What The Hell Happened Here?

What The Hell Happened Here?

The perpetrator of this act is unknown at this time. The suspect was captured by closed-circuit television crossing the bridge from west to east, his face covered with a hoodie and scarf, wearing gloves and a cowboy hat.

They may be armed with a weapon, as seen in the video where the person raises their arm as if they were holding something long as they walked toward the victim’s truck. The only evidence left includes a single particle residue DNA sample on the tailgate handle of the victims’ white 2001 Ford F-350 super duty pickup truck, submitted for analysis.

How does one obtain a DNA profile from a single skin cell?

It must have been deposited there by contact between two people. It is known that the victim had an altercation with the perpetrator just before he was killed. This could have easily resulted in the transfer of skin cells from the perpetrator to the victim.

In a homicide investigation, every piece of evidence is essential. Even something as small as a single skin cell can provide valuable information for detectives trying to identify a suspect. By analyzing the DNA profile from this skin cell, investigators will be one step closer to catching the person responsible for this heinous act.

Reddit, what the hell happened here:

The perpetrator of this act is unknown at this time. The suspect was captured by closed-circuit television crossing the bridge from west to east, his face covered with a hoodie and scarf, wearing gloves and a cowboy hat.

They may be armed with a weapon, as seen in the video where the person raises their arm as if they were holding something long as they walked toward the victim’s truck.

The only evidence left includes a single particle residue DNA sample on the tailgate handle of the victims’ white 2001 Ford F-350 super duty pickup truck, submitted for analysis.

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