Benefits of Tonic Water

Benefits of Tonic Water

Tonic water contains certain amounts of quinine, a molecule that has been used for preventing and treating malaria long before the disease was even identified. Quinine is generally safe when taken in small doses, but side effects such as rashes, nausea, vomiting diarrhea, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat may occur.

The tartaric acid in tonic water acts as a mild diuretic (substances that increase urination). This can help treat mild cases of edema (fluid retention) and reduce minor pain associated with gout or headaches.

Quinine can also be an effective topical pain reliever when applied to aches on the skin. While it does have anesthetic effects, this pain relief only lasts for a short time and can cause skin irritation.

Tonic water is high in sodium and may not be suitable for people on low-sodium diets. Tonic water also contains about 42 calories per cup (240ml) most of which come from the sugar added to balance the bitter taste of quinine.

People concerned about weight or diabetes should avoid drinking large amounts of tonic water or other drinks such as soft drinks that contain significant amounts of added sugars.

What is tonic water:

Tonic water is a sweetened and carbonated type of quinine water that originated as malaria prophylactic. Quinine is the bitter, yellow crystalline organic compound found naturally in the bark of the cinchona tree.

In 1825, an Englishman named Charles Gosse created tonic water by mixing quinine with carbonated water. The drink became extremely popular among British colonialists stationed in India and other warm climates, due to its ability to ward off mosquitoes carrying malaria.

Tonic water today is usually non-alcoholic and is used as a mixer, especially with gin. It may also be served over ice.

Quinine vs chloroquine:

Quinine is an alkaloid that can be obtained from the bark of several species of tree native to South America, such as cinchona ledgeriana. Quinine is used in the treatment of both malaria and lupus erythematosus (LE). It was the main ingredient in tonic water, which was originally invented as a prophylactic agent for treating malaria.

Chloroquine phosphate is an antimalarial drug similar in structure to quinine. Because it has become widespread, chloroquine resistance has become increasingly common.

Quinine side effects:

Side effects associated with quinine include headache, ringing or buzzing in the ears (tinnitus), blurred vision, fever, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that may be severe.

Tonic water good for the stomach:

Tonic water contains small amounts of both quinine and sugar. A few brands also contain a minute amount of alcohol (less than 0.5%) derived from the fermentation of the added flavorings; others may be caffeine-free or contain citric acid instead of sugar.

is tonic water bad for you:

Tonic water is bad for you if it contains more than trace amounts of alcohol. Some brands that are specifically marketed as “caffeine-free” may contain a trace amount of alcohol and should be avoided by those recovering from alcoholism or other addictions to CNS (central nervous system) depressants such as tranquilizers, barbiturates, etc.

Quinine dosage:

In most cases, the quinine dose will depend on what you have been prescribed the medication for. In most cases, your doctor would order a starting dosage of 2 Mg per kilogram every 8 hours until symptoms subside. The usual maintenance dosage is 1500mg to 3000mg weekly divided into 3 doses. If your worsen during this time then you should consult a doctor for a new dosage.

can you drink tonic water on its own:

You can drink tonic water on its own. Just bear in mind that it contains a tiny amount of alcohol, so you shouldn’t drink too much. It also contains sugar, so is not suited to everyone with diabetes.

Tonic water is good for the stomach:

Tonic water contains small amounts of both quinine and sugar. A few brands also contain a minute amount of alcohol (less than 0.5%) derived from the fermentation of the added flavorings; others may be caffeine-free or contain citric acid instead of sugar.

Benefits of tonic water and lemon:

Tonic water is a carbonated beverage that contains quinine, a chemical that acts as a potent anti-malarial drug. The tonic water with lemon is an antiseptic cleanser. This kind of drink provides various health benefits. Some of the common benefits of drinking this kind of drink are as follows:

Prevents Malaria:

Scientific research proved that those who drank two glasses per day almost never suffered from malaria even when they entered high-risk areas, such as rainforests and savannahs.

It has been observed that 200 milligrams taken once a week is enough to prevent malaria in most people. Quinine kills parasites that cause malaria and slows down their growth by making red blood cells burst.

Treats leg cramps:

Scientists have discovered that quinine is a very effective treatment for muscle cramps, especially at night when it can cause marked improvement and even cure.

Quinine relaxes and regulates the muscles of the lower legs and helps to reduce pain and numbness associated with this problem. It can be taken in tablet or powder form but tablets are preferred because they do not contain caffeine as the powdered form does.

