Benefits of Beet Juice and Side Effects

Benefits of Beet Juice and Side Effects

The Root of the Matter:

Beet juice is a natural antioxidant that delivers health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Beetroot juice contains nutrients and compounds including betaine, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, nitrates, and nitrites which support a healthy cardiovascular system. Drinking a glass of beet juice daily may decrease risk factors for heart disease.

Beet juice is also an effective pre-workout drink. The nitrates found in beets are converted to nitric oxide by the body, which helps relax (dilate) blood vessels and improve blood flow. This allows more oxygenated blood to reach the muscles during exercise.

For athletes, beet juice just may help you go the extra mile: drinking one glass of beetroot juice raised participants’ blood pressure and reduced their VO2 max—the maximum amount of oxygen a person can use during intense or exhaustive exercise. A similar study found that fit men were able to perform better, cycling about 50 seconds longer during high-intensity sprints after drinking beet juice compared with those who drank a placebo.

Beet juice is for more than just athletes:

beet juice benefits people of all ages and activity levels. It’s also been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve athletic performance, and help with erectile dysfunction. The nitrates in beets may also help fight cancer, boost brain function, detoxify the body, and protect the liver.

Beet juice is a natural diuretic, which makes it a great post-workout drink. It’s also been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve athletic performance. The nitrates in beets may also help fight cancer, boost brain function, detoxify the body, and protect the liver.

Incorporate beet juice into your diet by drinking it straight or mixing it with another fruit juice. Check out these 14 Healthy Beet Recipes to find more ways to add beets to your diet.

Beet-Based Side Effects:

90% of the red color in beets comes from betanin, a natural pigment that acts as an antioxidant and has potent anti-inflammatory effects. Beetroot also contains the phytonutrients catechin, quercetin, and kaempferol which act as antioxidants, along with nitrate. Nitrates are converted to nitric oxide in the body which helps relax (dilate) blood vessels and improve blood flow. This allows more oxygenated blood to reach the muscles during exercise.

Although drinking beet juice is generally considered safe, side effects may occur for some people who are sensitive to its natural nitrates. Drinking too much beet juice can cause:

Headaches Dizziness Flushing Rapid heartbeat Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Stomach cramps

These beet juice side effects are temporary and will subside once you stop drinking it. This is why it’s important to slowly build up the number of beets you eat every day. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop drinking beet juice immediately and drink more water or other fluids to maintain hydration.

Beetroot Juice Benefits:

Beetroot juice is a rich source of nitrate, which your body converts into nitrogen oxide. This potent vasodilator helps relax and dilate blood vessels, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to reach your muscles during exercise. It’s one of the reasons why beetroot juice benefits athletes and fitness enthusiasts and has been shown to improve physical performance, increase muscle strength and boost brain function.

Beet juice benefits include:

Boosting athletic performance Reducing blood pressure Lowering the risk of heart attack Tackling erectile dysfunction Preventing stroke Boosting memory Improving mood Regulating sleep Reducing anxiety Protecting against cancer

Precautions Are Beetroot Juice Side Effects Serious?

Drinking beet juice is not likely to cause any serious side effects when consumed in normal quantities. Compared to medications, beets are safe and natural. However, drinking large amounts of concentrated beet juice could potentially pose risks when certain health conditions are present such as:

People who suffer from kidney or gallbladder stones should avoid consuming beets and beet juice because they contain oxalates which can worsen the problem. People with nitrate allergies, certain stomach ailments such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or who are taking blood thinners or medications that treat erectile dysfunction should avoid drinking beetroot juice.

Beet Juice for High Blood Pressure:

People with high blood pressure may benefit from adding beet juice to their diet. Drinking one cup of beetroot juice daily has been shown to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by about five and six per cent, respectively. It’s important to drink beets in small quantities and never drink concentrated juice because it contains high amounts of naturally occurring nitrates that can cause:

Dizziness Headache Flushing Rapid heartbeat Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Stomach cramps

Nitrates may also decrease your body’s ability to regulate blood flow. Drinking too much beet juice could potentially worsen other health conditions that are related to poor circulation, such as diabetes or peripheral vascular disease.

Beetroot Juice Dosage for High Blood Pressure:

If you have high blood pressure, consult your doctor before adding beets or beet juice to your diet. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), adults should eat foods containing at least one teaspoon of nitrate-rich vegetables each day. For most people, drinking eight ounces of beet juice daily is safe and effective for blood pressure control.

Beetroot Juice vs. Beet Greens:

Many people eat beets raw or cooked, but some foods contain beet greens which are equally healthy. Beet juice benefits include reducing blood pressure and boosting athletic performance due to the nitrates found in beets. However, beet greens are also rich sources of vitamins A, C, E, and K as well as calcium, folate, and iron.

