Benefits of Lime Juice

Benefits of Lime Juice

1) Lime juice is very helpful in getting rid of the diseases like flu, cough, and cold.

2) It is also beneficial for stomach disorders like acidity, indigestion, etc.

3) Drinking lime juice with salt water is an effective remedy for excessive blood pressure.

4) Drinking lime juice regularly keeps your teeth healthy and strong.

5) Daily intake of lime juice increases the body’s immunity system significantly.

6) Lime juice helps in curing wounds quickly because of its antiseptic properties.

7) Daily use of lime juice reduces the chances of heart attack by 40%.

8) If you drink one glass of lemon-lime daily first thing in the morning, its benefits include radiant skin, shiny hair, support immune system.

Lime juice strengthens the bones and increases hemoglobin levels in the blood.

9) If you are suffering from night blindness (nyctalopia), mix one part of lime juice with ten parts of water and use it as eye drops to get relief.

10) Taking lime juice before meals help in constipation problems

11) Lime juice is good for teeth; it reduces tooth decay, gum swelling, and bad breath caused by pyorrhea.

12) Drinking lime juice mixed with an equal amount of water on an empty stomach will cure jaundice within a few weeks.

13) Regular intake of lime cures mouth ulcers, leucorrhoea, etc

14) Lime oil sweats out through pores is very beneficial

15) Lime juice protects from sunstroke and also reduces body heat.

16) Lime juice is good for smooth and shiny hair (when applied to the hairs).

17) Lime juice when taken daily in the morning makes your skin fair and glowing.

18) It prevents the formation of kidney stones

19) Regular use of lime juice strengthens eyesight

20) If you mix one teaspoonful of lime with half teaspoonful of honey and add glass water, drink it regularly for some weeks; it cures respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis, etc.

21) Drink lime juice daily for some weeks; it cures intestinal worms and thereby provides relief from stomach ache, indigestion, etc.

22) Drink the mixture of lime juice and honey with lukewarm water; it provides relief in cough and cold.

23) If you drink a mixture of half teaspoonful lime juice and one teaspoonful of honey with a glass of water regularly for some days, it reduces fat from the body.

24) Drinking a mixture of 1 tablespoon lime juice,3 tablespoon mint leaves, 3 tablespoon apple vinegar, 3 teaspoons black pepper powder before going to bed acts as an effective medicine for constipation.

25) Taking 2 tablespoons lemon-lime helps to stop vomiting immediately.

26) Lime juice mixed with an equal amount of curd and a pinch of black pepper cures the problems related to stomach

27) Drinking lime juice regularly prevents jaundice.

28) In the night drink a mixture of one teaspoon lime juice, ½ teaspoon honey, 1 glass of water regularly for some weeks; it gets rid of kidney stones problem.

29) Mix half cup fresh coriander with one tablespoon lime juice to make a smooth paste. Apply on face mixing with rose water as a moisturizer. It makes your skin fair and glowing.

30) Mix a teaspoonful of lemon-lime, three tablespoons honey, and then add 4 tablespoons coconut oil into it mix well until all ingredients are combined smoothly then store in an airtight glass jar keep it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes apply on face or body. It strengthens the bones and increases hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Lime vs Lemon Benefits:

Lime is the common name for a small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, or what we commonly call citrus. It originated in Southeast Asia and spread to the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Mexico, and Florida.

Because citrus trees are dioecious (they have both male and female flowers on different plants), limes are generally produced through an arrangement where several fruit-bearing citrus trees are planted together with only one being grafted with blossoms producing lime flowers.

The main difference between lemons and limes is that lemons are larger than most other citrus fruits. Beyond this primary difference, they share many of the same properties including high levels of vitamin C, low-calorie content, and acidic profiles which are pleasing to the palate.

Limes have a more sour taste than lemons but are often used in recipes that call for their zest.

