What Time Is It In Columbus Ohio?

What Time Is It In Columbus, Ohio:

Columbus is in the Central Standard Time zone. The following chart lists current times and time zones in Columbus:

–           Eastern: Eastern standard time zone (GMT-5)

–           New York: Eastern standard time zone (GMT-5)

–           Atlantic: Atlantic standard time zone (GMT-4)

–           Chicago: Central standard time zone (GMT-6)

–           Mountain: Mountain standard time zone (GMT-7)

–           Pacific: Pacific standard time zone (GMT-8)

What is the current time in Columbus, Ohio?

The current time in Columbus, Ohio, is 7:00 PM. The Eastern Standard Time Zone is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. So, the current time in Columbus would be noon GMT.

Time change in Columbus, Ohio:

There was no time changes in the United States on this date. Please select another day.

Relative to other locations in Ohio, Columbus is located in the Eastern Time Zone (EST/EDT). When it’s noon in Columbus, it’s:

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Time change –           Daylight Saving Time starts –

Today, in Columbus, Sunrise and sunset were at 7:45 AM and 6:53 PM. The length of a day was 12 hours 37 minutes, with solar noon being at 1:13 PM. Note that daylight saving time is not followed for March in the U.S.

Columbus Ohio time zone map:

Columbus, Ohio, is in the Eastern Time Zone (EST/EDT), 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. So, Central Daylight Time (CDT) in Columbus is 7:00 AM, and Central Standard Time (CST) in Columbus is 6:00 AM.

what time is it going to snow in Columbus, Ohio:

There was no time changes in the United States on this date. Please select another day.

Relative to other locations in Ohio, Columbus is located in the Eastern Time Zone (EST/EDT).

When it’s noon in Columbus, it’s:

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Time change – Daylight Saving Time starts –

Today, in Columbus, Sunrise and sunset were at 7:45 AM and 6:53 PM. The length of a day was 12 hours 37 minutes, with solar noon being at 1:13 PM. Note that daylight saving time is not followed for March in the U.S.

Columbus, Ohio weather:

Columbus, Ohio, is currently experiencing sunny skies with a high of 80 F (27 C) and a low of 58 F (14 C). The UV index was 2.6, which is Moderate.

The next forecast for Columbus would be issued around 5:30 PM today. Note that the estimates will likely change between now and then, so click on the link for the forecast to see the details. It’s also important to note that this forecast is generated by an automated computer model for Columbus, which may not be as accurate as weather forecasts generated by humans or even personal weather stations.

There are other cities near Columbus, or within its county like Dublin (3 NNE), Blacklick Estates (35 E), West Jefferson (9 SW), etc., that may be of interest.

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