One Punch Man Chapter 132 is to be published On 1 May 2020

One Punch Man Chapter 132

Release Date:

On 1 May 2020, Chapter 132 of one Punch Man is to be published. The Manga is published every week such that new chapters are released every weekly, and are 7 days separate. On 24 April 2020, Chapter 132 was released, making it available by Friday. The 132nd chapter is scheduled to appear on 1 May according to some of the latest updates. Every new chapter will come every week as the manga operates on a weekly schedule. The last 131st episode on 24 April and the next chapter will be published with a 7-day deficit. That means the 132nd chapter will be released on Friday, 1 April.


This chapter has many comical moments and is a hearty display. It was incredibly humorous for Tanktop followers to attempt to decode messages. And Saitama’s array of faces and antiques truly shows us that One Punch Man is a collection of parodies. One-Punch Manga 132 is likely to bring us back to the dark side. The battlefield is approaching with Metal Bat and Tanktop. We could see a few monsters battling them. Men Driver is going to save the people at all. In the war against psychos and structures, the heroes’ weight shown in this chapter will not be useful. Saitama will get away with Dazzling Flash and this is when the climax on this arc dawns. The upcoming fight will be extremely impressive with more challenges and fans are hoping for more.


The foundation of the Association was established during a massive war. The Association of the Heroes found the Heroes of the S Class in the scene where they called upon the Hospital Emergency ambulance to evacuate the injured and carry all people to the safety because the whole town was devastated. The S-class hero was heading for the base of monsters when the blizzards were hospitalized and Suiryu was injured. Surya decided to compete with monsters and become the hero. Saitama met Monaco helping the public by taking out the rock above Monaco used a lighted eyeball to get Saitama back into the war.

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