuperar algunos de estos 24 clásicos de cine y televisión con el subgénero de los muertos vivientes desde sus inicios a sus últimas variaciones.

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Apple AirTags: price, features and specifications

At last, after months and months of rumors, Apple has officially introduced the AirTag. These beacons will help us find everything we hook onto them, with a look that matches what we saw in the Jon Prosser leaks.

We are facing a completely new product from Apple, one more accessory for this division of Apple to continue seeing good growth figures. We already know the idea thanks to devices such as the Tile: thanks to their small dimensions, you can have them in objects such as wallets Y keychains. Of course, you can also have them in backpacks, handbags O Baggage.

Along with the Apple AirTags, the company today presented new iPad Pro with MiniLED screen, 5G and up to 16 GB of RAM, new 24 “iMac with M1 and new Apple TV 4K, which launches Siri Remote.

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follow today’s presentation live and on video with us [finalizado]

Today we have an important appointment with Apple. After countless rumors and leaks, the Cupertino firm confirmed last week that today it will host a great event at Apple Park, an event titled “Spring Loaded” that, how could it be otherwise, you can follow live and direct with us.

Apple Keynote will take place Today, April 20, at 7:00 p.m. Spanish peninsular time. You can follow the presentation live with us on our TikTok profile, on YouTube, on our live page and on our Twitter profile @xataka. Below you can find the schedules according to regions:

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iPad Pro 2021, the new ‘beast’ of tablets incorporates the same processor as the MacBook Pro

Apple was expected to renew its line of tablets in the ‘Sprint Event’, and in the end it was like this: we already have among us the new iPad Pro. Apple M1 processor, 5G option, up to 2 TB storage, miniLED screen and with a design that follows the line of the family.

It is talking about tablets so that iPads are at least among the options to choose from before buying one of these devices. It is not surprising since Apple has done an excellent job with ‘big screen’ mobile devices. With different annual evolutions, we already have among us the most powerful of 2021: the iPad Pro. Features are not lacking.

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