How to Get Rid of Hiccups

How to Get Rid of Hiccups

1) Breathe in a paper bag – hold your breath – breathe out slowly. Repeat this process three to four times.

2) gulp a glass of water down – not consuming it down – but as fast as you can without spilling it all over the floor or table by breathing normally between swallows until the water is finished.

3) Put your fingers in your ears and press gently – not enough to hurt – you will feel a popping sensation up in the sinuses or behind the ears as they pop. You should feel instant relief.

4)Chew on a clove of garlic for about ten seconds and swallow it like a tablet, leaving out the skin.

5)Put a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass and the same amount of honey. Mix it well and drink it as quickly as you can. You should notice relief within thirty seconds or less. This is because the vinegar kills bacteria that may be responsible for irritating your nerve endings, which produces hiccups.

6)Take a teaspoonful of unseasoned meat tenderizer and dissolve it in a glass of water. Drink the solution as quickly as possible. You will notice relief within thirty seconds or so.

7)Onion – Chew one raw onion until you can taste something, swallow it down with water and repeat if necessary.

8)Eat a big spoonful of peanut butter.

9)Give yourself a good scare – jump up and down or shout your house down if you are in public.

10)Hold your breath until you almost pass out, then breathe out very slowly. If possible, repeat this process one time for each hiccup spell; after a couple of rounds, many reports complete relief.

10)Put a few dashes of salt on the back of your tongue, and you will likely feel relief within seconds.

11)Yawn as hard as possible several times in succession, which should give you some immediate relief.

12) Gargle with water, then swallow it quickly.

13)Eat some dry bread or crackers.

14) Drink a glass of water upside down with your head tilted back as far as you can go. This is most easily accomplished by placing the glass on the floor or counter, tipping your head back until you look at the ceiling, and then quickly drinking it all in one gulp.

15) Chew on a lemon wedge.

16) Suck on lime for about 30 seconds, wait 5 minutes and repeat.

17)Put your fingers in your ears and press gently – not enough to hurt – you will feel a popping sensation up in the sinuses or behind the ears as they pop. You should feel instant relief.

18)Chew on a clove of garlic for about ten seconds and swallow it like a tablet, leaving out the skin.

19)Put a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass and the same amount of honey. Mix it well and drink it as quickly as you can. You should notice relief within thirty seconds or less. This is because the vinegar kills bacteria that may be responsible for irritating your nerve endings, which produces hiccups.

20)Take a teaspoonful of unseasoned meat tenderizer and dissolve it in a glass of water. Drink the solution as quickly as possible. You will notice relief within thirty seconds or so.

21)Onion – Chew one raw onion until you can taste something, swallow it down with water and repeat if necessary.

22)Eat a big spoonful of peanut butter.

23)Give yourself a good scare – jump up and down or shout your house down if you are in public.

24)Hold your breath until you almost pass out, then breathe out very slowly. If possible, repeat this process one time for each hiccup spell. After a couple of rounds, many report complete relief.

25)Put a few dashes of salt on the back of your tongue, and you will likely feel relief within seconds.

How to get rid of hiccups for adults:

Hiccups are a common, non-dangerous condition that usually goes by itself after a few minutes. But sometimes, for some reason, hiccups can become annoying and disturbing for a long time, even days. In some instances, it may indicate a more serious underlying medical condition.

Hiccups are sudden spasmodic contraction of muscles in the throat, which makes a sudden “hic” sound. It can happen for several reasons: eating too quickly, swallowing air while drinking or smoking, infections in the respiratory tract, alcohol intake, nervousness, etc.

There are many home remedies for hiccups that you can try at your home to get rid of them. However, if it doesn’t go away, you should consult your doctor to find out the underlying cause.

Few home remedies are given here that might work for you. Try these natural cures until your hiccups go away naturally:

1. Try holding your breath:

The process of taking a deep breath is exactly the opposite of what you do when trying to stop hiccuping. However, keeping your breath until you feel the urge to breathe again can provide some relief.

2. Hold your tongue:

This is a straightforward one. Press your finger on the upper surface of the language and hold it for a few seconds that will make you stop hiccuping instantly; do this as many times as needed.

3. Sip ice water very slowly:

Drink a few sips of ice-cold water slowly. It will stop your hiccups immediately.

