This is how the war between movies released in streaming and those released in theaters has remained

As expected, such an atypical film course as 2020-2021 could not have had a normal Oscar Awards ceremony. Beyond how leaden it turned out to be – something, unfortunately, more common than we’d like – last night’s was a gala marked by the pandemic scenario, by changes in the usual order of distribution of awards, and by an abrupt closure that made many of us wonder what the hell had just happened.

Regardless of the events of the show, which exceeded the three-hour barrier, once all the fish has been sold, it is time to do the balance sheets and rigorous analysis. An account that this year invites us to focus more carefully than usual on the increasingly fierce -or not- duel between streaming platforms and traditional production and distribution windows.

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close to the limit of the traditional

For years, researchers around the world have worked on ways and ways to improve the efficiency of solar panels. However, there are theoretical limits that cannot be overcome in practice. The alternative? Use much more interesting new materials, such as perovskita.

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