Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol and Improve Your Social Life

Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol and Improve Your Social Life

1) Alcoholism is a major cause of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. It increases the risk of a heart attack by at least four times, even in moderate drinkers.

2) Alcohol has been shown to decrease glucose tolerance which leads to diabetes. Excessive drinking can also result in pancreatitis and liver disease, causing the body to produce too much glucose.

3) Chronic drinkers have a lower intake of certain nutrients such as thiamin, niacin, and vitamins B6 and E which can lead to cardiovascular problems, anemia, and nerve damage. Alcohol abuse has also been linked with greater bone loss in women, causing osteoporosis.

4) Excessive drinking can lead to weakened bones, and it has been estimated that nearly half of the hip fractures in the United States are related to alcohol abuse.

5) Excessive or chronic drinking also increases the risk for certain types of cancer such as cancers of the mouth, esophagus, and liver.

6) Alcohol is a depressant which means it slows down brain function. When you drink alcohol, your blood vessels widen allowing nutrients and oxygen to reach your brain cells more quickly, which gives you a pleasant feeling of relaxation.

In this sense, it can be considered a stimulant. However, too much drinking will result in slowed reactions and slurred speech, while continuing to drink results in sleepiness, depression, difficulty breathing, and unconsciousness.

7) Excessive drinking can also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss or gain, malnutrition, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), pancreatitis (inflamed pancreas), stomach bleeding or ulcers, heart inflammation, or damage to other organs such as the kidneys and the liver.

8) Alcohol abuse can also cause addiction, serious damage to the brain and nervous system, birth defects in children born to alcoholic mothers or fathers, unconsciousness, death from alcohol poisoning, or car accidents.

9) Alcoholism is a major contributing factor for injuries and trauma on highways as well as work-related and domestic accidents. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol is responsible for 5% of all road accident deaths worldwide.

10) Excessive drinking can also cause depression, a common disorder that is sometimes linked with suicide. People who abuse alcohol often suffer from psychological problems such as anxiety, stress, and sleep disturbances.

11) Alcoholism affects all social classes and even well-educated people, but it is especially linked with poverty and unemployment. According to WHO statistics, in Russia, an alcoholic person spends 11% of the family budget on alcohol. The number of suicides among males (and reportedly females) in Russia doubled between 1970 to 1990, possibly due to increased alcoholism.

12) Excessive drinking can also affect your physical health. It can cause sexual dysfunction in men, including reduced sex drive, difficulty getting an erection or reaching orgasm, increased difficulty achieving orgasm after drinking alcohol, and erectile dysfunction due to the negative effect of alcohol on blood pressure.

13) Alcohol is toxic to the body which means it has side effects if consumed in large quantities over a long period of time. Alcohol is not only toxic to brain cells but also causes damage to other tissues in the body such as bone marrow and the liver.

14) Alcohol depresses the nervous system which can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, sleeping problems (insomnia), agitation, tremors (shakiness), difficulty breathing (respiratory depression), an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).

15) Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include seizures, difficulty waking up, confusion, vomiting, diarrhea, slow breathing (less than eight breaths per minute), very low body temperature (hypothermia), pale or blue skin, slow heart rate (bradycardia), and slow, shallow breathing (less than eight breaths per minute).

16) Excessive drinking can cause stomach problems including constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal damage due to lack of nutrients in the body, or infection with parasites.

17) Alcohol abuse has many psychological effects such as aggression. Research studies have shown that some people are more predisposed to alcohol abuse due to genetic factors.

18) Alcohol abuse can lead to psychological problems including anxiety, stress, sleep disturbances, depression, low self-esteem, impulsive behaviors such as aggression or dependence on alcohol.

19) Alcoholism is also linked with suicide. According to WHO statistics, in Russia, an alcoholic person spends 11% of the family budget on alcohol. The number of suicides among males (and reportedly females) in Russia doubled between 1970 to 1990, possibly due to increased alcoholism.

20) Alcohol abuse can also lead to neurological problems such as memory loss or amnesia, dementia, nerve damage or neuropathy, epilepsy, and all sorts of infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Benefits of not drinking alcohol Reddit:

Alcohol addiction is one of the most widespread problems across the world. A large number of people are suffering from this problem.

Some do not even realize that they are addicts, while others are aware but cannot do anything about it. If you have a drinking problem, then you would be well advised to seek help for it before things get out of hand.

Dying for a drink:

The benefits of not drinking alcohol are many; some may even surprise you. While the number of people who are addicted to alcohol is high, it is still an amazing solution to so many problems that can be quite debilitating. Concrete benefits are plenty but are largely ignored because people are ignorant of them.

To begin with, you will gain more control over yourself when you stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol lowers the inhibitions in a person, which means that you lose control over what you say or do while under its influence. As a result, you are not able to think rationally.

When you stop drinking, you will be able to regain that control and avoid making hasty decisions that could affect your life negatively. The benefits of not drinking alcohol include the following:

1. You save plenty of money:

Alcohol can be very costly especially if you drink often or in large quantities. Even if you were to cut down, you would still spend a lot of money on drinks. If you stop drinking, you will need to take the saved money and invest it in your future.

2. You improve your appearance:

Alcohol can damage and age your skin and hair and make them look lifeless and unhealthy. When you stop drinking, you will see the difference in your appearance.

3. You improve your health:

Your whole body will experience positive changes when you stop drinking alcohol. For example, your liver and kidneys will not be forced to work overtime as they do when dealing with too much alcohol. Your heart rate will also go down, which is an added benefit, especially for older people.

4. You improve your social life:

When you stop drinking, you will find that most of the people around you are more excited to be with you than when you were drinking alcohol. Alcohol tends to exclude people and make them feel like they are not wanted. Once you stop drinking, expect to see a marked change in the way people treat you.

5. You improve the quality of your sleep:

One common side effect of drinking alcohol is poor sleep. If you stop, you will notice that you are sleeping more deeply and waking up with more energy than before. You will also be able to sleep through the whole night without interruption.

6. Your sex life improves:

Alcohol can reduce a man’s libido and make it difficult for him to perform. If you stop drinking, you will be able to function as young men your age do.

7. You have more mental clarity:

Your mind will start working right when you stop drinking alcohol. Not only will your thoughts become clearer but so will your memory. You will also find that your ability to make decisions improves. This is a huge plus especially when you are on the job.

8. You improve your decision-making abilities:

Alcohol impairs judgment and affects decision-making processes which can be troublesome in work and social life. Alcohol also makes people more aggressive, which can lead to violent behavior. When you stop drinking alcohol, you will start making smarter decisions that will positively affect your life.

9. You overcome addiction:

Alcohol is highly addictive and difficult to quit once it becomes part of your daily routine. Once you stop drinking, expect to deal with some withdrawal symptoms for the first couple of days, but then you will start feeling better.

10. You improve your spiritual life:

Alcohol reduces the ability to communicate with God and limits one’s capacity to receive guidance from Him. Also, you become more critical of religious beliefs once you start drinking alcohol regularly. Of course, this is not what God wants for His children, so stop drinking and let God help you through the journey.

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