The upheaval happened to company of My Hero Academia it is leading to completely unpredictable events. The timeskip with a renewed Deku different from the previous one has thrown us into this unprecedented phase of Kohei Horikoshi’s story.
Spend the first few weeks away from the Yuei Academy, Izuku Midoriya found himself in an unknown city where he ran into an old rival. Muscular and Deku thus re-faced in a second match that seems to have already come to an end, with a clear and clean victory for the protagonist of My Hero Academia.
In fact, the last scene of chapter 308 sees the boy delivering a full power punch to Muscular, who already seems to have succumbed. The situation will remain the same in My Hero Academia 309? Probably yes: Muscular seems to have already been knocked out and the first pages of the next chapter could be dedicated to the restriction of the villain and the rescue of civilians, as well as the disappearance in the shadow of Deku.
The boy will once again distance himself from the people he already knows in such a way that he does not endanger them. And it is in the second phase of My Hero Academia 309 that we will be able to see the new state of Deku, or where he sleeps and how he gets food and drink. There may also be some brief dialogue about One for All and how he used quirks during the last fight, in order to improve coordination with the various powers.
My Hero Academia 309 will be released on MangaPlus on April 18, 2021 at 18:00 in English and Spanish.