Symptoms of High Estrogen

Symptoms of High Estrogen

Increased breast size (in men)-Breast tenderness, increased sensitivity and enlargement-Testicular shrinkage-Water retention/ bloating-Elevated mood swings-Anxiety/ nervousness

Estrogen is the female sex hormone that causes “female” characteristics in both sexes. In women, estrogen helps produce vaginal lubrication, keeps bones strong, and maintains healthy skin. In men, estrogen can mask symptoms of low testosterone such as lack of energy, loss of muscle mass, and low libido.

The majority of estrogen produced by the human body comes from the conversion of testosterone into estrogen by an enzyme called aromatase. Long-term exposure to high levels of estrogens without a counterbalance from progesterone can cause a condition known as estrogen dominance that is common in the menopausal years.

Phytoestrogens can be found in foods such as legumes and soybeans and also in certain plants and herbs such as alfalfa, red clover, and hops. Phytoestrogens are chemically similar to estradiol (the most potent form of estrogen) which means they can bind to estrogen receptors without triggering the negative effects associated with high levels of testosterone such as water retention/ bloating, breast enlargement, low libido, and an increased risk of gynecomastia.

High estrogen vs low estrogen symptoms:

A study has found that children who have been exposed to hormone-altering chemicals develop differently.

Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone and is naturally produced by women. But it can also be ingested from dairy products, meats, nuts, seeds, and other foods. BPA is found in many plastics, food wraps, and receipts from cashier machines at checkout counters.

symptoms of low estrogen:

Studies have shown that exposure to estrogen-like chemicals during a critical period of development can trigger diseases later in life. These include diabetes, obesity, and infertility.

Symptoms of low estrogen levels in men may include erectile dysfunction, anxiety and depression, insomnia, fatigue, and hot flashes.

symptoms of high estrogen:

High levels of estrogen in the body are prevalent among women facing natural menopause. Symptoms may include hot flashes, but also increased sexual desire, and increased vaginal dryness.

Symptoms of high estrogen in men can cause problems with libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. It can also trigger male breast growth known as gynecomastia.

Natural treatment for high estrogen in females:

High estrogen in women can be treated with natural remedies.

Almonds, chopped walnuts, and raisins are considered good for balancing the hormone levels in women. They contain vitamin b that helps balance hormones.

Green tea is also considered a treatment option for high estrogen levels in females because its natural phytoestrogens content help to regulate hormones naturally by binding to receptors on breast cancer cells. It also improves metabolism which enhances weight loss along with reducing cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.

Natural supplements:

Vitex agnus castus fruit extract: This herbal supplement helps to restore hormonal imbalances in both males and females by helping the body produce more progesterone, reducing hot flashes in menopausal patients, reducing pain, and improving bladder control. Women who take this natural supplement can reduce symptoms like mood swings and bloating

Maca – It is a root vegetable that grows in the highlands of Peru and belongs to the radish family. The plant has been studied for its many health benefits, including balancing estrogen levels by improving hormonal production and reducing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.

Vitamin B6 – Deficiency in this vitamin can cause problems like mood swings and depression. It also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, migraines, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Natural treatment for low estrogen in females:

The natural treatments for low estrogen levels in women may include chaste berry supplements that help restore hormonal balance, more specifically progesterone. Chasteberry extract is believed to deal with infertility related to hormone imbalance and restores normal menstrual cycles. Other remedies include vitamin B complex supplements, acupuncture, and meditation.

Estrogen replacement therapy:

Estrogen replacement therapy has been used by menopausal women for several decades to relieve their symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats which are caused by declining levels of estrogen. Estradiol is the main kind of estrogen prescribed for this purpose.

Estrogen replacement therapy can cause several side effects such as nausea, bloating, breast tenderness, and dizziness among many others. It has also been connected with an increased risk of strokes, heart attacks, or blood clots. Women who have high-risk factors for these conditions should not use it without a thorough medical examination including a full personal and family health history.

All in all, natural remedies are considered safer than hormone replacement therapy which can cause many adverse reactions especially in women with underlying chronic diseases such as hypertension and cancer. However, even natural therapies may come with risks so one thing to remember is that they should be taken under supervision from qualified professionals such as herbalists or nutritionists.

high estrogen vs low estrogen symptoms:

High estrogen in women can cause major changes in the body. All of these changes are due to an excessive buildup of estrogen in the body. While most people associate this excess buildup with females, it can also occur in males. One major difference between high estrogen levels in females and low estrogen levels is how each sex responds to increased amounts of this hormone.

Since higher amounts of estrogen are created during puberty, most teenagers will experience some amount of acne when their bodies begin producing more of this hormone. Women who struggle with acne often have very high levels of testosterone, but their glandular tissues respond by creating more estrogen since that is what they are used to doing naturally. As a result, women who have estrogen may have clear skin or not suffer from acne at all.

Women who are most likely to have problems with high estrogen levels include those who use birth control pills, have had fertility treatments, or have gone through menopause.

All of these activities significantly raise estrogen levels in the body and can cause negative effects if they become too high for an extended period. A woman may also struggle with too much estrogen if she has low thyroid function, however, this is often associated with other symptoms as well so it should not be determined solely by her hormone levels.

Low estrogen levels in women are often accompanied by weight gain, irritability, fatigue, depression, and hot flashes. These are all signs that there is a lack of progesterone being produced in the female’s body and this can lead to serious problems if left untreated. While most people believe that estrogen is the only hormone women need, progesterone and testosterone also play a role in keeping your body healthy and free of disease.

women’s health issues:

when you get too much estrogen:  

When you have more estrogen than you need, it can cause problems for your heart and brain, which both use special proteins to move blood through them and think clearly. Estrogen may help these proteins work better, but the extra estrogen in the blood from clogged or damaged arteries may mean that these proteins work too well.

The brain cells swell up with fluid like a sponge soaking up water until they cannot pass any oxygen or nutrients into them; then they die off. When you have too much estrogen, it is especially important to keep your blood pressure low and protect your heart with a healthy diet and exercise.

When you get too little estrogen:  

Your bones grow weaker and thinner as the bone-building cells become less active. Your blood cholesterol rises without estrogen’s protection against LDL cholesterol. A build-up of LDL can clog your arteries and raise your risk for heart disease.

Your brain works slower because special proteins that help it work better are less available when there isn’t enough estrogen around. You may become forgetful or confused more easily. Your vaginal tissues thin out, making them dryer and more fragile, so sex may not be as pleasant as it once was – or even possible – without discomfort.

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