However, pregnant women should take caution because since its safety has not been established during pregnancy, safety has not been determined during pregnancy, safety has not been established during pregnancy, safety has not been determined for children or breastfeeding mothers who need to drink tonic water with lemon regularly. Consult your health care provider before taking it.

Treats leg pain from varicose veins:

The high level of quinine in tonic water makes it an effective remedy for chronic as well as acute pain due to varicose veins. In a few weeks, the condition improves and swelling is reduced.

Relieves sore throat and headache:

Drinking this kind of drink can help one get rid of a stuffy nose and headache caused by a cold or flu. Pouring a little bit on a cotton swab and placing it on the forehead can relieve feverish discomfort by improving blood circulation to that area.

It can also reduce inflammation and unblock nasal passages, making it easier to breathe. Moreover, drinking two glasses per day eases symptoms leading to common sore throat, such as pain and difficulty swallowing.

Treats kidney stones:

According to some studies, quinine is used for the treatment of chronic cystitis. It helps reduce urinary tract infections caused by E-coli bacteria. This treatment can also help dissolve small stones in the kidneys and bladder that give rise to painful urination and bleeding during urination.

Cures motion sickness:

Drinking this kind of drink can prevent or decrease nausea, vomiting, and dizziness while traveling on boats or airplanes. It calms stomach muscles while stimulating others, preventing organs from becoming unbalanced by sudden movements. Moreover, it also suppresses anxiety which makes some people more susceptible to motion sickness than others do.

Fights bacterial infections:

Quinine has antibiotic properties which make it an effective treatment for urinary tract infection, giardiasis, and other intestinal infections caused by different microbes.

Prevents asthma attacks:

Daily consumption of this kind of drink can help prevent asthma attacks that are triggered by allergies or colds. Also, drinking quinine in tablet form during allergy season reduces inflammation in the respiratory system.

Cures nausea after chemotherapy:

A study found that quinine could help prevent or reduce nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy without side effects associated with other medications.

Prevents migraine headaches:

Studies have shown that consuming small amounts of quinine before an event known to cause migraines helps reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.

Quinine is also useful for preventing the symptoms themselves, such as sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, blurred vision, stomach pain, and vomiting. Therefore, people who suffer from frequent migraines are advised not to take tonic water alone because it contains too much quinine for them.

Prevents blood clots:

A study found that quinine could prevent the formation of certain types of blood clots, which are responsible for many deaths each year. It can also dissolve existing clots in deep veins.

However, taking this kind of drink regularly may not be advised because it might increase the risk of dangerous internal bleeding if taken with other medications that act as anticoagulants (blood thinners).

Benefits of tonic water in pregnancy:

Tonics help relieve the symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea and heartburn. Also, people who are trying to get pregnant should limit their consumption because it may affect sperm quality.

Prevents malaria:

According to certain studies, quinine can prevent or suppress symptoms associated with malaria caused by Plasmodium species (by far the most serious type). Since bacteria causing chronic infections can also cause malaria, one could argue that this drink is beneficial in fighting both types of illnesses. But do not use it without consulting your health care provider first!

Treats leg cramps:

Quinine helps reduce muscle contractions responsible for nighttime cramps in swollen legs (especially during warm weather), but only if taken in small doses after a meal throughout the day it is believed that this kind of drink can prevent trigeminal neuralgia (a condition characterized by abrupt, severe facial pain).

Boosts athletic performance:

Athletes who want to reduce muscle fatigue and help their bodies recover after a strenuous workout should eat small amounts of quinine.

Treats psoriasis:

Drinking 2 cups of tonic water daily for several days in a row may lead to improvements among people with psoriasis, an autoimmune disease caused by your immune system attacking healthy skin cells. It affects around 125 million people worldwide and is not contagious.

Cures swimmer’s ear:

People who are exposed to water for several hours a day, especially divers or swimmers, can use this drink to prevent infections in the outer ear canal.

Prevents mouth sores caused by cancer treatment:

Chemotherapy often causes mouth ulcers because it affects healthy cells throughout the body, including those located in the mouth and throat. Drinking tonic water seems to reduce their occurrence and severity when used as an alternative to drugs typically prescribed for this condition (called antifungal medications).

Treats ingrown hairs: 

If you have inflamed hair follicles caused by shaving ingrown hairs on your legs or face, quinine may provide relief. However, you should not try to treat them on your own because it could lead to serious infections.

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