The first 26 episodes, first season of the anime series Monster Hunter Ride On come to Amazon Prime Video. The series has only aired in Super 3 and some episodes in English on the channel Nintendo Spain and it is also available on the platform AraitPlay.
Based on the video game of Capcom, the series is produced by David Production, directed by Mitsuru Hongo and written by Natsuko Takahashi, with character designs from Takuya Saito and music by Masaru Yokoyama.
Lute decides to leave with his childhood friends and leave his hometown behind, to fulfill his dream: to travel across the world as a Rider, running a thousand exciting adventures in the company of his friends, guided by his Monstie bond. But a shadow looms over the world, and the Riders and Hunters will be put to the test. The Riders and Monsties adventure has just begun!