Reasons For Sleeping Too Much

Reasons for sleeping too much:

Sleeping too much is a sign of something being wrong with our body. It also reflects our lifestyle and habits. As it affects health and moods, we should definitely know why do we sleep too much and how to prevent this situation.

Sleeping too much for long time can lead us to several problems such as obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

These all are interconnected with each other as well as with sleeping patterns. Now let’s discuss the reasons why do we sleep too much:


Stress is one the biggest factors that lead us to sleeping disorders. If you have been facing troubles or stress at work then this will easily affect your biological clock which in turn makes you feel un-energetic and sleepy. Moreover, stress hormones like cortisol make us feel tired and sleepy.

 Poor Sleep Hygiene:

Many people have bad sleeping habits which eventually lead to oversleeping. Some common bad habits are watching TV or working on the computer in bed, going to bed too early or too late, drinking caffeine or alcohol before sleep, eating heavy meals before sleep etc.

Medical Conditions:

There are some medical conditions that can cause excessive sleepiness such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome etc.


Ageing is also a major factor that contributes towards sleeping too much. As we grow older our body becomes less active and we need more rest than earlier. This leads to oversleeping.


Pregnancy is a time when a woman needs more sleep than usual. This is because during pregnancy the body produces a hormone called progesterone which makes one feel sleepy.


Some medications can also make a person drowsy and lead to oversleeping. These include antihistamines, antidepressants, narcotic painkillers etc.

So, these are some of the reasons why do we sleep too much. We should try to avoid the factors that cause us to oversleep and maintain good sleep hygiene. If we have any medical conditions that are causing our excessive sleepiness, then we should consult our doctor and get appropriate treatment. ageing, pregnancy, overwork, stress, sleeplessness, medical condition, wrong sleeping habits.

– Sleeping too much is defined as more than 10 hours of sleep on a daily basis.

– A sign of something being wrong with our body. Also reflects our lifestyle and habits. As it affects health and moods, we should definitely know why do we sleep too much and how to prevent this situation.

causes of excessive sleep and fatigue:

There can be many causes of excessive sleep and fatigue. Some common causes are summarized below.

1) Sleep apnea:

Sleep apnea is a common disorder that caused by obstruction of the airway during sleep. This leads to repeated episodes of shallow breathing or no breathing at all. This can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue.

2) Narcolepsy:

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness. People with narcolepsy often experience excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue.

3) Restless leg syndrome:

Restless leg syndrome is a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, usually accompanied by an unpleasant creeping or crawling sensation. This is a cause of excessive fatigue and sleepiness in some individuals.

4) Periodic limb movement disorder:

Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) is a condition characterized by repetitive, involuntary leg movements during sleep. These movements occur approximately every 20 seconds and often awaken the sleeper from their sleep with periods of restlessness and irritability as a result of the interrupted sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea may also lead to restless legs syndrome which can then disrupt sleep leading to increased fatigue and daytime drowsiness.

5) Depression:

If you’re depressed, you might find that you feel tired during the day, regardless of how much you’ve slept at night. Some people with depression may even feel sleepy during the day. Depression is characterized by loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy, feelings of sadness and emptiness, fatigue, low energy levels, and difficulty concentrating.

6) Other diseases:

There can be other causes too like stroke or brain tumor which damages your sleep-wake center leading to Excessive sleepiness. Drugs like cocaine, alcohol use etc can cause excessive tiredness too. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland), iron deficiency anemia, diabetes mellitus are some other causes for excessive sleepiness.

How to recover from sleeping too much:

These are some tips that can help you get rid of excessive sleepiness.

1) Maintain a regular schedule:

Maintaining a regular schedule with specific times for wake up, work, play and rest is the best way to regulate your body’s natural clock. This will make sure that you feel awake during the day.

2) Go for short naps:

Taking short rests or power naps during the day can help in recovering from fatigue. Napping between 20 to 30 minutes may be helpful but sleeping more than an hour may make you feel groggy when you wake up. Nap only if you are too tired to perform everyday tasks or it can disturb your nighttime sleep duration which is very important for good mental and physical health.

