Benefits and Side Effects of Pine Pollen

Benefits and Side Effects of Pine Pollen

1. it reduces pain & inflammation

2. boosts the body’s immune system by raising white blood cell count

3. improves digestion, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of wastes through increased gut flora (including probiotics)

4. strengthens the endocrine system, adrenal glands and thyroid gland function, blood flow to reproductive organs, and supports the production of sex hormones (raw pine pollen contains an ~800% bioavailable increase of testosterone precursors over regular food or supplement sources)

5. helps to balance sex hormones

6. improves heart health, boosts circulation, and assists in removing toxic wastes from cells

7. reduces pain caused by arthritis

8. reduces inflammation of joints

9. reduces the need for sleep

10. heals cuts, wounds & abrasions

11. increases energy levels and counteracts chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

12. improves brain function by increasing blood flow to the head

13. aids in weight loss/control through improved metabolism and appetite control

14. protects against cancer

15. slows aging process

16. provides essential nutrients for bone health, collagen production, and connective tissue elasticity

17. reduces blood pressure & cholesterol levels

18. increases fertility in both men & women

19. increases libido/sex drive/performance (raw pine pollen contains ~3% germanium – a potent sexual stimulant)

20. speeds healing from injuries/surgery

21. protects against chronic infections

22. prevents tooth decay and gum disease (raw pine pollen contains some of the highest levels of calcium found anywhere in nature – many times more than milk)

23. a powerful suppressant for allergies, asthma & respiratory problems (respiratory diseases kill about 180,000 people each year in the U.S.)

24. reduces inflammatory conditions of skin – eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles/shingles pain

25. kills parasites and helps with candida yeast overgrowth (raw pine pollen contains high levels of manganese which is essential for pancreatic function and enzyme production – raw pine pollen also contains high levels of selenium which is required for the production of thyroid hormone)

26. speeds healing from degenerative mental disorders such as MS, dementia, Alzheimers, and Parkinsons Disease

27. prevents and treats diabetes (the bark of Scots pine has been used in Sweden to successfully treat people with diabetes; raw pine pollen contains high levels of chromium which is required for the proper utilization of glucose in cellular metabolism)

28. reduces the risk of stroke (reduces atherosclerosis and protects against lipid peroxidation)

29. prevents the formation of kidney stones & urinary gravel/stones

30. improves eye function.

Side Effects of Pine Pollen:

The only officially registered medical use of pine pollen is to support arthritis. Pine pollen is a natural source of glucosamine, the precursor of which might be useful for people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. However, despite the lack of research proving its effectiveness in relieving pain and improving joint function, many people claim that it helps them to get rid of fatigue.

Some sources suggest pine pollen may have anti-inflammatory activity, but there are no scientific studies to support this. There are also reports that pine pollen has antibacterial action, however, further investigation is required to confirm the efficacy of this action.

However, pine pollen is not intended for internal use. Side effects may occur if taken orally or applied topically. Pine pollen powder can cause skin irritation and contact dermatitis in people sensitive to it, so you must take care when using it as a face-mask ingredient or washing your face with pine pollen soap.

Pine pollen can also cause side effects if inhaled. Side effects of pine nut oil include infections, especially in people with weakened immune systems due to cancer or HIV. In addition, there is a risk of developing blood clots and triggering an aneurysm.

Inhalation of pollen might cause the following symptoms:

allergic reactions; hay fever and seasonal allergies (especially in children); asthma-like symptoms (wheezing, tightness of chest, shortness of breath)

Side effects from using oral pine pollen products may include:

severe allergic reactions; nausea; vomiting; stomach cramps; diarrhea; headache; dizziness.   Pine Pollen Can Cause Inflammation Of The Liver And Kidney

Kidney damage is also a rare but possible side effect. Consumption can lead to allergic reactions in people sensitive to pine pollen, and it should be strictly avoided by everyone with a pollen allergy. People who suffer from seasonal allergies should avoid using any products containing pine pollen because the allergen may trigger symptoms of hay fever.

