Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptoms

1. Coughing up blood

2. Chest pain when you breathe in deeply

3. Frequent coughing that doesn’t clear your throat properly

4. A persistent cough

5. Wound filled with pus

6. Thick, grey, or dark mucus

7. Wheezing

8. Shortness of breath

9. Finding it hard to breathe when lying down

10. Difficulty swallowing

11 Various other symptoms

The healing process:

1. Turmeric helps in blood clotting, which means that it can help stop bleeding of the lung lining.

2. There are many anti-cancer properties found in turmeric, it boosts immunity and provides protection against various kinds of cancers like breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, etc.

3. A recent study published in Prevention in 2012 found that curcumin inhibits lung tumor metastasis by inhibiting the expression of cell adhesion molecules and certain enzymes proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines which promote inflammation. 4. The same study indicates that curcumin may inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cells derived from lung tumors obtained from patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC).

5. Many clinical studies have shown that curcumin inhibits the growth of cancer cells and also reverses drug resistance in several cancer cell types, including those from pancreatic, colon, stomach, breast, and lung cancers.

In addition to the anti-cancer properties, there are other benefits as well:-

Turmeric helps in blood clotting, which means that it can help stop bleeding of the lung lining.

It has been used as an effective expectorant for centuries i.e. It promotes phlegm discharge from the lungs or respiratory passages, clearing congestion. It opens up blocked bronchial tubes and loosens mucus in cases of chronic coughs. Turmeric is a natural painkiller too so it is effective in treating inflammation and chest pains as well.

It is often used for the treatment of heart conditions, due to its positive effects on cholesterol levels. It can also help relieve acid reflux or peptic ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

The root extract has been found to have anti-fungal properties that can suppress candidiasis, Athlete’s foot, and other fungal infections. The extract is given along with antibiotics to boost their effectiveness against bacterial infections by increasing absorption time through the gastrointestinal tract, supporting healthy digestion & immune system functions too.

Best lung cancer treatment:

surgery to remove tumor + radiation for small tumors. Can be removed with surgery alone if it is small enough, but odds are good that it will come back. Chemotherapy if the tumor wasn’t completely removed due to the size or location of the tumor. This has side effects similar to what is seen in chemo for cancers elsewhere, including hair loss and nausea which may last up to a week after each treatment.

The main problem with lung cancer is getting rid of the entire primary tumor. There isn’t any way around this, because even if you do all that you can do there will still be microscopic cells left behind. This is why it’s important to catch and treat cancer early. You can’t cure lung cancer, but you can make the patient symptom free and they will live longer than if they’d ignored the symptoms in an attempt to avoid treatment.

lung cancer treatments:

treatment for lung cancer depends on the type of cancer it is, and whether or not it has spread too far. Surgery to remove tumor + radiation for small tumors.

Can be removed with surgery alone if it is small enough, but odds are good that it will come back. Chemotherapy if the tumor wasn’t completely removed due to the size or location of the tumor. This has side effects similar to what is seen in chemo for cancers elsewhere, including hair loss and nausea which may last up to a week after each treatment


If you quit smoking, your chances of getting lung cancer drop dramatically- within 10 years of quitting smoking your risk drops by half (5% vs 2%). Your risk of having any type of heart disease drops off completely after you stop smoking. This effect is seen in ex-smokers who have been quit for over 10 years, and the longer you have been quit, the greater your protection from heart disease becomes.

symptoms of lung cancer in females:

coughing or choking up blood, chest pain, hoarseness or wheezing, bone pain, unexplained weight loss

symptoms of lung cancer in males:

coughing or choking up blood, chest pain, hoarseness or wheezing, bone pain, unexplained weight loss

If you have any of these symptoms please see a doctor immediately. If caught early enough it is very treatable. Don’t ignore the first sign of wrongdoing. This is your life you are playing around with! The earlier that cancer goes undiagnosed the greater the chance for death because by then there’s a chance that it has spread throughout your body.

symptoms of lung cancer that you should be aware of:

coughing or choking up blood. It might be thick and dark, it might even look like tar. Either way, if you’re coughing up blood something is wrong with your lung’s tissue. Don’t ignore this symptom! There are an estimated 12 people in the United States that die from cancer that has spread to the lungs every single day.

That’s beyond comprehension for some people who would rather just put a death wish on hold until a more convenient time than now. To see what I’m talking about visit your local hospital and notice how many times they have to resort to dialysis versus surgery because of the sheer volume of 60+-year-old active smokers.

chest pain–You might not always get chest pain from lung cancer, but sometimes you do. Not to scare anyone, but the fact is that if it’s a small tumor or slow-growing one then chances are you will have no symptoms at all until the tumor has spread too far for treatment to save your life.

stage 4 lung cancer symptoms:

coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, weight loss, and fatigue


pain in the upper abdomen or back, bloody or tar-like feces or dark stools (which might mean stomach bleeding), vomiting blood.

The good news is that although it’s very important to see a doctor immediately if you’re experiencing these symptoms it’s also vital to understand that the earlier lung cancer is diagnosed the wider margin for treatment success there will be. The point I’m trying to make here is this:

If you smoke then don’t ignore your body telling you something isn’t right because by doing so you’ve only got one foot in the grave already! You owe it to yourself and everyone else who loves you to quit smoking and to take whatever it takes to quit smoking if you haven’t done so already. It’s the only option worth taking seriously because your life and health depend on it!

Home remedies for lung cancer:

1. Mustard Oil:

It may sound strange but this oil works wonders when you cook with it regularly because the mustard oil coats the entire inside of your stomach and intestines. Because of this, it can help get rid of any toxins that are in your body that might be making you sick or giving you cancer.

2. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon can also work to get rid of lung cancer cells but only if you use it for up to 12 months consistently. Try adding a little bit to your food each day instead of sugar because not only will the cinnamon taste better, but it’s healthier for you too! You can also make a herbal tea with cinnamon by boiling water mixed with one teaspoon of each cinnamon powder, ginger powder, lemongrass powder, and honey until the mixture reduces to half its original volume. The steam helps clear out all the toxins.

3. Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is important because it can help you fight infection and it can also counter the effects of free radicals that are known to cause cancer like lung cancer. You can find vitamin A in carrots, but eating only one carrot every day won’t be enough for your body to get all of the vitamin A it needs. Instead,, try adding lemon juice to make sure you’re getting all of that wonderful vitamin A into your system!

4. Spinach:

spinach contains some anti-cancer properties that help reduce the risk of developing lung cancer if eaten daily for up to 12 months. Don’t eat just one serving either….eat two or three servings per instead!

5. Garlic:

Garlic is known to have several antioxidants in it that can help eliminate cancer-causing free radicals from your body. You don’t have to eat a ton of garlic every day, however, because going overboard with it can cause you to get a bad breath! Instead, just add a little bit of garlic powder into some homemade hummus for an amazing healthy snack idea.

6. Papayas:

Papayas are not only delicious but they’re also full of different antioxidants that will keep you healthy and fight off any cells in your lungs that might be cancerous.

7. Watercress:

Watercress contains high amounts of glucosinolates which prevent the development of lung cancer cells when regularly over time, so make sure you get your watercress in each day (in one way, shape, or form)!

8. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are full of lycopene which can fight off free radicals that cause cancer like lung cancer. The best way to get all of the lycopene into your system is by eating it raw, but if that’s not something you’re up for then you can always go with a good sun-dried tomato sauce instead! It tastes amazing and it’ll do wonders for your body too!

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