4. Sip vinegar very slowly:

Drinking a few teaspoons of vinegar slowly can also help you stop the hiccup instantly.

5. Eat ice cream or drink any cold beverage:

Eating some ice cream or drinking a cold drink might help if your hiccups are caused by warm weather.

6. Eat half teaspoon of sugar:

This method effectively stops the hiccups immediately; just put half a teaspoon of sugar on your tongue and swallow it gradually without chewing.

7. Cough hard one time:

This process can produce a nerve that will help in stopping hiccups instantly.

8. Hold your breath and then drink water:

Drinking water while holding your breath may not produce immediate relief from hiccups, but it is one of the most effective long-term cures for this condition.

9. Gargle with ice-cold water:

Gargling with ice-cold water can help you in stopping hiccups immediately.

10. Suck on lemon:

If an empty stomach causes your hiccupping, try sucking on a wedge of lemon, it will stimulate your salivary glands, and that may stop the hiccuping process instantly.

11. Suck on a spoon:

If you feel nauseated, try sucking on a spoon for about five to ten minutes; it will make nausea disappear.

12. Inhale from a paper bag:

This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of hiccups for both children and adults. Just inhale air through a paper bag for a couple of minutes; it will help you stop hiccups instantly.

13. Chew on sugarcane:

If an empty stomach causes your hiccuping, chewing on a piece of sugarcane might provide relief from the condition.

14. Chew on basil leaves:

This is one of the most effective home remedies for getting rid of hiccups. Chewing on fresh basil leaves can help you in stopping hiccuping instantly.

15. Drink water upside down:

This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of hiccups that have proved effective with almost all the people who have tried it till now. Just drink a glass of water while holding your head upside down, and your hiccuping will stop in some time.

16. Drink water slowly through your nose:

This method is one of the perfect ways to stop hiccups because it relaxes the muscles in your neck, which are responsible for producing hiccups.

17. Chew on jaggery/honey candy:

Chewing on a piece of jaggery or honey candy can help you stop hiccups.

18. Chew on dry ginger:

If your hiccupping is caused by an empty stomach, chewing on a piece of dry ginger can help you get rid of the condition instantly.

19. Chew groundnuts:

Chewing a handful of groundnuts is another effective way to stop hiccups instantly.

20. Chew a sugarcane stalk:

This is one of the most effective remedies for this health condition that has been used by many people till now successfully. It can help you in stopping hiccups instantly.

21. Inhale from a paper bag again:

Inhaling air from a paper bag is more likely to help you out in case your hiccuping is causing nausea.

22. Chew a teaspoon of black pepper:

This method is also very effective in stopping this condition instantly if it’s not related to any other health problem. Just chew on a teaspoon of black pepper and spit it out, do this as many times as needed until the hiccups stop.

23. Chew a piece of sugarcane:

This is one of the most common ways to get rid of this health problem, but it has proved its effectiveness time and again in practice for people from all over the world. If you have an empty stomach, chew on a piece of sugarcane stalk until it becomes soft and swallow it, your hiccuping will stop in some time.

24. Take a spoonful of mustard oil:

This is another easy way to get rid of this health problem if you are suffering from indigestion or acidity. Just take one spoonful of mustard oil, and your hiccups will stop within minutes.

25. Gargle with salt water:

Mix some salt in warm water and gargle with it; you will get rid of hiccups immediately without any side effects.

are hiccups dangerous:

Hiccups are generally harmless; they will disappear without treatment by themselves. However, there may be some side effects and complications with the hiccup if it is caused due to:

1. Liver or kidney disease:

If you have liver/kidney disease, your hiccups may not go away immediately if they last for a long time.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD):

People with GERD are more likely to have hiccups, especially if the condition lasts for a long time. Hiccups can have complications in people suffering from GERD because they may dry out the esophagus, which results in irritation and inflammation of the lining in the esophagus.

3. Diabetic neuropathy:

Getting hiccups for a long time can be harmful if you have diabetes and suffer from nerve damage in your legs or feet. It will make them numb, which may lead to tissue death in cases where blood supply is severely affected.

4. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI):

SUI is a condition where the muscles that hold back urine are weak, and they cannot prevent urine leakage when you sneeze or cough. Getting hiccups can worsen this problem because it affects the same muscles, which may cause urinary incontinence if not treated.

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