You should also avoid using pine pollen oil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding because there are no studies on its safety in these conditions.

Pine Pollen Tea:

Pine pollen tea is a traditional remedy for people with low energy and susceptibility to colds. It contains vitamins and minerals that reduce the symptoms of fatigue and allergies, improve digestion and boost immunity to infections.

Pine pollen tea can be prepared at home (see recipe below). However, if you buy this product from trusted manufacturers it should not cause side effects, as long as you make sure it is made from fresh pine pollen – older tea may contain toxic substances.

Important: If you have a pollen allergy, be careful when using a pine pollen tea! You should also remember that this product can cause hormonal changes and lead to early puberty in children.

Pine Pollen Tea Recipe:

2 tbsp. dried pine pollen; 1 cup water;

Preparation: Crush the pine pollen using mortar and pestle or blender Add boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes Strain, sweeten with honey to taste. Drink up to three times daily for no longer than 5 days at a time. If needed, repeat the treatment after a 10-day break.

Pine pollen tea can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, but should not be kept longer than 5 days due to the possibility of bacterial growth.

To make pine pollen tea you will need:

100 ml water; 1 tbsp fresh or dried pine pollen; 1/2 tsp honey (optional);


1.       Boil the water and pour it over the pine pollen in a heatproof bowl or mug. Only use fresh (not dried) pine pollen for this recipe, as it has a soothing effect on the throat. Let steep for 5-10 minutes, until it cools to room temperature.

2.       Strain the pollen through a sieve or coffee filter.

3.       Add honey to taste (optional). You can drink it hot or cold.

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Do not keep longer than 5 days; otherwise, harmful bacteria may develop and produce toxins that could make you ill.

Pine Pollen Testimonials:

Pine pollen is frequently used as a dietary supplement for its nutritional value and medicinal properties. The main benefit of using pine pollen is that it helps to restore and boost vitality and fertility. Pine pollen products can:

help with anemia, chronic fatigue, male infertility; stimulate the immune system; reduce allergic reactions; slow down aging; treat insomnia and depression; and stimulate the appetite.

Many evidence-based studies have shown that pine pollen is a natural antioxidant, an adaptogen, and a health tonic with antiviral properties.   It increases energy and endurance, supports male fertility, fights infections, and reduces the risk of some cancers.

Pine pollen products can be purchased in tablet or powder form, in the form of a liquid extract, or in a tea. You can make your own pine pollen tea by crushing fresh pollen and adding boiling water.

Although there are many benefits associated with consuming pine pollen products, there is also some controversy surrounding these products. Some scientists question whether they actually provide the health benefits that manufacturers claim they do because pine pollen contains a number of allergens and dietary contaminants.

Pine Pollen Nutrition:

Pollen is a fine powder made up of microgametophytes, which produce the male gametes of seed plants. Pollen grains have a hard coat that protects the sperm cells during the process of their movement from the stamens to the pistil of flowering plants or from the male cone to the female cone of coniferous plants.

The pine pollen grain is round, with a furrowed surface. It has two air sacs on each pole, which allow it to float when carried by the wind or when in water for some time. The dust-like particles that can be seen when pollen grains are viewed under a microscope are these air bubbles. Pine pollen grains are yellow-gold in color, and often they are tinted with a pink or reddish hue.

Pine pollen grains carry the microgametophytes that produce sperm cells of seed plants. These cells have flagella that enable them to swim from the stamen (the male reproductive organ of a flower) into the pistil (the female reproductive organ of a flower) in order to fertilize the ovules. Without these cells, plants cannot produce seeds and reproduce.

In addition to carrying sperm cells, pine pollen grains also carry substances called phytohormones that protect the gamete from oxidative damage during its journey. These hormones can also kill bacteria or fungi present on the stigma (the tip of the pistil), helping ensure that the sperm cells reach their destination.

The pollen grain is covered by a protective outer shell made of sporopollenin, which contains more than 98% of bacterial and fungal spores. Pine pollen also contains substances called pheromones that produce chemicals used in plant communication for mating.

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