Brain Cancer Causes

Brain Cancer Causes


2)lung cancer (blood vessels get blocked with lungs then lung gets infected like pneumonia but worse.)


4)cancer of the head and neck (the higher up, the worse it can get.)

5)major pain.

6) life-threatening issues like invasions of your skull, bones, and brain.


The human body is made up of organs which comprise: stomach, liver, skin, lungs, and heart(this is not in order). your brain controls your sense through:-sound, light, cannot live without your brain .it is made up of cells/bodies called neurons which communicate with each other by sending signals to another neuron. neurons are divided into two groups:-motor neurons- sensory neurons. The motor neuron sends a signal to muscles and the sensory neuron sends a signal to the brain.

a tumor with pain is most likely an astrocytoma that starts in the eye behind your nose and spreads through: -blood vessels, small parts of your brain, and then into the spinal cord and backs up into another part of your brain.

Astrocytoma tumors can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Astrocytomas can be slow-growing or fast-growing.

Slow-growing Astrocytomas take 12 months to spread and people with them live about 14 years after their tumors are diagnosed.

what is brain cancer:

brain cancer is a type of deadly disease in which the cells in the brain grow abnormally (uncontrollably) and form tumors. these tumors can spread to different parts of the brain, or elsewhere in the body.

the most common symptoms are headaches, vomiting, nausea, numbness/weakness in some parts of your body (arms or legs), blurred vision, memory problems, difficulty thinking clearly (speech difficulties), loss of balance.

treatment for this starts with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery. you have to take care before starting chemotherapy because it makes you very sick. but if you get good results from your treatment then chances are you will be completely cured of this deadly disease.

Brain cancer is an umbrella term used to describe tumors or cancers that either originate from brain tissue or spread to the brain from another area of the body. In most cases, primary brain cancer refers to a tumor that starts in the brain whereas secondary brain cancer occurs when cancer cells travel from elsewhere in the body and invade tissue in the brain.

can brain tumors be cured:

YES!!! brain tumor CAN be cured, provided it has not spread beyond the initial site. If detected in the early stages, chances of full recovery are much higher because surgery can remove most of the cancerous cells and chemotherapy can kill any remaining cancer cells there may be.

with the advancement of medical technologies like radiation therapy, chemotheraphy, and brain surgeries, more and more people with brain tumors are recovering from this deadly disease.

Brain tumor symptoms headache:

headaches are a common symptom of brain tumors. the headaches may be dull and aching or severe, throbbing ones. they can be ongoing or occur regularly. one should consult a doctor if the pain is above average in severity, lingering longer than 24 hours, associated with vomiting, fever, change in vision, or weakness on both sides of the body.

Brain tumor treatment:

the treatment for brain cancer depends on many factors like size, location, and type of cancer cells. because at any given time multiple different types of cancers affect the brain, doctors have to choose from a vast array of therapies to treat it. usually, chemotherapy and radiation therapy cannot cure this disease but help relieve symptoms and increase lifespan in long term.

in many surgeries is used to remove a tumor. this type of operation is called craniotomy or craniectomy. radiotherapy, or radiation therapy, can be used as an alternative to surgery if the tumor is located in an area that cannot be operated on safely. please go through the link given below for more info.

How to prevent brain tumors:

preventing a brain tumor from developing in the first place is often easier than treating one that has already started. following these tips may reduce your risk of getting a brain tumor: avoid previous use of tobacco products, drink in moderation, and maintain a healthy diet.

Brain Tumor Symptoms Headache:

Headaches are a common symptom of brain tumors. the headaches may be dull and aching or severe, throbbing ones. they can be ongoing or occur regularly. one should consult a doctor if the pain is above average in severity, lingering longer than 24 hours, associated with vomiting, fever, change in vision or weakness on both sides of the body.

Brain Tumor Treatment:

The treatment for brain cancer depends on many factors like size, location, and type of cancer cells. because at any given time multiple different types of cancers affect the brain, doctors have to choose from a vast array of therapies to treat it. usually, chemotherapy and radiation therapy cannot cure this disease but help relieve symptoms and increase lifespan in long term.

In many surgeries is used to remove a tumor. this type of operation is called craniotomy or craniectomy. radiotherapy, or radiation therapy, can be used as an alternative to surgery if the tumor is located in an area that cannot be operated on safely. please go through the link given below for more info.

How to prevent brain tumors:

Preventing a brain tumor from developing in the first place is often easier than treating one that has already started. following these tips may reduce your risk of getting a brain tumor: avoid previous use of tobacco products, drink in moderation, and maintain a healthy diet.

Brain cancer types:

Brain cancer is a class of cancers that start in the brain. the most common types are gliomas, astrocytomas, medulloblastoma, ependymoma, oligodendrogliomas, meningiomas, and primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET). learning more about your specific cancer type will be helpful in understanding prognosis and treatment options for you or who you love.

in some cases, the tumors are benign (“gliomas”) while others are malignant (“astrocytomas”). whether these tumors are benign or malignant affects how they affect the brain and what kind of treatments might be best for them.

Brain cancer stages:

There are four main staging systems for brain cancer. the systems are distinguished by how far the tumor has spread, including what parts of the brain are affected and whether nearby structures are also affected.

Brain cancer is a class of cancers that start in the brain. the most common types are gliomas, astrocytomas, medulloblastoma, ependymoma, oligodendrogliomas, meningiomas, and primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET). learning more about your specific cancer type will be helpful in understanding prognosis and treatment options for you or who you love.

Brain cancer causes hallucinations:

Certain illnesses can cause hallucinations, but they are most commonly associated with drug use and mental illness. the most common hallucinogens include amphetamines, LSD, mescaline, ketamine, phencyclidine (PCP), cocaine, heroin, hashish, and psilocybin. other drugs that may cause hallucinations include marijuana psychotropic medications such as stimulants or psychomimetic, sedatives, and alcohol.

How to protect the brain from tumors & their treatment:

first of all, do not consume tobacco products or excessive alcohol because both can cause cancer. if you already smoke you should quit, for your family and the people around you. second of all maintain a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants.

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