Star Wars Spin-off : Reaction of Fans After Cancellation

Boba Fett Movie: Director Reveals Why This Star Wars Spin-Off Didn’t Happen

 A fictional character Boba Fett was a bounty hunter in the Star Wars franchise. Once again the director confirmed that he would make the movie with the fan-favorite bounty hunter. Since then, people must be waiting for it, and it never happened.

What were the rumors about parting ways from Star Wars Spin-off?

There are some assumptions about why the director parted his ways from the project. Some also said that director Trank was fired from the Lucasfilm. And there was no confirmation till the director Trank didn’t confirm it by himself.

What clarifications were made by the Director Trank about not happening Star Wars Spin-off?

In starting, Trank was made the part of so many rumors. But in an interview, he confirmed what actually happened between him and the LucasFilm studio. He revealed that he quit, as he knew that he was going to be fired if he didn’t. Trank also confirmed that he was struggling with some conflicts at that time along with his Fantastic Four movie. Furthermore, he also revealed how he got attached to the project of Boba Fett and was eagerly waiting for more movies to happen. But the filmmaker didn’t get specific about it, which made Trank quit. Trank also said that he would not do Star Wars movie and would not look for any blockbuster work.

What was the reaction of Fans After Cancellation?

Fans were eagerly waiting for the movie to happen. But once everything got clear that it’s never going to happen, the fans lost hope for anymore Star Wars standalone movie. But we should also make sure that it was definitely a good decision as to its a sign that more fantastic and exciting films are on its way to entertain us.

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