How Much Does The Diet Of Hope Cost?

How Much Does The Diet Of Hope Cost?

The Diet of Hope is a not-for-profit program that costs almost nothing to participate in. The only cost of the program is to purchase products for your child’s diet. These products are all gluten-free and casein-free, but they may contain corn, an allergen for some children.

If you wish to purchase products without corn ingredients (corn oil, dextrose, or maltodextrin), there will be an additional cost; we ask that you work with your Sponsor to make sure this extra expense is budgeted into their giving plan while participating in The Diet of Hope.

What do I get:

You will receive:

1) An invitation and enrollment packet which will include information about the program, an explanation of The Diet of Hope program and how to get started,

2) A Sponsorship Agreement which needs to be completed before sponsorship (included with your enrollment package),

3) Access a personal support network that cares about your child’s progress and success, 4) Coordinate your giving plan.

Diet of hope food list:

fruits: apples, grapes, oranges, and bananas.

Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin.

Dairy products: eggs and yogurt.

Diet for Hope is a food program created by the World Food Program, an organization of the United Nations that aims to fight hunger worldwide by supplying food aid. The original idea was born in Haiti after the earthquake of 2010 when thousands of people who had lost everything began to eat mud mixed with water to feel satiated.

It seemed like a last resort to many, but soon they realized that their health improved more than ever. They did not have parasites or inflammation in their intestines anymore, which always happened because of poor nutrition … On the recommendations of these Haitians, the World Food Program began to distribute the Diet for Hope food packages in that country.

The Diet for Hope package contains a selection of ingredients rich in nutrients, so it is unnecessary to eat all at once. So you can have lunch with one part and supper with another.

The idea is to cover the daily needs, something that will not be possible if eat only bananas or potatoes. For this reason, it has many different foods, from high energy value such as chocolate bars and peanuts to others containing more fibers such as beans and peas.

Another advantage of this program is that all this food can be stored without refrigeration, making it less expensive than traditional humanitarian aid … In fact, some agencies have criticized him precisely for this.

Diet of hope meal plan:

In the following table, I leave a daily example of what you can eat with Diet for Hope.

(Nutritional values obtained from .)

To give more realism to this meal plan, in the end, I will show a plate that contains a complete menu every day.

Lunch: 1 slice of bread, peanut butter, and banana + 2 crackers + chocolate bar.

Snack: yogurt.

Dinner: lentils and rice + potatoes with carrots.

Breakfast: cereals or corn flakes or toast with syrup.

Lunch: oatmeal pudding ( instant ), beans and rice + spaghetti with sauce.

Snack: fruit salad.

Dinner: pancakes with syrup and peas. Breakfast: cereals or corn flakes or toast with sugar.

Lunch: pancakes and syrup + potatoes with carrots.

Snack: fruit salad.

Dinner: oatmeal pudding ( instant ) and a chocolate bar. Breakfast: cereals or corn flakes or toast with syrup.

Lunch: 1 slice of bread, peanut butter, and banana + 2 crackers + chocolate bar.

Snack: yogurt.

Dinner: lentils and rice + potatoes with carrots.

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