What Is The R3 Diet

What Is The R3 Diet

The R3 diet is a specific type of food-combination diet, where you eat certain foods in the same meal together and other foods in different meals. The part that makes it unique is that you absolutely cannot mix proteins and starches. However, I don’t think there’s any research support for this idea, and it seems like personal experimentation more than anything else.

Dr. Douglas Graham started the whole thing back in 1983 with his book “Sugar Blues.” He claims that when we eat both starch (carbohydrates) and protein simultaneously, they go straight to our fat cells, where they turn into sugars (glucose). This causes our body to store excess weight rather than burn it off as heat or energy.

The main idea behind this diet is that by combining certain foods, you will lose weight. The theory goes like this… If the carbohydrates and proteins are not eaten simultaneously, they can’t turn into sugars to store as fat.

In other words, if you don’t mix starches and protein in your mouth (because starches require an alkaline environment to digest), they’ll pass through your digestive system without turning into sugars. –

But does it work?

There’s no doubt about it; when you eat foods with starch or protein together, there’s less room in the stomach for each of them than if they were eaten separately. This means that you’re likely to eat less when eating something like potatoes with chicken, for example. However, there’s no objective evidence to show that this diet does anything more than help you lose weight because you’re eating less.

There are a few problems with the R3 diet:

1) It’s hard to follow – it can be tricky to determine which foods can and can’t be eaten together.

2) There’s no scientific evidence to support it – the theory behind the diet is based on personal experimentation rather than any research.

3) You might miss essential nutrients if you mix proteins and starches.

4) It can be pretty restrictive – you might find it hard to stick to a diet that doesn’t allow you to eat certain foods.

Despite these drawbacks, the R3 diet could be an excellent way to lose weight if you find it hard to stick to other diets. There’s no harm in trying it out for a few weeks to see how you get on. Just make sure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs and that you don’t mix proteins and starches!

R3 diet food list:

There are plenty of great foods that you can eat on the r3 diet, including:

-Fruits and vegetables: All fruits and vegetables are allowed on the r3 diet. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want.

-Lean protein: Lean protein is a vital part of the r3 diet. Choose lean meats like chicken or turkey or fish like salmon or tuna. You can also eat eggs, tofu, legumes, and nuts.

-Healthy fats: The r3 diet allows for healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, and nuts. These foods are essential for keeping your metabolism going and providing energy throughout the day.

– carbohydrates: Complex carbs like whole grains, beans, whole-wheat bread, and sweet potatoes are allowed on the r3 diet.

-Alcohol: A moderate amount of alcohol is allowed on the r3 diet. Wine is the preferred choice for most people because it has little to no carbs. Stay away from mixed drinks full of sugar, which will have no place in an efficient ketogenic plan.

-Rice Cakes: Rice cakes are a good source of fiber and can make a tasty snack between meals. Avoid flavored rice cakes with added sugars to avoid sabotaging your diet plan. Plain rice cakes or even ones topped with almond butter make great snacks when you need something to munch on between meals

Things to stay away from while on the r3 diet:

-Sugar: Sugar is a big no-no on the keto diet. Avoid all sugary foods, including candy, cake, cookies, and soda.

-Processed foods: Processed foods are high in unhealthy fats and chemicals that can harm your body and disrupt your ketogenic state. Stay away from processed meats, packaged snacks, frozen meals, and anything with added sugar or preservatives.

-Starchy vegetables: Starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and peas are not allowed on the r3 diet. They are high in carbs and will prevent you from reaching ketosis.

-Fruit juice: Fruit juice is loaded with sugar and is not allowed on the keto diet. Stick to whole fruits instead of juice to get the benefits of fiber and antioxidants.

-Trans fats: Trans fats are unhealthy fats found in processed foods. They can damage your heart health and should be avoided at all costs.

With the r3 diet, you can enjoy plenty of great-tasting and healthy foods that will help you reach your weight loss goals. Just avoid the foods that are not allowed on a diet to stay in ketosis. By following these simple guidelines, you can be on your way to a healthier and slimmer you!

Intermittent fasting:

Intermittent fasting () is a technique where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting.

-When you fast, you eat a few calories (typically about 500) during a specific window of time each day. Your window typically lasts between 14 to 36 hours, depending on which version/variations of intermittent fasting you choose to do.

-For example, I practice time-restricted feeding, where I eat within 8 hours and then fast for 16 hours. This means that my meals are usually consumed within the first half of the day.

It’s worth mentioning that there are different versions of intermittent fasting – some people practice one variation only. In contrast, others combine several versions to reap all the benefits of fasting. For example, they incorporated time-restricted feeding and calorie restriction by eating only 500 calories during their feeding window.

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