How to write original creative writing essays

How to write original creative writing essays

What is a creative essay?

An all-time favorite is creative essays. These essays are free-flowing essays that have no structure, rules, or guidelines. They are artistic, imaginative, and, as far as nonfiction can allow for, factual. Creative essays include; memoirs, biographies, book reviews, travel reports. Other types of fictional creative writing include short stories, poems, and hybrid essays, drama monologues, plays, flash fiction, and flash fiction. You can also call script a piece of writing. All creative essays share one thing: they tell a story.

Even though creative writing can be fun, many people still have trouble getting a piece of the story out. Creative essays are different from other essays in that they are written from the heart. So simple rewriting will not help. Buying a custom essay for sale – maybe, but you need to tell the writer a lot about you to make writing authentic. But also you can try to write it yourself. And we can tell how. Creative essays rely heavily on imagination and originality. Before we begin, we will give you the first advice: Write from the heart.

Some suggestions to help you choose the right topic

  • Which story would you like to tell?
  • What do you want to say?
  • Who is your target audience?

These are just a few questions you should ask yourself before you start writing creative essays. As it has been said, write from your heart. It’s easier to tell your own story than it is to tell someone else’s. You can draw on the richness of your memories, personal experiences, and dreams when you tell your story.

Spend some time brainstorming. Consider what topic you would like to write about. In a rush to write, it is easy to forget to think about the implications. The flow of ideas can stop if the idea isn’t deep enough or sustaining enough. You may feel discouraged or disappointed. Go for a walk. Take a walk to find your inspiration. You can read your journal now to recall memories and find inspiration. To get inspired, you might want to read a few pages from your favorite book or literary journal. You can also watch your favorite movie or play your favorite song over and over again.

Soon, ideas will start to come in. It could be a dream, an idea or a memory, or even interactions with friends and family. These ideas can be written down with your writing tools. These ideas are fleeting. You may forget them in a hurry. It is important to capture as many ideas as possible on paper. You don’t need to worry if your ideas lack structure or flow. You don’t have to worry about it. Your ideas will take shape when you start writing.

You will find that you can organize your thoughts and arrange them well over time.

Prewriting Tips: Be Creative

Don’t rush to arrange or structure the ideas as they come in. This could stifle the flow of ideas. These steps should be followed before you start to write.

Free Writing

Write as fast as possible. This is speed writing. Speed writing is a way to find your natural voice and flow. In an effort to make your first draft cohesive and “creative”, you might alter your writing voice so that it sounds like a popular creative writer. You lose your writing voice because you’re not being you and you end up sounding like a talented writer who took the time to create his writing voice. You can also develop your writing voice by being patient. Don’t be afraid to write freely, even if it isn’t logical or cogent enough. Keep going and follow your thoughts. You’ll be surprised.


You have a story to tell and a framework to help you build it. How do you find meat for your skeleton? Research. Research doesn’t necessarily require you to search the internet for the information that you seek. You can interview friends and family, cross-check dates, trace your family tree, or scour old newspapers to find the information you need to enrich your story. Fiction writing is more original and rich in detail than nonfiction. Research also makes fiction more verifiable, factual.

Do your research about the author before you start writing. You can’t go into every detail of the person you want to write about, but you could try covering one aspect. Did the person participate in social reformation? Is it the person’s writing style or how they use words that you like? Do you find something in his private life that is meaningful to you? Do your research. Inadequate research will not ruin the author’s image.


A journal is an essential part of any person’s life. Journals can help you develop patience, consistency and good observation skills. They also allow you to write when you feel inspired. When you are looking for inspiration, journals can be great muses. You can find inspiration in past writings that will help you create a new story. Not only do you not have to keep track of your day-to-day experiences, but you can also record memories, dreams, quotes, phrases, and songs that touch deep chords within you. You can record moods, feelings and observations, as well as any ideas that appear out of nowhere. If you are having trouble writing your creative essay, you can get out your journal to write whatever comes to your mind.

Drawing an outline

These tips will help you see the gradual transformation of your essay. This is a sign that you’re getting close to your goal. The next step is to create an outline. Like all essays, a creative essay is divided into four parts.

