What Are The Causes of Left-Hand Pain?

What Are The Causes of Left-Hand Pain?

The following conditions may cause left-hand pain:

Arthritis in the left hand (rheumatoid arthritis). The most common form of persistent left-hand pain is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, which causes your body’s immune system to attack its cells and tissues.

This causes inflammation throughout the body, including the joints, especially the smaller joints in your hands. Left-hand pain can also cause stiffness or loss of movement in your fingers and wrist, so it becomes difficult to perform everyday tasks.

If you have hand swelling with redness and warmth and a decrease in grip strength, this could indicate a more severe problem such as a blood clotting disorder or a heart attack. In these cases, you should see your doctor immediately.

Fractures of the small bones in the left hand (hand fractures). Left-hand pain may indicate a fracture of the small bones in your hand or other health problems such as Tendon and ligament injuries to the fingers and wrist Bursitis Carpal tunnel syndrome Ganglion cyst Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes) Tumors Chlamydia infection Lyme disease Nerve entrapment Neuritis.

Nerve injury to the ulnar nerve at the elbow (ulnar neuritis or cubital tunnel syndrome). The ulnar nerve controls sensory function on the part of your ring and little finger, and it controls muscles that bend your wrist, move your thumb, and allow you to grasp small objects.

When this nerve is damaged or irritated as it passes from the neck to the elbow, you may have pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in those areas. Ulnar neuritis can also be caused by repetitive overuse of the muscles that bend your wrist and fingers as well as pressure on your elbow. Other problems that can irritate or injure this nerve include:

Bone fractures Your arm being knocked hard onto a hard surface (a fall onto an outstretched hand) Cysts Fractures of the bones surrounding a joint Arthritis Surgery to remove a tumor Bone tumors Prolonged irritation from a problem elsewhere in the body such as rheumatoid arthritis Bursitis Carpal tunnel syndrome Erb’s dystrophy

Tumors and cancer. Left-hand pain may be an early sign of tumors or cancer, such as:

Lymphoma Leukemia Bone cancer Soft tissue sarcoma Metastatic (secondary) tumor to the bone Tumors in the chest or abdomen that spread (metastasize) to the bones of the spine (spinal metastases).

Problems with blood flow in your arm, hand, and fingers (peripheral artery disease). If you have peripheral artery disease (PAD), plaque can build up inside your arteries leading to a partial blockage and reduced blood flow.

This condition is common among people who smoke tobacco products or are overweight. Other conditions associated with PAD include diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Left-hand pain may also be a sign of heart disease.

How is left-hand pain diagnosed?

In addition to performing a physical examination and taking a medical history, your doctor may order imaging tests to help diagnose the cause of your left-hand pane. For example, imaging tests can show whether you have damaged bones, arthritic joints, or other conditions known to cause persistent left-hand pain.

Imaging tests that may be used to diagnose the cause of your pain include:

X-rays computed tomography (CT) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) bone scanning Ultrasound examination Nuclear scan Blood testing

If you have persistent left-hand pain and it doesn’t disappear after two months, see your doctor again. If you take opioid medication for more than three months or take a high dose for longer than one month, do not stop taking these medications without consulting with your doctor because this could lead to withdrawal symptoms. In addition, see your doctor immediately if the pain is accompanied by fever or increased weakness in the arm, hand, leg, or foot.

Left-hand pain can increase your risk for specific health problems. Make sure you have regular checkups with your doctor to help monitor your condition and lower your risk for future complications.

Most cases of left-hand pain are successfully treated by changing or stopping medications, modifying activity, or visiting a physical therapist. However, in some cases, surgery may be required to restore movement if the problem is caused by joint damage or contracture due to rheumatoid arthritis.

left-hand pain treatment:

The main types of treatment for left-hand pain are medication and surgery. In most cases, it is possible to treat the pain with medication to continue doing their everyday tasks.

When a person has left-hand pain, they may benefit from brain training exercises that help them move their hands in new ways. Sometimes they help an individual relearn how to move their needle without causing more pain.

Surgery may also be considered if other treatments such as medications and physical therapy do not work. A health care provider may suggest surgery for persistent left-hand pain if:

• It appears likely that your symptoms will improve within three months after surgery; and

• You have tried medication and physical therapy for three to six months with no success.

Pain in left arm and chest:

Pain in the left arm may be due to various conditions such as breast cancer, heart attack, or heart surgery. You should always seek medical attention if you have chest pain.

Some common causes of chest pain are:

• esophageal reflux disease (GERD);

• indigestion;

• stomach ulcer; and

• aortic aneurysm.

Pain in the central area of the body:

Mid-back pain is usually caused by muscle strain, sprain, bulging discs, arthritis, osteoporosis, or fractures. However, if your mid-back hurts for no apparent reason, it could also be because of poor posture while sitting or driving that can cause muscle strain.

Pain in the back:

The most common cause of pain in the lower back is muscle strain or sprain, such as lifting heavy objects. Other causes include:

• ruptured or herniated discs;

• spinal stenosis; and

• osteoarthritis.

However, certain diseases can lead to back pain, including:

• breast cancer;

• kidney cancer; and

• lung cancer. If you experience a sudden onset of severe back pain accompanied by high fever, night sweats, weight loss, and vomiting – then you should rush to your doctor immediately. This may be due to various infections such as meningitis (inflammation of membranes around the brain), septic arthritis (a disorder of joints), or osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone).

Pain in the neck:

The leading cause of pain in the neck is muscle strain, which can occur due to continuous poor posture while working at a desk. Rarer causes include:

• inflammatory conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis;

• injury to the head, spine, or back; and

• infection. However, certain diseases can lead to neck pain, including thyroid disease, cancer, or heart attack. Pain in one side of your neck that spreads down into your shoulder could be caused by lung cancer.

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