Benefits of Onion on Bottom of Feet

Benefits of Onion on Bottom of Feet

Onions are incredibly beneficial for the health of your feet. Our feet need extra care because they do a lot of hard work day in and day out. So let’s see how onions can be used to take good care of our feet.

Onion Removes Calluses:

Removing calluses from your body, whether on your hands or legs, onion juice is an excellent remedy. Apply onion juice daily until you get rid of all the calluses; to avoid any side effects, use a thick sock over this foot mask to protect your skin. To prepare this nutritious foot pack to add one tablespoon tomato ketchup, two tablespoons fine salt, and 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder to one cup of onion juice.

Onion Relieves Painful Foot Cramps:

Cramps are excruciating and can occur at any time. Prepare an onion juice pack by mixing one tablespoon mint juice, one teaspoon ginger juice, two teaspoons of onion juice in one cup of water to treat this problem. Apply this on the affected part for some time to get fast relief. You can also use parsley or sage juice with onion juice if you find it challenging to have raw onion.

 Onion Treats Callused Feet:

Another great way to remove calluses from your feet is by using grated onions mixed with olive oil, salt, and lemon juice. This mixture will be beneficial in removing the dead cells from your feet so that you can get softer skin.

Onion Treats Foot Fungus Onion juice is also helpful in providing relief from the pain caused due to foot fungus. All you have to do is rub raw onion on your feet for 15 minutes and wash it after that with lukewarm water. Repeat this process two times every day until the problem subsides completely.

Onion Improves Blood Circulation:

Onions are very beneficial for blood circulation, which you need especially if you are suffering from cold weather or poor health conditions. To increase blood circulation, use an onion pack by mixing one tablespoon onion juice, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon baking soda in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add this mixture to bath water before taking a bath, and soak yourself in that water for 15-20 minutes to enjoy the benefits of this excellent natural remedy.

Onion Treats Weak and Cracked Heels:

Onion juice is also highly beneficial for treating weak, cracked heels. Prepare an onion foot pack by mixing one tablespoon of onion juice, coconut oil, glycerin in 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your feet before going to bed at night and keep it overnight. This will help cure all your problems related to cracked heels in a short time.

Onion Regulates Blood Circulation in Feet As onions are helpful in increasing blood circulation, they can be used for relieving pain caused due to poor blood circulation in the legs. Soak your feet in warm water mixed with 2-3 crushed onion pieces for some time. This will also improve the health of your nails. Weak and brittle nails can be strengthened with regular use of onion water.

Onion is Beneficial for Kidney Health As onions are rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, they are beneficial for overall health and help remove toxins from the body, including kidney problems. Make a juice by adding one tablespoon of spinach juice, beetroot juice, carrot juice to one cup of onion juice. Add this mixture every morning before breakfast on an empty stomach to get rid of all kidney-related problems.

Onion Prevents Swelling Due To Improper Circulation Onions being diuretic herbs help provide relief from swelling caused due to improper circulation in the body. Prepare a mixture by adding one tablespoon onion juice, one teaspoon salt to two cups of water and soak your feet in this solution for some time. Repeat the process every day until the problem subsides completely.

 Onion Treats Foot Odor:

Onions can be used as effective home remedies for curing foot odor due to their strong antimicrobial properties, preventing bacterial attacks on hair follicles, and inhibiting the secretion of sweat from sweat glands, thus ensuring proper nutrition, hygiene, and prevention of unpleasant smells from feet.

Crush 3-4 onions and boil them in 2-3 liters of water for 20 minutes, then remove it from heat and allow cooling at room temperature. Soak your feet in this infusion every night before going to bed so that you can get rid of foot odor.

Onion Helps Prevent Athlete’s Foot:

Onions contain strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which help prevent the occurrence of athlete’s foot by stopping microbial growth on sweaty feet, thus ensuring proper hygiene.

Crush 3-4 onions and boil them in 2-3 liters of water for 20 minutes, then remove it from heat and allow cooling at room temperature. Soak your feet in this infusion every night before going to bed so that you can get rid of foot odor.

Onion Treats Bacterial Infection:

The antibacterial, antimicrobial properties present in onions help fight infections caused by bacteria and inhibit their growth, thus providing relief from pain and promoting a faster healing process. Pour some onion juice over the affected area with a dropper, and allow it to dry on its own. Repeat this process prior to going to bed every night until you get rid of the problem.

