Symptoms of Girls Ears Infection

Symptoms of Girls Ears Infection

1. When you let your child lie down on your lap, you will hear the sound of water flowing in her ear:

The fluid produced by infection will flow continuously through the eardrum via the Eustachian tube and cause gurgling sounds in the throat.

2. When she is feeding or has just woken up, her tears are tinged with yellow:

This condition happens because of ear infections, but eye infections can also occur due to pus inside the eyes. You should take your kid straight away to Dr if their tear becomes tinged with white-yellow color as it can be a sign of serious complication.

3. Her fever rose rapidly last night, more than 39 degrees celsius:

Her body is fighting against the infection. It will produce more antibodies and white blood cells to strengthen her immunity. But this condition needs your attention as the fever can dehydrate your child, which may lead to convulsion if not treated immediately.

4. The skin on or behind her ear has become red and swollen with a fluid-filled lump:

The virus usually attacks the lymphocytes of lymph nodes (glands under armpits and groin area). It causes swelling on your kid’s ears after infecting the ducts in the ears, throat, and sinuses that drain into the Eustachian tube connected to the throat.

5. Her right ear was infected, but now it has spread to both sides of her head:

That is the way the virus spreads from one cavity to another. So both of her ears must be treated simultaneously as a matter of urgency.

Symptoms for adults:

1. Severe sore throat and ear pain due to viral infection:

This condition usually happens when your body fails to fight against the virus as it weakens your immune system. In this case, you can also suffer from headaches, colds, or cough along with breathing problems because the respiratory muscles become weak, which may lead to Asthma.

2. Shivering more than 39 degrees celsius even after taking medicine or using a vaporizer:

The virus enters through our noses and attacks our respiratory systems first. If it goes uncontrolled, it can cause flu-like conditions, turning into a severe issue, and body temperature will rise.

You can reduce the fever by taking a hot shower or bath and drinking more water than usual. Moreover, you should increase vitamin c rich foods in your diets, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, because it helps boost your immune system fight against the virus.

3. Swollen lymph glands under arms or behind ears which are red and pain:

This condition happens when your body is trying to heal itself, so it starts producing antibodies. Still, if the number of white blood cells rises too fast, they start attacking healthy cells, which causes inflammation in lymph nodes under armpits or back of ears. So you must consult with Dr immediately if swelling becomes visible on both sides of the throat or the face around the eyes that can be a sign of serious complications.

4. Stiffness in the neck:

You can suffer from stiffness in your neck or pain that makes it difficult to perform daily activities. The virus causes inflammation around your throat, sinuses, and Eustachian tubes, which become inflamed when infected by the virus. So have plenty of rest as it will help you relax your muscles to heal faster.

5. You have headaches due to colds, but now it has turned into migraine:

This condition happens because inflammation spreads throughout your head, causing severe headaches, so if this happens, you must see Dr. Otherwise, it may turn into another complication known as Meningitis that can be very harmful for over 40 years. If the virus spreads to the blood vessels in the brain, fluid can build up, which causes pressure on your brain. To prevent serious complications, you must take antibiotics prescribed by Dr immediately.

6. You had colds, but now you are suffering from cough with fever:

The virus that caused your chills has turned into flu, so it requires different medications instead of the previous one. Let me tell you the differences between these two conditions: –

1. Cold is just an inflammation of the nose and throat lining that causes itching, whereas flu has some severe complications if left untreated, as explained above.

2-You will develop a cold after two days. Still, it takes seven days to build an influenza infection, thus giving rise to fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, etc., accompanied by a dry cough that does not produce mucus, unlike colds.

3- Cold does not worsen on exposure to cold or heat, but flu turns worse.

So Dr will prescribe you different medications for these two conditions because antibiotics are only used for treating bacterial infections, whereas antivirals are prescribed for viruses. Also, I advise you to drink plenty of fluids, stay away from polluted areas, wear masks if necessary and keep your rooms clean by using bleach or disinfectants before returning home after work.

Ear infection symptoms in adults:

Ear infection symptoms in adults are not always the same as in children. However, learning about ear infection symptoms in adults can help you understand what you are experiencing or may experience soon. So, if your ear is ringing loudly or you have one of the following problems, it’s time to consider that you could be suffering from an ear infection:

1-Pressure around the ears.

2-Feeling of fullness inside the ear.

3-Odor was coming from the outer part of the ear canal.

4-Ear pain when swallowing.

5-Ringing sounds in one or both ears (tinnitus).

6-Hearing loss, either temporary or permanent.

7-Muffled hearing.


9-Fever greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

10-Warmth of the ear canal, redness or swelling inside the ear.

11-Ear pain that worsens with chewing, jaw movements, or toothache.

12-Pain in the face and neck muscles along with a headache and an earache at the same time.

13-Weakness and fatigue for no reason, as well as difficulty concentrating and dealing with information quickly.

14-Sensation that you can not hear as well as before even though you have used your hearing aid recently.

15-Only one side of your face feels heavy to hold up.

16-Balance problems or the feeling of your room spinning around you when you get up fast from lying down.

17-Personality changes for no reason.

18-Nausea and vomiting.

19-Loss of appetite.

20-Sensation that there is something in your ear even though you did not place anything inside it, especially after swimming in a pool or an ocean because chlorine can damage your ears if not treated quickly enough.

inner ear infection symptoms:

internal ear infection symptoms are not always visible. Learning about internal ear infection symptoms can help you understand what you are experiencing or may experience soon. So, if your ear is ringing loudly or you have one of the following problems, it’s time to consider that you could be suffering from an inner ear infection:

1-You suddenly feel very dizzy and disoriented when moving your head suddenly in certain positions.

2-There are strange touch sensations in your ears.

3-Buzzing sounds inside the ears come only from the affected side of the head even though no noise is heard outside it.

4-Some parts of the face on just one side do work well or have no strength at all.

5-There is severe pain inside the ear canal and behind the eardrum or at the same time as there is a pain in other parts of the head, such as those involving the eyes, brows, cheekbones, jaw, and teeth.

6-You have a fever that does not go away even if taking aspirin helps with your pain.

7-Fluid draining from inside one ear only.

8-Numbness on just one side of your face.

9-Twitching muscles on one side of your face.

10-One ear sensorineural hearing loss or both ears have abnormal results when tested for hearing problems for no reason.

 Antibiotics for ear infection:

a doctor only prescribes antibiotics for ear infections after considering age, symptoms, and overall health to avoid any complications. Also, your doctor will investigate the affected area before prescribing you antibiotics.

 Home remedies for ear infection:

home remedies for ear infections include using garlic oil to kill bacteria inside the ear canal to help prevent infections caused by viruses or bacteria from worsening without causing side effects. So, if you have an earache or other similar symptoms of an inner or outer ear infection at home, try applying some garlic oil in your ears daily until you feel better.

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