December Global Holidays Google Doodle Games

December Global Holidays Google Doodle Games

December 1, 2016:- Public Service Day.

December 2, 2016:- National coin collecting day.

December 3, 2016:- World AIDS Day.

December 4, 2016:- Human Rights Day.

December 5, 2016:- Feast of St. Nicolas, patron saint of children, sailors, and merchants in the Netherlands and Belgium.

December 6, 2016:- International Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated annually on December 9 to commemorate the signing of the UN Convention Against Corruption by 156 countries in 2003.

December 7, 2016:”– Universal Children’s Day”

December 8 ember 20 16:-“-International Mountain Day.”

December 9 ember 20 16: -“International Volunteer Day.” December 10, 2016: -“International Civil Aviation Day.”

December 11 20 16:-“- Human Rights Day.

December 12 ember 20 16:-“- World AIDS Day.”

December 13 ember 20 16:-“- National Hand Washing Day.” December 14 ember 20 16:-“World Soil Day.”

15th Dec ember 2016:-“World AIDS day, World Aids Day or World AIDS AWARENESS DAY is the one day every year when many people all over the globe join together to fight HIV/AIDS and show their support for those living with it.”.

16th Dec ember 2016:- “National Coming Out Day (NCOD).” 17th Dec emb er 20 16:- “Universal Children’s Day,” in some countries also called “International Children’s Day.”

18th Dec ember 2016:-“- International Mountain day.”

19th Dec ember 2016: -” World Soil Day.”

20th Dec ember 2016:- Mother Language Day.

December 21, 2016:- “International Migrants Day.”

.22nd December 2016:- National Popcorn day. December 23, 2016:- Public Domain, Two Saints’ days are celebrated in Italy and Poland.

December 24, 2016:- Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, or Christmas Evening is the evening or entire day before Christmas Day, a widely celebrated festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.

25 th December 2016: -” Christmas Day,” also known as the Nativity of Jesus, is a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus.

December 26, 2016:- Boxing day in many Commonwealth countries and some other countries.

Google doodle Christmas 2015 game:

Christmas is just around the corner, and Google has prepared a special treat for us. They have released a new game on their home page just in time for the holiday season – a festive version of Solitaire!

The game is pretty simple to play. All you have to do is drag and drop the cards onto the board and try to create stacks of cards that are either all red or all black. Once you’ve made a stack, the cards will disappear, and you’ll earn points. The game aims to clear as many boards as possible before time runs out.

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