Both limes and lemons can be substituted in drinks, dishes, etc. because they contain equivalent amounts of flavonoids and vitamin C which has antioxidant properties. Although there is no real difference between lemons vs limes, lime juice contains more citric acid than lemon juice does.

Because the citric acid can come from other fruits besides citrus, it’s possible for one fruit to contain notably more citric acid than another even though each fruit’s pH could be similar.

Citrus fruits are not only high in antioxidants but also phytonutrients that may possess anti-inflammatory properties. The polymethoxylated flavones in citrus fruits are the primary phytonutrients responsible for their antioxidant effects. Limonoids, which include limonin, Tomlin, and Dominic acid contained in citrus fruit peels may also play a role in preventing cancer by inhibiting tumor growth.

The taste of lemons vs limes is often described as “refreshing” due to their slightly acidic nature which is the result of citric acids within them. Citrus fruits also contain enzymes that break down food particles making it easier for your body to digest your meals.

This includes greater absorption of nutrients from any vegetables or other foods you eat with lime juice since digestive enzymes enhance the absorption of compounds throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

Limes contain a number of minerals including copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium in significant quantities. Potassium is important for healthy nervous system function and helps keep blood pressure in check while magnesium balances the ratio of calcium to potassium levels in your cells which can have an impact on your muscle contraction and nerve excitability.

Copper plays a role in the development of red blood cells while calcium contributes to bone health, nerve signaling, and maintaining a steady heart rate. Manganese is a component of certain enzymes that help your body process fats and carbohydrates and provide antioxidants.

Limes and lemons both contribute to ensuring healthy bones, teeth, skin, hair, etc. but limes contain slightly higher amounts of these nutrients than lemons do:

Vitamin C


Folate (vitamin B9)


Antioxidant capacity

Limonoids such as Tomlin and limonin possess anti-inflammatory properties that may play a role in cancer prevention by inhibiting tumor growth.

However, the best way to benefit from any of the lime vs lemon benefits would be eating whole fruits rather than just drinking juice or squeezing them on salads or other dishes.

While fresh fruits are good for you, fruit juice is lacking in fiber which can decrease feelings of fullness and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by increasing your blood sugar levels while not providing any long-term satiety.

Lemons and limes both contain calcium oxalate crystals, or raphides, that forms needle-shaped structures within the pulp responsible for their irritant effect on eyes and skin if handled too roughly.

This is because lemons are generally juiced before being used in recipes that call for lemon zest or extract while limes are usually cut into wedges or sliced prior to squeezing out their juices. Both have relatively low amounts of natural sugars to apples but eating an entire lime would provide 4 times the amount of vitamin C you’d get from an apple.

Although apples and lemons/limes both contain beneficial antioxidants, apples also come with a number of unique antioxidant phytonutrients such as catechin and quercetin and additional compounds that help prevent cancer cell growth or unwanted blood clotting within your circulatory system.

Eating limes is not necessarily bad for you but they don’t appear to be any healthier than eating apples since both contain about 20-30 grams of carbs per 100 grams of fruit (apples at 15 g/100g and limes at 19 g/100g). Therefore, consuming whole versions of either fruit would be better for overall health due to their fiber content.

Limes and lemons are both commonly found in the produce section of your grocery store or farmer’s market but they can also be grown from seed at home. If you’re going to grow a tree from seed, regular supermarket limes would have more success sprouting compared to regular lemons since regular lemons tend to be hybrids.

In other words, regular supermarket limes are more genetically similar to actual limes whereas supermarket lemons appear to be closer related to true lemon trees which may make them harder to germinate from seeds.

Benefits of lime water in the morning:

Your body craves most of the essential nutrients to carry out the day-to-day functions, but it can become very difficult if you don’t get enough. A good way to start every morning is by drinking a glass of warm lemon water.

Before you take your breakfast or coffee, try having some warm water mixed with fresh slices of lemon juice and honey; this will give you instant energy and enhance your mood for work. It is an old ayurvedic remedy that has been used for ages to keep people healthy and fit.

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