So we can use comments in Pages, Numbers and Keynoted documents from our Mac

There’s more to Pages, Numbers, and Keynote than just document content. If we want to make a suggestion, explain a change or make a contribution the best way to do it is through the comments. A very versatile and easy-to-use system, let’s see how to do it on our Mac.

Comments, suggestions, modifications, notes, reminders, etc.

On the Mac, comments work exactly the same in Pages, Numbers, or Keynote. The steps, therefore, always will start with a selection of a text in Pages, a cell in Numbers, or an item in Keynote. Then we touch the button Commentary and done this we simply write and press To accept at the end.

To see the comments of the document we must look for some indicators. These, however, can be hidden in the menu Display > Comments > Show / Hide comments, so it is important that we keep this option in mind. In Pages the line containing a comment will be marked with a colored box on the left side and the commented word or words will be underlined. In numbers we will see a small triangle in the upper right part of the cell. In Keynote, a small indicator will also mark the presence of an annotation.

If we want to see all comments in the document in summary form, just touch Show comment panel on the menu Display or that we press Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + T.

Having seen the comment, let’s see how to answer it. It is very easy, once we select a comment we touch the button To answer to add an answer. This way we can fine-tune modifications and record the changes that we consider appropriate. Finally, comment that the button Get rid of it allows us, as its name suggests, to make a certain comment disappear.

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Whether it is a document in which we work with more than one person or one in which we want to leave annotations for ourselves, the commenting system in Pages, Numbers and Keynote is an excellent resource. A clean and effective way to add annotations to documents.

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