3) Cut down on caffeinated drinks and alcohol:

These stimulants may cause you to feel awake at the time but as soon as they wear off, so does your energy and alertness level. Caffeine for example may help you feel more awake at first but it also reduces total sleep time. Alcohol can disrupt sleep by changing its stages which creates a deficiency that will lead to sluggishness and drowsiness during the day.

4) Exercise regularly:

Exercising is one of the most effective way to improve your health and fitness and increase energy levels throughout the day. It increases endurance, strength, flexibility, feeling of well-being, body composition etc., all leading to increased vigor throughout the day. Exercise also increases production of endorphins, the ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain that naturally reduces stress and anxiety.

5) Try relaxation techniques:

Meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and acupuncture are some methods to reduce stress which can help you sleep better at night. Yoga is a great way to relax your mind and body as it helps stretch your muscles while calming your nervous system giving you an overall sense of peace.

6) Treat underlying conditions:

There are many medical treatments available for excessive drowsiness as well as lifestyle changes recommended by doctors as treatment options as not all cases can be treated with medicine alone. Doctors may recommend short-term stimulants or medications like modafinil (Provigil), armodafinil (Nuvigil), and caffeine to treat excessive sleepiness.

There are some very rare cases of severe chronic excessive sleepiness that may need enrollment in a sleep center for overnight observation and testing or procedures like a special camera that tracks eye movement while you sleep called polysomnogram which monitors brain waves, oxygen levels, breathing, heart rhythm etc.

7) Get help:

If your symptoms persist for longer than two weeks despite your best efforts then you should consult your doctor immediately to diagnose the problem. You can even take an online quiz on excessive daytime sleepiness through webmd website to assess the severity of the condition before seeing your doctor if you have already ruled out other causes because often times people ignore it thinking it is just lack of sleep when in reality it can be caused by an underlying condition.

Oversleeping symptoms:

There are many symptoms associated with excessive sleepiness. The most common are fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, mood changes and decreased productivity. Having trouble concentrating, feeling irritable, depressed or anxious are also common symptoms.

Difficulty remembering things, slowed thinking, lack of energy and fatigue are all signs that you’re not getting enough restorative sleep at night. Other physical symptoms include headache, neck pain, jaw pain, blurred vision and gastric problems like constipation and acid reflux. If you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis then it is best to consult your doctor as they may be indicative of a more serious health problem.

Sleep deprivation:

Sleep deprivation is the condition of not having enough sleep. It can be caused by lifestyle choices, sleep disorders, mental illness or other medical conditions which can be temporary or chronic. Lack of adequate sleep over a period of time is associated with increased risk of accidents that may lead to injury and death. Some common symptoms are depression, anxiety, memory loss, weight gain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Excessive daytime sleepiness:

An excessive need for sleep during the day in spite of getting enough nocturnal sleep at night lasting for more than one month is known as hypersomnia. There are two types of hypersomnia: [1] primary – caused due to organic problems like multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease [2] secondary – caused due to another underlying condition such as mental illness or side effects from medication that can be treated.

Some common symptoms are fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, mood changes and decreased productivity. Having trouble concentrating, feeling irritable, depressed or anxious are also common symptoms.

Difficulty remembering things, slowed thinking, lack of energy and fatigue are all signs that you’re not getting enough restorative sleep at night. Other physical symptoms include headache, neck pain, jaw pain, blurred vision and gastric problems like constipation and acid reflux. If you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis then it is best to consult your doctor as they may be indicative of a more serious health problem.

What happens if you sleep too much:

There are a few risks associated with oversleeping. One is that you may experience sleep inertia, which is the feeling of grogginess and disorientation you get when you first wake up. This is because your body has been in a deep sleep state for a long time and it takes some time for it to adjust to being awake. You may also find it harder to fall asleep at night if you’ve been oversleeping during the day.

Another risk is that you may develop other health problems like obesity, heart disease or diabetes if you’re sleeping too much. These conditions are all linked with chronic inflammation, which has been shown to be worsened by lack of sleep. Too much sleep can also lead to daytime fatigue and drowsiness, which can lead to accidents and injuries.

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