The Tyrant Wants to Live Honestly Chapter 55 Release Date, Cast, Plot, and Everything You Need to Know

The Tyrant Wants to Live Honestly Chapter 55 Release Date, Cast, Plot, and Everything You Need to Know

Tyrant wants to have an honest life. The publication of Chapter 46 is anticipated soon. Whatever the situation, Ray told his mother they would always defend Dorothy.

The Tyrant Would Like to Live Honestly, Chapter 46 leaves readers wondering how Ray would persuade his father to build Dorothy’s concept for a handicap assistance institution.

Ray praised Dorothy and informed her that her strategy was excellent. He used to say it in their previous lifetimes as well, but Dorothy remembered telling him they couldn’t do that.

Ray asked her whether or not she needed the emperor’s permission and offered to help because he did not understand how she was hesitant. Ray was prepared to tell his father all his own since he saw how tough it would be for Dorothy to beg his majesty for assistance.

Although Dorothy was not confident because their strategy had failed in a former existence, she was mindful that Canon could never refuse Ray’s request. Dorothy made the decision to try it out since she wanted to perform it for Clara and Anton. Ray explained his limitations and begged her to give him a hug and say “thank you.”

Ray said that it was barely that tough, but Dorothy refused his request. Ray responded to Dorothy’s criticism of her for accepting his assistance by saying that she should perhaps try it once because it was a decent offer.

Given that he had never helped her in her former life, Dorothy questioned why he felt the need to do that. When she was a year old, Ray told her that she detested anytime he gave her a hug.

Find out when Chapter 46 of The Tyrant Wants to Live Honestly will be released and where you are able to read The Tyrant Wants that Live Honestly Chapter 46 in its entirety online by reading on.

The tale will take an interesting turn in the following chapter of “The Tyrant Wants to Live Honestly,” readers can anticipate. The primary character, Dorothy, is dealing with a brand-new circumstance that she hadn’t foreseen.

Dorothy is apprehensive because the most recent edition featured Carson and Ethan taking care of her. Because of her past trauma of having relatives betray and kill her throughout a previous life, she is skeptical of any smooth and pleasant occurrences in her current existence.

Ethan has expressed his affection for Dorothy, and he is curious about her feelings. Dorothy, on the other hand, is still wary and wonders why someone such him would be keen on her.

Her father, Carson, surprises her by making good on a long-ago promise and giving her a new bottle of wine in her honor. Dorothy wonders why things is going so well after this unforeseen turn of events.

The Tyrant Wants to Live Honestly Chapter 55 Release Date

The Tyrant Wants to Go on Honestly likewise has a weekly release schedule, with each new chapter appearing on a Tuesday.

On Thursday, October 24, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. Korean Standard Time (KST) and 4:30 p.m. Indian Standard Time (IST), the most recent chapter, The Tyrant Wants to Live Honestly, Chapter 55, is scheduled to be released.

The Tyrant Wants to Live Honestly Chapter 55 Trailer

The Tyrant Wants to Live Honestly Chapter 55 Plot

Dorothy will show in the next chapter that she is capable of performing the kind deed she promised.

Instead of giving it to all the aristocrats who would consume her wine, it would be great if you gave her to someone else. That is a very wise course of action.

She might decide to give her wine to others who are less fortunate monetarily or who don’t generally have access to items of this sort as part of her plan for it.

Carson doesn’t care what Dorothy takes with this, so he won’t go in her way if she decides to move forward. Dorothy might travel with Ethan this time.

Dorothy will maintain her word and execute the strategy she previously described. She will donate her wine to those in need rather than to wealthy people whom want to enjoy it.

She wants to give it to regular people as well as the ones who are having financial difficulties. Ethan has the option of going with Dorothy and helping her along the way.

Carson won’t make an effort to thwart Dorothy’s plans because he doesn’t object to them.

Ray used to give Dorothy hugs after she had reincarnated, and she hated them since she experienced his breath on her. But she couldn’t recall what Ray had said at the time.

Dorothy informed him that a three-year-old hugging a one-year-old would make them both angry. Ray pointed out that when he was sworn in as the crown prince, she did not even give him a hug.

Dorothy informed him that she could not recall any of it and questioned how he could remember anything. Why does hugging make no sense to you, Dorothy questioned him.

Ray assured her that he always made an effort to keep things close between them and that is why he valued hugs so highly.

Instead of a hug, Dorothy enquired as to if he would prefer something else. She was invited to kiss Ray on the cheek, and he said that was another of his wishes.

Even though Ray was older than her, Dorothy was taken aback by the tactics he employed against her. He was assured by Dorothy that she recognized his emotions and that it was merely a gift of her.

Therefore, he had to present her with his majesty’s approval if he wanted to be rewarded. In addition to finding Dorothy to be rather adorable, Ray also saw that she had become more receptive than previously while he was on his way back.

Later on in the narrative, Dorothy fulfills her pledge to do good. He shares his wine with those who truly need it rather than wealthy individuals who just like drinking it for fun.

He intends to distribute it to the poor and common people as a result. Carson doesn’t try to stop Dorothy because he doesn’t mind what she’s doing. Ethan, on the other hand, might choose to accompany Dorothy on this expedition.

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