How Do I Get Rid of Toxins From The Body?

How Do I Get Rid of Toxins From The Body?

There is a quick and easy way to do this. It can cleanse toxins quite rapidly, and it will make you feel better within minutes. The treatment takes only about 10 minutes, and if you do it three times a day for two or three days, your body should be reasonably free of all those nasties that we accumulate over the years.

What you need are Epsom salts. Go to the drugstore and buy a large container of Epsom Salts. What you do is dissolve half a cup in your bathtub. Add water until there are about two inches of the solution in your tub, stir it up, and then get into that bathtub full of water and Epsom Salts. Stay there for about 20 minutes, then get out and dry off.

Your body will be pretty dripping with this mixture because the salts efficiently draw out all of those toxins through your skin. The body does not absorb it; it just goes right through you.

So, do this each day for two or three days, and I guarantee you will feel better. Of course, you can do it once a day to maintain a good feeling, but you don’t need to do it more than three days in a row.

How does this work?

The body is made up of approximately 60% water, and Epsom salts are hydrophilic. This means that they naturally attract and hold water. Therefore, they are water magnets and draw toxins, which carry a negative charge, out of the body as waste.

The same effect is used in alternative medicine as ozone therapy. Some people claim that if you mix Epsom salts with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice into a thin paste and apply it to your skin, you will prevent sunburn.

Are there any side effects?

My advice is not to do this if you are pregnant, have epilepsy, or suffer from dermatitis. Otherwise, you should be fine. Just don’t swallow it! Or use oil or cream in your bath because the salts may dry out your skin too much.

What else can I do?

You can work out or do yoga, but don’t push yourself too hard. Instead, drink lots of water to flush the toxins out of your kidneys. Also, eat green leafy vegetables because they are full of chlorophyll which your body uses to cleanse itself. I know this may sound like a lot of work, but it’s good for you, and you’ll feel better.

Is there any other way?

Yes, you can take Epsom salt capsules or tablets (check dosage), drink apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice juices which contain acetic acid that helps the body eliminate toxins. Green tea is also a potent detoxifier.

It contains polyphenols that speed up your metabolism and increase urination.

 How does this work?

Your body is made up of approximately 60% water, and Epsom salts are hydrophilic. This means that they naturally attract and hold water. Therefore, they are water magnets and draw toxins, which carry a negative charge, out of the body as waste.

The same effect is used in alternative medicine as ozone therapy. Some people claim that if you mix Epsom salts with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice into a thin paste and apply it to your skin, you will prevent sunburn.

Are there any side effects? 

My advice is not to do this if you are pregnant, have epilepsy, or suffer from dermatitis. Otherwise, you should be fine. Just don’t swallow it! Or use oil or cream in your bath because the salts may dry out your skin too much.

What else can I do? 

You can work out or do yoga, but don’t push yourself too hard. Instead, drink lots of water to flush the toxins out of your kidneys. Also, eat green leafy vegetables because they are full of chlorophyll which your body uses to cleanse itself. I know this may sound like a lot of work, but it’s good for you, and you’ll feel better.

Is there any other way?

Yes, you can take Epsom salt capsules or tablets (check dosage), drink apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice juices which contain acetic acid that helps the body eliminate toxins. Green tea is also a potent detoxifier. However, it contains polyphenols that speed up your metabolism and increase urination.

Symptoms of toxins leaving the body:



-Short-term memory loss.

-Brain fog / confusion / disorientation.

-“Racing” thoughts, racing mind.

-Dizziness, feeling “spaced out.”  (Feeling like you are detached from your body)

-“Knots” in muscles, especially in the back of the neck and shoulders.

-Heart palpitations (sudden, strong heartbeat).

-“Ringing” in-ears/sensitivity to sounds.

-Numbness or tingling sensations.

-Insomnia, waking up during the night.  Not being able to fall asleep again.

-Loss of appetite leads to weight loss.

-Flu-like symptoms (but no fever).  Sore throat, coughing.

-Painful lymph nodes under the arms.

-“Pins and needles,” prickly sensations around mouth or face (may indicate mold poisoning).

What to drink to detox your body:


-Herbal tea.

-Tea, if it agrees with you (caffeine-free).

-Mineral water or healthy water that has plenty of minerals in it.

-Dandelion root tea for liver detoxification & toxicity.

-Chlorella.  (algae supplement, helps with heavy metals).

-Fresh vegetable juice.

-Lemon water (helps the body detox more than water on its own).

What to eat and drink for your liver:

-Dandelion root tea for liver detoxification & toxicity.

-Turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper.  All three are strong liver detoxifiers.

-Lemon juice + lemon water.

-Organic eggs (help with heavy metal detoxification).

-Apples.  (Apple pectin is a potent heavy metal detoxifier).

-Beets, carrots.  (Both contain betaine which helps with heavy metals in the kidneys).

-Watercress (has high sulfur content).

-“Cholagogues” & “choleretics”, help liver detoxification: Garlic, onions.  (Organic is best).

-“Chlorophyll,” greens (all kinds: spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, barley grass), parsley.  (Chlorophyll helps to detox heavy metals and pesticides from your body).

-Beet powder or beetroot capsules (contain “betaine,” which helps with heavy metals in the kidneys).

How to remove toxins from the body through feet:

-Soak feet in detox solution.

-Lemon water (helps the body detox more than water on its own).

-Dandelion root tea for liver detoxification & toxicity.  (Also, look for dandelion root capsules & tinctures).

What to drink to remove toxins from the intestine:


-Herbal tea.

-Tea, if it agrees with you (caffeine-free).

-Mineral water or well water that has plenty of minerals in it.

what to eat for removal of toxins from the intestine:-

-Organic eggs (help with heavy metal detoxification).

-Apples.  (Apple pectin is a potent heavy metal detoxifier).

-“Chlorophyll,” greens (all kinds: spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, barley grass), parsley.  (Chlorophyll helps to detox heavy metals and pesticides from your body).

-Beets, carrots.

-“Cholagogues” & “choleretics”, help liver detoxification: Garlic, onions.

-Beet powder or beetroot capsules (contain “betaine,” which helps with heavy metals in the kidneys).

-Dandelion root tea for liver detoxification & toxicity.  (Also, look for dandelion root capsules & tinctures).

How to detox your body from toxins:

-Reduce the “bad stuff” in your system.  Stop eating junk food, cut out all sugars and processed foods.

-Everyone is different: Find what works for you and eliminate it from your diet (gluten, lactose, alcohol, caffeine).

-Increase healthy food & drinks.  Eat as much raw food as possible.  (Raw foods are rich in enzymes, which help digestion).

-Detox your body now and then (once a week is suitable for beginners, wait longer if you’re in better health).

-Use detox baths with Epsom salts & olive oil once or twice a week to remove heavy metals from your body.

-Detox your body with a liver cleanse.

-Use enemas to remove toxins from the intestine; the best thing here is bentonite clay (1 tbsp of bentonite in 1 liter of water, put it in an enema, and use as a regular enema).

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