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • A body is
  • Conclusion.

These four sections should be divided into headings. Then list the points that are important under each one. As you read, you will learn how to create an outline.

Draft the first draft

Sometimes the first draft can be just as messy as the free writing. Don’t worry. Your first draft should be logically organized into paragraphs that flow into one another. Write freely but keep your focus. The outline can be used as a guideline, and you should build slowly from the points under each heading. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are not important. Focus on logically expressing your ideas.

Get ready to take the title

Creative writers rarely think about the title of an essay until they’re done writing. The title is already a natural part of their writing process. These are some things to keep in mind when choosing a title.

  • The title should be catchy. This can be done by using short sentences to summarize the essay. You can make sentences from two or more sentences. Usually, the sentence starts with an article. For example: A Forgotten Memory. The Scary Dream, The Cafeteria and The Three Brothers.
  • You can also use figures of speech to make catchy titles: metaphor, personifications, oxymorons, paradoxes, hyperbole are just some of the many figures of speech you can use. You can see examples in A Nest of Lies and Chasing Shadows or The Tall Tale.
  • You could also use the subject matter to create the title. Example: My Father, My Favorite Author, My Favorite Thinking Spot.
  • You can take the title word-for-word from any source of inspiration, such as a quote or song, or even a movie. For example, As you Like it.

Write a creative essay that is both inspiring and original

The structure of a creative essay is the same as any other essay. It has an introduction, body, and conclusion. To understand how an online creative essay is structured, you can also break it into smaller pieces.

  • Install
  • Confrontation
  • Resolution

Introduction/Set up

There are no set rules for how to present your creative essay. It’s best to jump right into the action, since this is a short story. The set-up is where you describe the setting, characters, and their relationship. You should also describe the setting of the story, including the day, time and environment in which it takes place.

Your main character should be introduced along with the supporting characters. Use vivid descriptions, imagery, and the appropriate tone to engage your readers. Your introduction should allow your readers to deduce a plot from the description.


The body is composed of paragraphs that are connected and chronological. You can slowly build the plot or alter the setting and mood of the story. The confrontation is also part of the body. This is the pivotal point in the story. A turning point is a moment when the story takes a sudden turn or when the protagonist faces an obstacle or opposition. It can be a gradual buildup or a sudden change in pace. It all depends on how you write it.


This part resolves the conflict, partially or fully. Drama in the story intensifies, then settles down and then reaches its peak. Cliff hangers are a way for writers to keep their readers interested and satiated. The way you tidy up your story will determine how it turns out. You must give justice to the characters.

Post-Writing Tips

So you are done writing your creative essay. Next, what?

Take a break

After completing your work, it can be difficult to take a break. It is easy to be too excited to submit your essay or get it published. There is no rush. You can take a break from work and put it away for a few days or hours. It is important to take a break from work so you can see the task with new eyes the next time. You will notice mistakes, redundant words, large paragraphs, and sentences that are too long or not clear. You may discover a better way to tell the story, or you might want to start over.

Reread and Rewrite

Critically read your story. Is there too many sentences, dead words, or redundant paragraphs in your story? Are the sentences too loose or flabby? Is it possible to rewrite the story in a shorter format? Next, get back to the rewriting. The story is not in the first draft or the second. It is in the third and fourth drafts. Seasoned writers are aware of this. You can refine your existing story telling techniques by rewriting more than you can shave off unnecessary fluff. Each word should be given its due. Perhaps you have a better way of telling your story. Don’t be afraid to get out there and do the hard work. It will be well worth it.


To make sure your work is read by another person, Sometimes you may not be as critical of your writings as you should be. A second set of eyes might be just what you need to spot errors. Accept criticism and corrections as they come. These criticisms may just be what you need in order to make your work shine.


Many people neglect to format their writing in accordance with the teacher’s/editor’s instructions. This could lead to your work being rejected or poorly graded. Note the formatting requirements for submissions before you submit. You should be aware of font type, font size and line spacing as well as page numbering, page numbering, and the use of headers.

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