Capcom reveals how hackers managed their massive attack last year

Last year, a group of hackers gained access to the internal servers of Capcom via an old VPN device, you have revealed the company in an update via its official blog.

The attack allowed hackers to gain more than 1TB of sensitive information, including source code, planned release dates, and other data. It also compromised information on more than 15,000 people, although Capcom assures that credit cards were not affected.

This is the diagram they have shared in which they explain the modus operandi of the attack:

Capcom Hack Diagram

Capcom has assured that the COVID-19 pandemic has made the situation difficult and has allowed this attack:

According to specialists, unauthorized access to the company’s internal network was achieved in October 2020 through a cyberattack on an old VPN (Virtual Private Network) device that was located in a North American headquarters. At that time Capcom introduced new models of VPN devices, however, given the policy taken by the company to avoid contagion in California, one of these VPNs it stayed with the old model and became the target of the attack. The device has already been removed from the network.

The attack began on November 1. They reported it several days later. Former employees claim to be frustrated with the company’s lack of communication.

We hope they do not suffer any more attacks, that there is very little left for the launch of Resident Evil: Village. And it would be a shame …

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