How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight?

How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight?

The question of how much you should be eating has to do with your daily caloric intake. If you are not sure what that is, then read the article on this site called, “How Much Weight Will My New Diet Make Me Lose?”. You can also learn all about Calories there as well.

Once you have determined how many calories per day it will take to lose weight at the rate you desire, figuring out how much food equals one calorie can help you keep track of your diet.

Here is a link that shows pictures of portion sizes for over two hundred different types of foods that can tell you exactly what each portion size looks like so that you have no trouble determining just how much food contains one calorie: Portion Sizes For Weight Loss.

To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than your body uses per day. Exactly how many less will determine how fast you lose the weight. Suppose you eat two hundred and fifty-five fewer calories each day than your body requires to maintain its current weight. In that case, it is scientifically proven that a person will lose approximately one pound of fat per week on average. A person can burn more or fewer calories a day depending on various factors, such as age, metabolism, muscle-to-fat ratio, and exercise regimen.

However, since everyone’s body is different and people respond differently to diets (for example, some people lose weight better on low carbs while others do better with low fats), the actual number of calories you need to reduce or increase to meet your weight loss goals may be different than the amount on this chart.

The bottom line is that you must burn more calories each day than you consume in food, drink, and snacks to lose body fat. The best way to do this is by making sure every calorie you eat counts… by eating healthy foods like vegetables, lean proteins like chicken and fish, whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice, etc., etc. (you know what healthy foods are).

How many calories do I need a calculator:

If you are looking for how many calories I need, calculator, you are in the right place. Here in this article, we discuss some best and free online calorie calculators. You can quickly get information about how many calories should be required by an individual depending on their gender, age, weight, and height, among other factors.

It is essential to understand that body weight varies from person to person and your calorie intake requirement.

For example:

Suppose a male individual of 200 lbs requires 2000 calories whereas another male individual of 180 kg needs only 1800 kcal per day. The difference of 200 kcal between two individuals can be because of their body frame, body composition metabolism rate, etc.

Different resources suggest different calorie intake requirements for both men and women. Below we have mentioned some of the examples:

How Many Calories Do I Need Calculator Men:

According to this resource, a man between 19-30 years of age should consume 1900 kcal per day, whereas a man between 31-50 years of age should eat 2500kcal per day.

According to this resource, a man 18+ years of age should take about 2000 kcal per day. But it also said that more than 12% in case he is a very active person otherwise 8% can be enough for them. A woman in the same range needs 1541 kcal for her activity level or 1422 kcal if she is less active. These values are for both standard and high metabolic rate individuals.

How Many Calories Do I Need Calculator Women:

If we talk about how many calories I need calculator women, A woman between 19-30 years of age should consume around 2000 kcal per day, whereas a woman between 31-50 years of age should take 1743 kcal per day.

According to this resource, 18+-year-old women need around 1800 kcal per day. As you can see, these values are not very accurate as it varies from one another, even for the same gender. It is also suggested that if you want to lose weight, this value can be reduced by 10% and 15% if you gain weight accordingly. These values depend on your height and weight too.

Aerobic Activities:

Let’s talk about how many calories do I need a calculator for aerobic activities, then as per this resource. A man who is 18+ years of age should take 2061 kcal, and similarly, a woman between 19-30 years of age should consume 2200 kcal if they perform aerobic activities for an hour.

It also said that more than 12% in case they are very active person otherwise 8% can be enough for them. But this value may vary from one individual to another because different resources suggest different values.

Non-Aerobic Activities:

Suppose you think your calorie intake requirement depends only on your fitness level or activity type. In that case, you are wrong because it indicates that a man who is 19+ years of age should take 1743 kcal per day, and a woman between 19-30 years of age should consume 1541 kcal if they perform non-aerobic activities for an hour. Again these values may vary from person to person depending on their height, weight, activity type, etc.

Now we have discussed how many calories you need a calculator in detail. Let’s understand the free online calorie calculator, rs, which can help you know your daily calorie intake requirement.

1) Buzzle:

This calorie calculator is fantastic as it takes your daily activity into account. It calculates how many calories you need to eat depending on your base metabolic rate and how much exercise you perform each day.

2) Get Healthy U:

This free online calorie calculator also takes care of your physical activities and intensity of exercise, which you perform for a certain period, so that it can estimate the number of calories required by you during this workout. This tool uses the Harris-Benedict formula to calculate the calories after considering age, weight, and height. It also suggests meals instead of directly telling the number of calories an individual requires for their fitness level.

3) Fit Day:

This calorie calculator allows you to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), calories burned after exercise and the amount of food you require for losing or gaining weight. But according to my personal experience with this tool, it doesn’t work correctly as its results are not very accurate. Instead, they vary from one another even if we input the same inputs multiple times.

4) Supertracker:

This dietary assessment tool uses ‘individual’s height, weight, age sex, and activity level.’ It calculates the number of calories an individual requires,l depending on their daily activities. Although it is free, it requires registration and login to use, so I wouldn’t say I like this feature because I don’t invest my time in a roll so I can use it for free.

5) My Fitness Pal:

It is one of the best calorie calculators available online. It calculates your daily calories required and helps you maintain a healthy diet by providing healthy recipes and nutritional values for each food item. It uses the Harris-Benedict formula to calculate the number of calories required during a workout or if you want to gain or lose weight depending on your height, weightage, etc.

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