Onion Treats Athlete’s Foot:

Onions are great for treating athletes’ feet by stopping microbial growth that causes infection, thus ensuring proper hygiene. Crush 3-4 onions and boil them in 2-3 liters of water for 20 minutes, then remove it from heat and allow cooling at room temperature. Soak your feet in this infusion every night before going to bed so that you can get rid of foot odor.

Onion Promotes Good Health of Nails:

The health of nails is greatly influenced by the health of the feet. Weak and brittle nails can be strengthened with regular use of onion juice, which has antioxidant properties that help remove toxins from the body and strengthen the nails.

Add some onion juice in a cup of water, then soak your hands in this solution for 30 minutes prior to going to bed every night so that you can get rid of all nail-related problems.

Onion is Beneficial For Dandruff:

Onions being rich in sulfur, vitamin B6, and other minerals have strong antimicrobial properties that help fight infections caused by fungus on the scalp, thus providing relief from itching caused due to dandruff.

Prepare an infusion by boiling one tablespoon of each crushed onion piece and mint leaves in two cups of water until it remains half. Apply this infusion on your scalp after washing it with shampoo, and allow it to dry. This remedy helps get rid of dandruff by providing relief from itching.

Onion Helps Get Rid of Toenail Fungus:

Onions are loaded with antimicrobial properties that help get rid of toenail fungus by inhibiting fungal growth on the feet, thus ensuring proper hygiene and providing relief from pain and discomfort caused due to fungus overgrowth.

Prepare an infusion by boiling one tablespoon of each crushed onion piece and mint leaves in two cups of water until it remains half. Apply this infusion on the affected area every night before going to bed so that you can alleviate the problem significantly few days’ time.

Onion Helps Treat Ringworm:

One of the most effective remedies to treat ringworm is onion juice. Prepare an infusion by boiling one tablespoon of each crushed onion piece and mint leaves in two cups of water until it remains half. Apply this infusion on the affected area every night before going to bed so that you can get rid of ringworm fast.

Onion Reduces Water Retention:

Water retention is common in summer, which causes pain and discomfort. The antimicrobial properties present in onions help reduce bloating and swelling caused due to excess water accumulation in tissues by inhibiting microbial growth and promoting healthy functioning of kidneys, thus ensuring proper prevention from water retention and associated problems such as pain and discomfort.

Prepare a mixture using equal quantities of onion juice and lime juice, then apply this mixture to the affected area every night before going to bed. Repeat until you get rid of water retention.

 Onion Prevents Sun Damage:

Onions being rich in sulfur help protect skin from the harmful effects of exposure to the sun, thus preventing sunburns and other long-term problems such as skin cancer.

Prepare a paste using equal quantities of onion juice and sandalwood powder, then apply this paste on the scalp and allow it to dry for 1 hour prior to washing it off with lukewarm water. You must do this process daily for 40 days so that you can get rid of all problems caused due to exposure to the sun.

Onion Promotes Clear Skin:

Antimicrobial properties present in onions help fight all kinds of infections and other skin problems such as acne, rashes, pimples, blackheads, and redness as well as reduce inflammation caused due to sunburn.

Prepare a mixture using equal quantities of onion juice and lime juice, then apply this mixture to the affected area every night before going to bed so that you can get rid of various skin-related problems fast.

Onion Promotes Pigmentation:

Onions being rich in sulfur promotes the production of collagen that causes a reduction in pigmentation caused due to aging or exposure to the sun. Prepare an infusion by boiling one tablespoon of each crushed onion piece and mint leaves in two cups of water until it remains half.

Apply this infusion on your face and body every day after bath, and allow it to dry. You must do this process daily for 40 days so that you can get rid of pigmentation problems naturally.

Onion Promotes Hair Growth:

The antimicrobial properties present in onion not only help fight infections but also promote hair growth by stimulating the follicles and preventing inflammation, thus ensuring improved scalp health and stronger, thicker hair strands.

Prepare a mixture using equal quantities of onion juice and lime juice, then apply this mixture on the affected area every night before going to bed so that you can boost hair growth significantly few weeks’ time.

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