Diarrhea Treatment Recipe

Diarrhea Treatment Recipe


1 cup plain yogurt

One banana

1 cup water


Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Consume immediately.

This recipe is perfect for when you’re suffering from diarrhea because the yogurt will help restore the good bacteria in your gut. At the same time, the banana will provide some relief from the stomach cramps and nausea that often accompany diarrhea. The water will help flush out any toxins or debris in your system. Drink this smoothie as soon as possible after you’ve made it for the best results.


If you’re suffering from an illness that’s causing your diarrhea, this smoothie might not be the best option because it could make you feel even more ill and worsen your condition. Be sure to chat with a doctor before drinking it.

Combining yogurt and banana is also excellent for constantly on the go. These ingredients will provide them with enough fuel to go about their routine without feeling worn out or exhausted. Yogurt provides steady energy to keep you going throughout the day

(1). Bananas contain natural sugars which give you a boost of energy when ingested

(2). Combined, they make an excellent choice for those who need some extra pep in their step throughout the day.

If you’re looking for a way to soothe your upset stomach, this diarrhea treatment recipe is a great option. It’s easy to make, and it’s packed with nutrients that will help to improve your health. Be sure to try it out the next time you’re feeling under the weather.

How to stop diarrhea fast:

There are many ways to stop diarrhea fast. The most important thing is to find out the cause of your diarrhea and treat it. Some home remedies that may help include:

I was drinking plenty of fluids, especially water or electrolyte-rich sports drinks.

I eat light, bland foods such as rice, toast, bananas, applesauce, and soup.

Take over-the-counter medications such as Pepto-Bismol or Imodium AD to help control your diarrhea.

I am getting plenty of rest.

If you have a fever, are vomiting, or have blood in your stool, see your doctor right away.

List of home remedies for diarrhea:

Ginger Poultice :

Ginger has long been a remedy for both stomach upset and diarrhea. The intense, spicy flavor of ginger is effective for easing nausea. This method can be used to temporarily relieve symptoms caused by indigestion, gas, food poisoning, or irritation from inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

To use this remedy, you need enough raw ginger to make a poultice that will fit on your abdomen or chest. You heat it in a microwave or oven until it is warm but not burning hot to touch and apply it directly over the affected area.

Tea made with peppermint leaves :

Peppermint tea can ease spasms in the intestines that cause diarrhea. Steep one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves, available at most supermarkets, in a cup of boiling water for five minutes.

Let it cool briefly and strain the tea into another cup before drinking it. If you find the taste is too strong, add honey to sweeten it.

Chamomile tea with peppermint added :

This chamomile tea variation may even more effectively relieve diarrhea because its main ingredient is peppermint leaves.

You will need two teaspoons of dried or fresh peppermint leaves per cup of boiling water. Try adding some lemon slices if you like the flavor of this drink while also getting medicinal benefits from vitamin C. Peppermint oil capsules may be used instead, but they are more expensive.

Lactobacillus supplements:

Probiotics, or “friendly bacteria,” can help restore the intestinal tract balance and stop diarrhea. Lactobacillus supplements are available at most health food stores and pharmacies. Follow the dosage instructions on the product packaging.

Slippery elm bark :

Slippery elm bark has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhea. The herb contains mucilage, a sticky substance that coats and soothes the irritated lining of the intestines. Most health food stores can buy slippery elm bark as an herbal supplement in capsules, tablets, or powder form.

Bland diet :

If you are experiencing severe diarrhea, it may be necessary to eat bland foods until it passes. This includes rice, toast, bananas, applesauce, and soup. Avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, and spicy or greasy foods that worsen stomach upset.

List of home remedies for diarrhea in adults:

Fluids :

Increase your intake of fluids to replace those lost through diarrhea. Drink plenty of clear liquids such as chicken broth (not with noodles), tea, coffee (no cream or sugar), ginger ale, or sports drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade (not orange juice).

Do not drink fruit juices; they may worsen diarrhea because they contain sorbitol. Avoid drinking milk and colas; both have lactose sugar, making diarrhea worse. If you cannot drink fluids because of nausea, try drinking them in small amounts frequently.


Replace electrolytes lost through diarrhea by drinking sports drinks or broth (not noodles). You can also take electrolyte supplements such as Pedialyte, available at most drugstores and grocery stores.

Bland diet :

Eat light, bland foods such as rice, toast, bananas, applesauce, and soup until diarrhea subsides. Avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, and spicy or greasy foods that worsen stomach upset.

Over-the-counter medications :

Take over-the-counter medications such as Pepto-Bismol or Imodium AD to help control your diarrhea.

Rest :

Get plenty of rest to allow your body to recover.

Herbal remedies – Try an herbal remedy such as ginger, peppermint or chamomile tea, or slippery elm bark capsules to help control your diarrhea.

Probiotics :

Take probiotic supplements such as Lactobacillus to help restore balance to the intestinal tract and stop diarrhea.

how to stop diarrhea fast in a child:

Fluids – increase your child’s intake of fluids to replace those lost through diarrhea. Drink plenty of clear liquids such as chicken broth (not with noodles), tea, coffee (no cream or sugar), ginger ale, or sports drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade (not orange juice).

Do not drink fruit juices; they may worsen diarrhea because they contain sorbitol. Avoid drinking milk and colas; both have lactose sugar, making diarrhea worse. If your child cannot drink fluids because of nausea, try giving them small amounts frequently.

Electrolytes – replace electrolytes lost through diarrhea by drinking sports drinks or broth (not noodles). You can also give your child electrolyte supplements such as Pedialyte, available at most drugstores and grocery stores.

Bland diet – Feed your child light, bland foods such as rice, toast, bananas, applesauce, and soup until diarrhea subsides. Avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, and spicy or greasy foods that worsen stomach upset.

Over-the-counter medications – Give your child over-the-counter medications such as Pepto-Bismol or Imodium AD to help control their diarrhea.

Rest :

Have your child get plenty of rest to allow their body to recover.

Herbal remedies – Try an herbal remedy such as ginger, peppermint, chamomile tea, or slippery elm bark capsules to help control their diarrhea.

Probiotics – Give your child probiotic supplements such as Lactobacillus to help restore balance to the intestinal tract and stop the diarrhea

Best medicine for diarrhea:

There is no one “best” medicine for diarrhea. Depending on the cause of your diarrhea, your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following: antibiotics, antidiarrheal medications, probiotics, or electrolyte supplements.

If you have traveler’s diarrhea, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

If you have viral gastroenteritis (the stomach flu), your doctor may recommend over-the-counter antidiarrheal medications such as Imodium AD to help control your diarrhea.

If you are taking antibiotics for another infection, they may also cause diarrhea. In this case, your doctor may prescribe probiotics to help restore balance to the intestinal tract and stop diarrhea.

Electrolyte supplements such as Pedialyte can replace essential minerals such as potassium, sodium, and chloride lost through diarrhea.

Although it does not contain any medicine, drinking Gatorade or Powerade (not orange juice) helps replace fluids and salt lost through diarrhea and vomiting. Salt helps the body retain fluid and prevents dehydration.

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