Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Women

Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Women

-A lump or thickening can be felt through the skin, usually in the part of the breast near where the nipple is situated.

-Breast lumps are not always cancerous; they can be caused by benign (noncancerous) conditions such as fibroadenoma or osteosarcoma phyllodes.

-Any new lump or thickening should be checked by a doctor, mainly if it has been present for more than two weeks.

-Bumps in the skin of the breast (for example, due to mastitis ), inflammation of the milk glands within the breast, and fluid leaking from the nipple can all feel like lumps, so medical advice should be sought.

You may notice one or more of these symptoms:

Swelling of the entire breast – painless and not tender

Skin changes such as dimpling and puckering

Rubbery feeling under your fingers when you touch your breasts. This is called “etchings.” It can happen with benign conditions such as fibroadenoma but also with cancer.

Nipple turning inward into the breast

Nipple discharge, either watery or bloody

-Most women diagnosed with breast cancer have no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. As a result, most women are diagnosed when the tumor has spread beyond the breast tissue and is detectable by mammography.

signs of breast cancer in women:

1. A painful lump in the breast is usually found during self-examination by women.

2. Changing its shape and size over time, significantly more than three times within six months or more frequently.

3. Skin thickening of darker color (known as dimple skin). This type of skin change is prevalent for early cancer diagnosis through mammography will be done before suction biopsy to prove that this area has no cancer cells.

Dimple requires careful examination because no tips can accurately identify if cancer cells are present or not yet. So don’t worry too much about the dimples on the skin. Just keep doing a healthy life practice. For example, eat something green daily to keep your skin moisturized for good.

4. The skin becomes rough or prickle.

5. Change the skin surface’s texture, color, and appearance (redness).

6. Fluid is released from nipples.

7. Itching on the nipple/areola area caused by inflammation in some lymph nodes related to hormones.

8. Nipple discharge that does not occur while breastfeeding or without stimulation.

9. Dimpling of breast tissue (dimple) with milk spots or blood vessel network appears either pink, brownish-black, purple, red, blue, yellow-green …..etc…

10. Pain when pressed hard on one part of normal breast tissue (axillary tail).

11. Breast asymmetry, the left breast is more noticeable than on the right side.

12. The nipple of the affected breast bends inward towards the chest wall (inverted nipple).

13. Tension pain in the upper part of the vaginal area and a lumpy feeling around the bones pubic region; this feeling might be confused as a symptom of ovarian cancer.

14. A change in color and texture of skin surrounding the vulva. These changes are often due to irritation from urine or sweat that contains ammonia, which causes itching – contrary to what people think about genital warts because this disease does not affect women who already have children.

15. Decreased awareness for sexual desire, where a woman feels less interested in sex even though she’s still capable of sexual intercourse.

Signs of breast cancer revealed:

-One of the best methods to diagnose breast cancer early is by doing a regular self-examination.

-1. A lump in the breast: This is usually the first symptom women notice when breast cancer.

2. Change in size or shape of lumps or soft tissues around it with different colors, especially in red areas where veins spread throughout it, which causes nausea and vomiting feeling.

3. Skin thickening around the chest area with different colors, typically darker than surrounding skin on normal conditions. This type of change is often common for women who were previously diagnosed with early-stage 1-2. In the end, she was reclassified into stage 3 because the tumor cells are fast caused by a lack of discipline in the healthy life practice.

4. Itching on the nipple or areola area with sensitive feeling, this condition is normal but experienced mainly by women who have maximum stress in daily life, so be sure to handle your stress level because it might become a risk factor for breast cancer.

5. Change of color and texture of skin surrounding vulva, which becomes bright red due to constant urine irritation (this symptom has been tested by many patients diagnosed with cervical cancer).

6 . Fluid discharge from nipples: This usually occurs when there is no stimulation or breastfeeding. A doctor must evaluate this type of symptom to determine whether it’s signs of breast cancer or not yet (usually could also occur without any disease).

7. Pain when being pressed in the nipple or areola area.

8. Decreased sexual desire when a woman feels less interested in sex.

9. Swelling around one part of normal breast tissue (axillary tail) with a different color that is often darker than surrounding skin on normal condition along with redness feeling that happens mainly due to inflammation in some lymph nodes related to hormones, then this type of symptom must be checked by a doctor immediately because it’s one of the possible signs of breast cancer after lumpy feeling happened.

10 . Breast asymmetry: This means there is an uneven distribution between left and right breasts, sometimes barely noticeable, but if you don’t know which side is more prominent, then try to measure it using a plastic ruler, if the left side is more than 0.5 cm bigger than right breast then it must be evaluated by a doctor for further testing.

11 . Breast pain when pressed hard on one part of normal breast tissue (axillary tail), usually caused by inflammation in some lymph nodes related to hormones or previous stage 1-2 tumor cells, which are now reclassified into stage 3 because the tumor cells are fast spread due to lack of discipline in healthy life practices.

12 . A change in color and texture of skin surrounding vulva with a different feeling, this symptom is also often experienced by women who have maximum stress level in daily life, instead of avoiding using any scented product around your vaginal area like douches (vaginal deodorant) and scented soap.

13. Decreased self-esteem: This usually happens when a woman feels more conscious and worry about the way she dresses and her physical appearance, or nasty comments from people around her, which is also one of the symptoms of depression disease, so women who experience this symptom must learn to control your mind and stop comparing yourself with others who have perfect life condition because we all have our unique selves that’s why there’s no such thing as perfection in anything especially in human beings.

14 . Difficulty sleeping at night: One of the common symptoms that affect women when they are diagnosed with breast cancer is difficulty sleeping throughout the night; it is mainly caused by depression feeling when you know will lose your breast along with fear of pain caused by surgery on removing your bone marrow and lymph nodes.

15 . Nausea with or without vomiting, this symptom generally experienced by women who have early-stage 1-2 tumor cells, which are now reclassified into stage 3 because the tumor cells are fast, causing you to vomit often without any specific reason, so always eat at fixed times to maintain food intake balance in your body because if not balanced then it will cause nausea.

16. Feeling tired even after having enough sleep for several days, mostly felt by women who experience lumps in their breasts which usually occurs due to lack of discipline in practicing healthy living because cancer is a disease that can be prevented easily yet still run rampant nowadays just people don’t know how they should practice healthy living yet.

17 . Hard lump or swelling can be felt in the breast tissue, generally caused by inflammation in some lymph nodes related to hormones and signs of 4D breasts, described below.

18. Hard lump or swelling can be felt in the breast tissue. This symptom is also often experienced by women who have maximum stress levels in daily life instead of using any scented product around your vaginal area like douches (vaginal deodorant) and scented soap.

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