How to Treat Stomach Germs with Natural Foods

How to Treat Stomach Germs with Natural Foods

Sometimes they have a stomach feeling, the stomach is empty, and he feels uncomfortable – there are many remedies for this, but what can they do if it only happens from time to time? Here are some natural foods that help you feel better.

Drinking water with lemon juice.

-Drinking green tea with mint leaves. RUB your hands with mint after rinsing them in cold water to prevent contamination.-Drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed.-Avoid heavy meals at night and eat several small meals throughout the day rather than a few large meals.-Skip breakfast and lunch one day per week.

Your body will burn more calories during fasting days as it runs out of stored energy and turns to fat as the next source of fuel.-Participate in exercise Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

-Eat an apple with peanut butter before going to bed at night.

-Use herbal teas for digestive relief, such as peppermint or chamomile tea.

-Sip on some natural fruit juice that contains ginger every morning before breakfast.

-Drink a glass full of water with orange wedges twice daily after meals.

, take one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil every morning on an empty stomach before breakfast for three consecutive months at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, eat six dried prunes daily for three consecutive months.


Drinking juice with lemon and honey helps the body maintain its natural alkaline balance and strengthens your immune system. A breakfast smoothie with bananas contains potassium, essential for healthy heart function and muscle contraction.-

Prune juice can help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite and increasing satiety – oranges contain vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants that protect against certain types of cancer – apples are a good source of calcium and pectin, an indigestible dietary fiber that may lower cholesterol levels as well as prevent some types of cancer – peanut butter is high in protein, its amino acids are essential for keeping your appetite in check – ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce arthritis symptoms and relieve muscle aches.

Home remedies for stomach worms:

Did you know that there are several different types of intestinal worms in humans?

The Intestinal Worms can be parasites living in the intestine. However, these parasites often do not cause any symptoms in the people who carry them. The following home remedies for stomach worms are roundworms, flatworms, pinworms, and tapeworms.

Pinworms are tiny intestinal roundworm which is very common among children. Intestinal roundworms live up to three years inside the human gut. There are many different types of intestinal worms: pinworm, whipworm, hookworms, threadworms, etc…

Home Remedies For Stomach Worms And Intestinal Parasites:

Black Walnut Home Remedy For Intestinal Worms:

Black walnut herbal home remedies for worms are a very effective natural treatment to kill intestinal worms and expel them from your body. Black walnut kills internal parasites, ringworm, candida, fungus of all kinds, and it also cleanses the lymph system. Make a tea from roasted black walnuts shells (powder works too) and drink every day.

Take 50-100 grams of powder per day or more if needed(1/4 of a cup). It can be taken as one dose or split into three doses throughout the day. It is essential to take the high-quality black walnut extract because some companies use toxic chemicals during processing that can damage the stomach lining and may cause nausea and vomiting when used with this method. Black walnut is used in bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.

Use Of Banana Leaves For Intestinal Worms:

Banana leaves are very high indigestible fiber. Bananas contain pectin, which is also found in apples and apricots. It moves through the digestive system without putting any work on the intestines, and it grabs terrible bacteria and parasites (including worms) and takes them out when you go to the bathroom.

When combined with carrots or cabbage juice, banana puree makes a mighty intestinal worm herbal remedy for killing parasites and quickly expelling them from your body. Soak banana leaves in hot water for 10 minutes, then add some lemon juice (freshly squeezed is best). Grind up the leaves with a blender or coffee grinder, add ground coconut shells and mix well. This herbal remedy will work against all types of parasites if done correctly.

Use Of Black Cohosh Root For Intestinal Worms:

Black cohosh is generally taken orally in capsule form to treat digestive problems. It is also an essential part of many different herbal remedies for treating worms in humans.

For effective results, it must be ingested on an empty stomach, and generally, this treatment follows up with grapefruit seed extract after the black cohosh capsules are excreted. The herb may irritate some people’s stomachs, so it is essential to try it out before continuing the treatment.

Memory Booster Herbal Remedies For Intestinal Worms:

Use Of Oregano Oil And Olive Leaf Extract For Intestinal Worms:

Oregano oil and olive leaf have been used for thousands of years as medicine. They are considered among the most potent natural antioxidants, and they significantly stimulate the immune system. They can even kill tapeworm eggs, which work against all intestinal worms, including pinworms.

Just mix a few drops of oregano oil with some liquid vegetable glycerin or aloe vera juice and take several times every day until you notice the worms being expelled from your body. The mixture should be ingested on an empty stomach ( 30 minutes after eating). Then take about 500 mg of olive leaf extract for every 25 pounds of body weight to kill the tapeworms.

Use Of Mistletoe For Intestinal Worms:

Mistletoe has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. It stimulates the immune system and is an effective treatment for intestinal worms because it kills parasites very quickly.

It also contains tannins which act as blood purifiers. They expand blood vessels to allow more blood flow through the liver (to produce bile) and provide extra nutrition to support proper liver function.

Mistletoe extracts are generally used orally in capsule form. Still, if you want great results, mistletoe should be mixed with black cohosh root powder and then ingested on an empty stomach. This will give you a very high success rate in killing worms.

Use Of Neem For Intestinal Worms:

Neem has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. The leaves and seeds of the neem tree contain potent chemicals that kill parasites and bacteria, so it is very effective in treating all types of intestinal worms.

Just grind up about half an ounce of neem leaf powder, make a strong tea from fresh crushed or dried neem leaves, and then mix with castor oil to make a paste. Using dry neem leave powder, use around one tablespoon per therapy session. Otherwise, use two large cups of freshly crushed/crushed dry leaves mixed with castor oil to form a paste. It should be applied to the anal area (inside only) at bedtime.

Use Of Black Walnut Hulls For Intestinal Worms:

Black walnuts contain anthelmintic chemicals which kill parasites and expel them from the body. Just grind up about two tablespoons of black walnut hull powder, and take it orally with a little bit of water (on an empty stomach) to kill intestinal worms within 24 hours.

Use Of Garlic For Intestinal Worms:

Garlic is one of the most well-known herbal remedies for intestinal worms. Even though it does not kill as many types of worms as wormwood herb, garlic is still very effective against giardia lamblia and roundworms, making it one of the best choices for killing intestinal worms naturally because it is straightforward and inexpensive to obtain.

worms in the stomach in child symptoms:

Kids who have been diagnosed with pinworms should avoid wearing underwear. The eggs can survive on fabric for a couple of days, so they could be transferred from their clothing to your hands if the child scratches during sleep and then touches their eyes or mouth. Wash all clothing and bedding that contact an infected child in boiling water before using it again.

Use Of Black Walnut Hulls For Intestinal Worms:

Black walnuts contain anthelmintic chemicals which kill parasites and expel them from the body. Just grind up about two tablespoons of black walnut hull powder, and take it orally with a little bit of water (on an empty stomach) to kill intestinal worms within 24 hours.

Use Of Garlic For Intestinal Worms:

Garlic is one of the most well known herbal remedies for intestinal worms; even though it does not kill as many types of worms as wormwood herb, garlic is still very effective against giardia lamblia and roundworms, making it one of the best choices for killing intestinal worms naturally because it is straightforward and inexpensive to obtain.

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