How Does Research In Suggest Diet Affects Behavior Among Prison Inmates?

How Does Research In Suggest Diet Affect Behavior Among Prison Inmates?

Research suggests that diet among prison inmates is linked with behavior. The evidence of this link comes from various sources, ranging from case reports to controlled clinical trials. Psychiatric symptoms and psychological disturbances are common among individuals who participate in restrictive diets, such as vegan diets and juice-based detox regimens.

It has been claimed that weight loss on a very low-calorie diet (vld) may result from voluntary food intake restrictions and loss of body mass due to the elimination or reduction of some foods or food constituents.

For example, fasting, including abstention from all fluids except water for extended periods, results in marked diuresis and considerable weight loss as lean tissue is catabolized along with fat stores.

Research suggests that specific changes in food intake can induce mental symptoms. For example, fasting causes carbohydrate cravings. Abstention from animal products results in the marked reduction or elimination of cholesterol intake, which is known to lower the seizure threshold and cause reversible dementia under certain conditions.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been associated with lead exposure, but it may also be aggravated by dairy products containing milk protein casein. Autistic individuals have abnormalities of amino acid metabolism exacerbated by high-protein meals.

Which of the following may be linked to criminal or antisocial behavior:

a) broken homes

b) lead poisoning

c) child abuse

d) all of the above

b) lead poisoning:

Although it can affect everyone, children from lower-income and educational backgrounds are most likely exposed to high lead levels. This can cause long-term health problems and antisocial behavior in school-age children.

 The article lists one source as:

“Exposure to Lead Linked with Delinquent / Criminal Behavior” (Emsley et al., 2009). It is noted that, although research has been done on the effects of exposure to low levels of lead, most information relates to exposure at high levels.

Hence higher incidences for those exposed at higher levels seem likely – but there is no evidence for this. It is difficult for those exposed at lower levels to assess the effects, but it seems likely that they would fall between high and low exposure rates.

Studies focusing on inherited mental degeneration led to the development of criminology:

the beginning of criminology can be traced to the late 18th-century work of Jeremy Bentham and George Ellison. Bentham, a British philosopher and social reformer, is the founder of utilitarianism.

He argued that punishment should only be used to achieve an “overall increase” in happiness for all citizens – individuals who receive the sentence as well as those punished. Later, Georg leidson would draw on Bentham’s philosophy when he developed a positive criminology school of thought.

The lesson was concerned with preventing crime by addressing its underlying causes instead of simply punishing criminals after they committed crimes – which had been the standard approach.

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