What Is The Square Root Of 64?

What Is The Square Root Of 64?

There are four possible answers to this question. Two are 24 and -8, the other two are 5 and -6.

2 is the square root of 64:

the square root of 9 is three because it is one whole number less than four times itself, which equals 36, so it must be 3.

square roots have two possible signs, positive or negative, depending on what number you need to take away from your product to get 9. if you want a positive result you will need to take away negative numbers (-3,-4…), but if you want a negative result then you will need to take away positive numbers (1,-2…). that means that the answer to this question has either a positive or negative 2 as a square root.

8 is the square root of 64 because it is four times itself, and then you take away 1, which equals 72 minus 1 equals 72-1=71, so it must be 8.

The exact reasons apply for this question as they did with 9.

to solve this question, we use the perfect square trinomial method (also known as synthetic division).

If you divide each term by the constant -4 we get:

so we see that our perfect square trinomial is x^2 – 19x – 81 = 0, and its factorization is (x – 8)(x + 3) = 0. In this method, we can conclude that the square root of 64 is 8.

remember that the square root of a number is just that number that, when multiplied by itself, will give you the original number. for example, the square root of 64 is eight because eight multiplied by 8 equals 64. in general, the square root of any whole number can be found by taking consecutive two natural numbers and whose product is the original number (the square root).

These two numbers are called the “root” or “roots” of the square root problem. So, to find the square root of a number, all you need to do is take these two numbers and find their product. This process is a little more complicated than simply finding the square root of a number, but it is still just arithmetic.

the square root of a negative number can be found by taking the opposite and multiplying it by itself. for example, the square roots of -9 are 3 and -3 because (-3)(-3) = 9 and (-3)(-3) = 9.

5 is the square root of 64:

to find five, we begin with two consecutive whole numbers whose product equals 64: 8 x 9=72, so we take away 9 to get 7x=64 so we can conclude that seven is one of our square roots (positive or negative).

We eliminate any possibilities that include zero (such as 0) because zero multiplied by itself does not equal any other whole number.

8 x 9=72, so we take away 8 to get 7x=64, so x=5 is our other square root, so 5 is the answer.

The two whole numbers that will also give us 64 are -6 and -4, which means that the roots of the square root problem are either 6 or 4 (positive or negative). You can find these by taking the opposite of each one (-3 and 3) and multiplying them together (in order to eliminate zero) to get -9.

this number must be multiplied by itself to reveal its square root: -18=-1(18). therefore, either 6 or 4 would work as a solution because neither 9 nor 18 contain any factors shared with 64.

The square root of 9 is three because it is one whole number less than four times itself, which equals 36, so it must be 3.

square roots have two possible signs, positive or negative, depending on what number you need to take away from your product to get 9. if you want a positive result you will need to take away negative numbers (-3,-4…), but if you want a negative result then you will need to take away positive numbers (1,-2…). that means that the answer to this question has either a positive or negative 2 as a square root.

8 is the square root of 64 because it is four times itself, and then you take away 1, which equals 72 minus 1 equals 72-1=71, so it must be 8.

the same reasons apply for this question as they did with 9.

to solve this question, we use the perfect square trinomial method (also known as synthetic division). if you divide each term by the constant -4 we get:

so we see that our ideal square trinomial is x^2 – 19x – 81 = 0, and its factorization is (x – 8)(x + 3) = 0. In this method, we can conclude that the square root of 64 is 8.

remember that the square root of a number is just that number that, when multiplied by itself, will give you the original number. for example, the square root of 64 is 8 because 8 multiplied by 8 equals 64. in general, the square root of any whole number can be found by taking two whole numbers that are consecutive and whose product is the original number (the square root).

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