Mobile Suit: Gundam was first created in the late 1970s with its original anime series, forged by the prolific creador Yoshiyuki Tomino, and in a recent interview, the creator of anime made an astonishing statement in which he promised to “destroy” the anime’s competitors Kimetsu no Yaiba Y Evangelion.
With Gundam hitting theaters later this year with Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash, you will have to make great strides to reach the same heights in the two popular movies de anime en Demon Slayer: Mugen Train y Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0: Thrice Upon A Time.
Yoshiyuki Tomino has long been part of the anime franchise which he helped forge in the late 1970s, and continued to appear at Gundam events and participate in various projects associated with the universe that made the legendary mech franchise the largest in the world.
The universe that Tomino originally created will return in the next hathaway flash movie, but also, the third film in the Reconguista In G franchise will be released later this year, which was written and directed by the creator himself.
With Kimetsu no Yaiba becoming the most profitable film released in theaters in Japan, Gundam certainly has an uphill battle if looking to get close to Ufotable’s Mugen Train and the same goes for Hideaki Anno’s latest film.
Twitter user “Uemura Noel” shared this hilarious excerpt from a recent televised interview with Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino, in which he vowed to smash and destroy Demon Slayer and Evangelion, which was so outrageous that it started trending on Twitter. Japan. The Truth News invites you to see it below:
When does Kimetsu no Yaiba Mugen Train leave in Mexico?
Demon Slayer: Mugen Train is coming to cinemas in Mexico on April 22, thanks to the film event of Konnichiwa Festival. A Western release is still up in the air when it comes to Evangelion Thrice Upon A Time and Hathaway’s Flash.
With Gundam having recently unveiled its “Walking Gundam,” a life-size statue that can walk on its own in Japan, the Tomino-created franchise is making great strides and anime fans are getting excited.
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