Beet Greens Nutrition Beet greens contain important nutrients that support your health. According to the Center for Science in Public Interest (CSPI), one cup of raw beets greens contains:

34 calories 1.3 grams protein 2 grams dietary fiber 3 grams carbohydrate Less than one-milligram sodium 10 milligrams potassium 10 milligrams calcium 15-17% RDA vitamin A 29% RDA vitamin C 36% RDA folate 34% RDA iron.

Beet Greens vs. Beetroot Juice Side Effects Although beet greens have been shown to be safe for most people, you should always talk with your doctor before adding beets or beet greens to your diet.

Not only do raw beets contain higher levels of oxalic acid than beet greens, but large amounts of nitrates may potentially cause some serious health problems. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 10 ounces of concentrated beet juice can lead to death due to high levels of naturally derived nitrates.

Benefits of beetroot juice for skin:

As you all know, Beetroot or beet is a root vegetable that belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family. There are many benefits of Beetroot juice on the skin. These natural ingredients are widely used in manufacturing different cosmetics products including toners, cleansers, face packs, etc. Many women have already used this ingredient in their makeup kits for skin beautification.

The antioxidant properties, skin lightening properties, and anti-inflammatory properties of Beetroot juice are mainly responsible for many skin benefits of this ingredient. Beetroot contains a high level of antioxidants that can fight against the free radicals in the body.

These free radicals cause serious damage to the DNA material present inside our cells. When this happens, cells will not be able to replicate and this leads to the formation of age spots and other signs of aging. Beetroot has a betalain antioxidant which is a natural ingredient that protects the skin from free radicals and also evens your complexion tone.

The anti-inflammatory properties present in Beetroot juice can provide relief from sunburns, rashes, skin irritations, dermatitis, etc. Beetroot juice is most beneficial for people who have sensitive skin.

You can simply do the face mask with Beetroot juice to get rid of blemishes and pimples. Beetroots are naturally sweet in taste so they provide a natural glow on your face when applied topically on your face. Beetroots are also good sources of vitamin A that can help in getting rid of acne from your face. They also keep the skin hydrated and moisturized due to the presence of hydrating elements such as potassium, manganese, etc.

Use of Beetroot on blemishes and pimples:

You can use Beetroot juice to clear up your acne and blemishes. Beetroots contain large amounts of vitamin C which is an antioxidant that can remove the harmful toxins from your body.

Mix equal amounts of beetroot juice with water to prepare a thick paste. Apply this mixture to the affected area on your skin for about 20 minutes so it gets dry completely. You can also grate some beetroots on this mixture to make it more effective. After 20 minutes, wash your face with lukewarm water and let dry. You can then apply some moisturizer to your skin.

Use of Beetroot juice as a toner:

Beetroots are also great for treating sunburns and rashes because they contain copper and zinc oxide that can bring relief from such conditions. Beetroot juice is also beneficial for people who have oily skin because it can reduce greasiness and thus control acne breakouts effectively.

Mix beetroot juice to your regular facial toner and apply daily to get rid of blemishes, pimples, scars, etc. If you have oily skin, you can also mix some lemon juice with this toner. This will act as a great blemish spot remover for your skin.

Use of Beetroot juice as face packs:

You can use beetroots for facial masks to get rid of uneven complexion around your nose and chin area. Beetroots contain ingredients that help remove dead skin cells from your face, thus they can make your skin glow more.

Beetroot is a good source of vitamin C which is an antioxidant that keeps the free radicals away, thus it prevents damage to collagen and elastin present underneath our skin. It also brings a natural glow to the face by illuminating dark spots and blemishes.

Mix some beetroot juice and curd (yogurt) together to make a paste. Apply this mixture to your face and let it dry for about 20 minutes. Wash off the pack with cold water and pat dry your skin gently. You can apply a moisturizer after using this pack as it helps in bringing down the redness caused due to sunburns.

Coconut oil and Beetroot juice:

You can add some beetroots to your diet every day to get rid of blemishes and pimples from the face. You can use Beetroots as a scrub also. They contain an organic acid that helps remove dead skin cells and dirt particles from the pores of your skin.

Beetroots are also beneficial when they are mixed with coconut oil. They form a potent paste that can be used as a face pack to remove dark spots, blemishes, etc. Beetroots are rich in sugar content which helps exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells gently.

To use beetroot scrub for your face, grind some beetroots in a blender to make a paste. Add coconut oil and some water to the paste to form a fine mixture. Apply this on your face gently in circular movements for 5 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. Pat dry your skin after washing it thoroughly.

Apply some moisturizer or sunscreen on your face after using this pack as it helps in removing the skin tan caused due to sun exposure.

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