What are The Symptoms of Asthma?

What are The Symptoms of Asthma

Bronchospasm (constriction of airways) and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (the airways’ reaction to aerosols, cold air, or emotional stress), along with inflammation in the lungs. Also, abnormal breathing sounds may be heard while a child is sleeping; these include wheezes and crackles (with prolonged asthma).

In severe cases, a characteristic chest X-ray sign is the “crazy paving” pattern: patchy, irregular opacities throughout both lungs, which results from patchy swelling and collapse of alveoli. An X-ray does not rule out asthma if it is otherwise unexplained.

How are the symptoms of asthma treated:

Stopping/preventing over-activity of muscles in the airways. The most common treatments for this are inhaled corticosteroids (with or without long-acting beta-agonists) and long-acting bronchodilators, which open up the airways. Albuterol (short-acting) is delivered using a metered-dose inhaler, salmeterol (long-acting) via an inhaler or nebulizer (depending on how severe your asthma is).

Types of asthma:

1) Allergic Asthma:

In this type of asthma, the symptoms are triggered by pollen or dust. Some people get allergies from animal dander or mold spores from decaying plants. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell what you’re allergic to because a reaction might not happen for a while. If you have a family history of allergies and asthma, you may want to ask your doctor about allergy testing.

The treatment for allergic asthma is usually inhalers that contain corticosteroids. It would be best if you also avoided whatever triggers your symptoms. If you have a pollen allergy, stay indoors when the pollen count is high. If an animal causes your symptoms, try to avoid it.

2) Non-Allergic Asthma:

In this type of asthma, avoidable triggers are not the primary cause. Pollen and other allergens may trigger symptoms in some people with non-allergic asthma. Instead, there is usually a family history of asthma or allergies, like allergic asthma.

The treatment for this type of asthma includes both inhaled corticosteroids (steroids to decrease inflammation) and long-acting beta-agonists (inhaled medicines that open airways).

3) Exercise-induced Asthma:

This type of asthma occurs during exercise or after exercise. Symptoms can be mild to severe. According to the American Lung Association, about 15 million people have exercise-induced asthma. The best way to treat this kind of asthma is through breathing techniques called “breath training.” When you breathe deeply, it helps your lungs expand more.

the top 5 deadliest diseases:

1) Cancer:

Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body begin to grow out of control. There are many kinds of Cancer. Some cancers start in organs and tissues close to other vital organs, like the liver or lungs. Others begin in places that receive lots of blood flow or have many immune system cells.

These two types include leukemia and lymphoma. The types that start farther away from vital organs, like breast tumors, tend to be smaller when they’re found but still very dangerous if not caught early enough. Although large amounts of data have been gathered regarding this disease, I’ll try to explain the cause of Cancer.

2 ) Heart Disease:

This disease is caused by the accumulation of waxy substances or cholesterol in the arteries. It’s perilous because it can result in heart attack and stroke. The best way to avoid this disease is to exercise, keep your blood pressure under control, eat healthy food, and not use tobacco products.

 3 ) Stroke:

A stroke happens when not enough oxygen-rich blood reaches the part of the brain due to either bleeding from within or clots blocking arteries. Symptoms vary depending on what side of the brain is affected. Some symptoms include paralysis, trouble speaking, and loss of vision.

4 ) Diabetes:

this disease results in high blood sugar levels due to either lack of insulin or because cells do not respond appropriately to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar. Symptoms include fatigue, frequent thirst and hunger, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, blurred vision, slow-healing sores on your feet or body. The good news is there are many ways you can lower your risk factors for diabetes.

5) Asthma:

Asthma occurs when your bronchial tubes swell up and produce extra mucus, making it difficult to breathe. Although there’s no cure for asthma, you can take steps at home to stay healthy.

It would help if you avoided triggers like smoking, perfumes, pollen, and air pollution. If you have allergy symptoms, taking medicine before entering the allergen can help. The most important thing to do is get proper treatment with your doctor’s help so you can manage your symptoms.

Asthma treatments:

The treatments that can help control asthma include medicines to open airways, steroids to reduce inflammation, and bronchodilators to relax the muscles in your breathing.     Exercise regularly and avoid indoor allergens like pets and dust mites. Eating a healthy diet and staying fit can also help lower your chances of developing asthma or make it better if you do.

causes of asthma:

The most common asthma triggers include allergens, infections, exercise, and cold weather. Other things that can cause an attack are irritants in the air like smoke or other strong odors.

1)Allergens- these are substances that can trigger asthma symptoms. Includes pet hair, pollen, dust mites, mold, cockroach parts, furry animals, cleaning products, perfumes/ colognes

2)Air pollutants including car exhaust, cigarette smoke, wood fires

3 ) Infections


5) Cold temperature

6) Stress

7) Food allergies

8) Nose allergies

9) Medicines

10) Some indoor chemicals

11) Causes of Asthma: When it comes to the causes of asthma, there aren’t many things discovered. The leading cause is unknown and can influence a person’s risk of getting it.

The good news is some things have been found to decrease or increase your chances of developing asthma.

1)Your genetics- If a parent has asthma, then you have a 10% chance of getting it, but if both parents have it, then the percentage rises to 90%.

2 ) Having allergies can make you more likely to get asthma. One study found that children with allergies were 30 percent more likely to develop asthma than those without allergies.

3)Being exposed to indoor dust mites when an infant may also put you at a higher risk for developing asthma.

4)Living in a city with air pollution containing fine particles and ozone, which is the main ingredient of smog, can also increase your chances of having asthma.

5) Smoking during pregnancy can also increase children’s chances of developing asthma.

6) Pregnancy- If you have severe morning sickness, this could lead to problems with your child’s lungs and put them at a greater risk for developing asthma later on in life.

7)Being born via c-section may cause the child to be more likely to develop asthma

8 )Having pets, particularly dogs or cats, during childhood can decrease your chance of developing allergies or asthma

9) Exposure to large amounts of secondhand smoke


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