The Disadvantage of Low White Blood Cells
low white blood cells (leucocytes) is a condition called leukopenia. This means that your body does not have enough cells that fight off infection, usually caused by certain types of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Symptoms include: getting sick easier than usual, unexplained bruising or bleeding, and feeling weak and tired most of the time, even if you haven’t been doing much.
– Chemotherapy
– Radiation Therapy
– Cancer itself (Uncommon)
– Autoimmune disorder
– Exposure to some chemicals, toxins, or drugs – HIV/AIDS
Conditions that increase the risk of leukopenia:
– Being female – Being elderly – Having a history of an autoimmune disorder (lupus, for example)
– Living in some geographic regions – Like the Faroe Islands and Denmark, you have a higher risk due to the lack of sunshine necessary for vitamin D production. Vitamin D is important because it helps your body absorb calcium, keeping bones strong and preventing them from thinning as people age.
– Exposure to some chemicals, toxins, or drugs – Such as chemotherapy medications.
– Radiation Therapy can also cause low white blood cells to count, but this is more likely if you’re exposed to high levels of radiation over a short period.
– Having HIV/AIDS or another type of infection, such as tuberculosis
– Being postmenopausal – Lupus
Most cases of low white blood cell count clear up on their own after cancer treatment has ended. However, your doctor may suggest you eat a well-balanced diet that includes foods rich in iron and protein. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and lean proteins like skinless chicken or fish can help prevent infections caused by a low WBC count.
Foods high in vitamin C are also suitable for immune system support. However, if your levels remain low after treatment ends, some doctors may prescribe supplements with folic acid and vitamins B12 and D. Also, take antibiotics as prescribed by your oncologist.
How to increase white blood cells:
it is said that vaccinations do it. However, given the amount of mercury injected into the body, it’s no surprise they kill people, increase autism and other diseases like Alzheimer’s.
However, there are some natural ways you can help your immune system fight off sicknesses without injecting dangerous chemicals into your bloodstream.
Increase white blood cells naturally:
raw garlic juice has an ingredient called allicin which is said to rejuvenate the thymus gland (responsible for producing more white blood cells), eat up to 3 cloves a day, or drink the juice before meals with 1 tbsp honey mixed in to help with swallowing.
lemon contains a lot of Vitamin C, which is also a key ingredient for producing more white blood cells. Just drink the juice before meals with 1 tbsp honey mixed in to help with swallowing.
Parsley contains Vitamin C and Biotin (B7), both of which are beneficial for increasing your immune system. If you grow parsley at home, make sure to eat at least one bunch a day by adding it into dishes such as salads and pasta sauces, etc. if not, buy it fresh from the grocery store and either put it into soups and salads or even teas (don’t boil the herb).
red wine has high levels of resveratrol – found in grape skins – which helps lower cholesterol and protect against heart disease. It is also known to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol (1-2 glasses a day).
100% Arabica coffee beans contain high levels of caffeine, which stimulates the thymus gland to produce more white blood cells. Just drink one cup a day. Usual filter coffee contains low levels of caffeine, so you’d have to drink 2 or 3 cups to get the same effect as 1 cup of espresso or espresso-based drinks such as lattes, cappuccinos, etc.
dandelion root tea has been said by some people who regularly consume this beverage that they feel healthier and their immune system is much stronger than before – can be found in most grocery stores.
Low white blood cells symptoms:
symptoms include feeling tired, being prone to infections and sicknesses, having a weak immune system, etc.
If you have been noticing that your white blood cells counts are low, then there is a chance you could be suffering from a disease known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (M.E./CFS for short).
M.E./CFS can lead to many other problems in the body if it’s not treated correctly due to its effects on the immune system, leaving you vulnerable to diseases such as cancer and different types of illnesses.
However, even if you test positive for this condition, it doesn’t necessarily mean your white blood cell count will continue to plummet because there are specific treatments available to help boost your immune system and reduce the harmful effects of M.E./CFS.
Treatment for low white blood cells:
there are some treatments available to help those suffering from M.E./CFS that have been considered effective in helping boost the immune system. If you haven’t been feeling well lately and your white blood cell count is low, then it might be a good idea to speak with a doctor about these treatments so they can help you get back on track.
How to increase white blood cells:
in the past, medical professionals believed that cancer and AIDS patients could not produce more white blood cells.
However, recent studies have shown that this is not true. It has been discovered that cancer and AIDS patients – like everyone else – can naturally increase their white blood cell counts by following a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Increase your intake of Vitamin C – since it’s known to stimulate the thymus gland to produce more white blood cells – which can be found in citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges.
Have at least 8 hours of sleep each night because this helps improve your immune system, so you’ll recover faster from diseases or sicknesses.
Exercise regularly as an inactive lifestyle will leave your muscles weak, leading to low energy levels, which can lower your white blood cell count.
Get tested for other diseases and conditions other than M.E./CFS because it’s possible you could be suffering from another illness that does not allow your body to produce enough healthy cells resulting in your white blood cell count being low.
if you have been diagnosed with cancer or AIDS, then it might be a good idea to speak to your doctor about whether these treatments can help increase the number of white blood cells in the body:
Anti-retroviral drugs:
since many of them stimulate the thymus gland, so more white blood cells are produced.
Anti-cancer drugs:
research has shown that taking anti-cancer drugs designed to boost the immune system will help prevent cancer from spreading throughout the body.
Increase your intake of Vitamin D – this vitamin is known to make your bones stronger and increase the white blood cells in your body.
Get regular exercise because it’s been proven to stimulate the glands in your body to produce more white blood cells.
How to prevent high neutrophils:
if you’ve already been diagnosed with a chronic condition such as M.E./CFS, then there are specific steps you can take so you’re less likely to suffer from low white blood cell counts in the future:
avoid smoking because research has shown that nicotine lowers your immune system, which disrupts keeping up with the production rate of white blood cells.
Limit your alcohol intake because it can have a debilitating effect on the immune system.
Reduce your stress levels as being stressed is known to block the production of healthy white blood cells, which weakens your immune system.
Avoid taking some medications because certain drugs, such as those used for chemotherapy, some anti-viral drugs, and some antibiotics, have been known to lower the number of white blood cells in the body, so you need to speak with your doctor about what’s best for you before taking any medication.
How to prevent low white blood cells:
if you’ve been feeling tired lately, then it might be a good idea to speak with your doctor about having a complete check-up because this will help them find out what the cause of your symptoms is, and they can recommend treatments that can boost your immune system.
Although many people feel fatigued when their white blood cell count is low, another common symptom is frequent infections such as colds or flu, making you feel lethargic and run down.
You could also experience cuts healing in a healthy amount of time due to not having enough white blood cells in your body. Hence, these sorts of injuries are likely to take longer than usual before scabbing over.
Frequent fevers are another common sign that you have a low white blood cell count, so if you feel feverish for no reason, then it might be wise to speak with your doctor.