Green hydrogen is one of the EU’s big bets for the energy transition: these are its strengths (and weaknesses)

The green hydrogen it has become one of the fundamental pillars of the recovery funds of the European Union. Some funds that will become the largest stimulus package ever financed through the EU budget, with a total of 1.8 trillion euros of economic injection to rebuild Europe after COVID-19.

The energy transition is one of the axes of this recovery, with 30% of the budget allocated to the fight against climate change. And this is where green hydrogen has started to gain ground, growing in interest and rising to the public debate as one of the fundamental pillars for the decarbonization of the economy.

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When Russia put satellites into orbit … launching them by hand

November 3, 1997 was marked in aerospace history. That day, Russian cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov was outside the Mir space station removing an old solar panel. Before returning to the interior of the station, he took a small satellite and waited for the space station to orient itself correctly. Once he had a suitable field of vision, he launched the satellite to orbit the Earth with his bare hands. It was the first satellite in history to be launched by hand, and not the only one.

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Odyssey on Google Play in search of the strangest games

One of the things I like the most about application stores is that, for each top application, there are 300 that, in short, lead you to ask yourself questions. It is the example of Poop Map, Cat Thing, Hold it, The Last Hit, Nothing, Useless or Reiki Charger. Seriously, take a moment to navigate to the depths of Google Play and you will find things that nobody has seen.

The fact is that every Saturday they let me in Engadget talk about my moves and, this time, I would like to share with you three great masterpieces of the mobile video game genre. I speak of course of ‘spider rope man hero: Miami screw town’, ‘Gorilla Smash City Attack Prison Escape Game’ and ‘flying police robot rope city hero’. I apologize in advance.

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guide to maximize your privacy

We are going to explain to you how to hide to the maximum in Telegram To maximize your privacy, using eleven simple steps with which you will be able to achieve it. In each of these steps, we will explain perfectly what you get with it, so that you can choose which of them you are going to want to take or which you can afford to do without.

It all depends on the degree of privacy you want to achieve in Telegram. You will be able to from simply preventing anyone from adding you to groups to hide your profile picture or name so other people can’t see it.

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A kitchen robot with Wi-Fi or an automatic coffee machine among the most interesting offers from Taurus

This past year we have witnessed the rise of small appliances that make the task much easier when preparing everyday dishes at home, but that also allow us to bring out the chef we have inside or follow a low-fat diet giving up little.

We are talking about authentic top sales such as the kitchen robots and more specific appliances such as under vacuum to cook at low temperatures that give wings to creativity. These are some of the options that we can find on the official website of Taurus Mycook with a discount, but only in the first 15 units.

Today we have wanted to collect the most interesting according to the criteria of Direct to the Palate so you do not miss the opportunity to hunt down a bargain and expand the potential of your kitchen.

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How to Convert a YouTube ‘Full Album’ Video to Individual MP3 Tracks

It is not uncommon for looking for our favorite music on YouTube, we find not only videos corresponding to specific songs, but also the so-called ‘full album’, which include all the tracks of a certain album followed in the same file.

But what happens when one of those videos is the only source we have to extract songs (for example, to play them on the smartphone during a trip) and what we need are the individual MP3s? Well, we will have to split the audio into pieces, of course.

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This is the company that allows you to rent mobile phones, computers or consoles and covers 90% in case they are damaged

A new iPad has come out or you want a gaming laptop to enjoy a specific game, but it only interests you for a few months. By testing the device or for a specific task. But paying its full price is too much for you. One possible solution is the one offered by Grover, a German startup that allows rent devices, paying an amount per month and allowing them to return without much complication when we no longer need them.

With its subscription hardware model, Grover is growing rapidly in users. It currently has 150,000 subscribers and they intend to triple this number by the end of the year thanks to a financing round with which, among other projects, they wish to expand to Spain.

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