Health Benefits of Star Fruit

 Health Benefits of Star Fruit

Star fruit, also known as carambola, is sometimes called the “five-fingered fruit” because it resembles a hand with outstretched fingers. It is native to southern Asia, where it grows in hot, humid weather. Now you can find star-fruits growing in parts of Florida and California too. Star fruit is usually eaten raw. It tastes like a blend of apple, strawberry, and pineapple with sour undertones.

Some people think it’s delicious, while others find the taste peculiar. What are star fruit health benefits? Let’s review some interesting studies that have been done to discover what exactly makes this little brightly colored star-shaped fruit so good for you.

Star Fruit for Weight loss:

Star fruit is high in fiber, which can act as an appetite suppressant and make you feel fuller faster. It also contains pectin, which slows down your stomach from emptying itself and making you get full faster.

In a study, participants were divided into two groups. The first group received a regular diet with fiber at the same level of calories, while the second one followed an experimental diet containing a high amount of fiber.

At the end of the experiment, it was shown that people in the high-fiber group were feeling more satisfied and less hungry than those in the other group. Besides that, star fruit is low in calories and contains no saturated fat or cholesterol. Fibers found in this tropical fruit can be considered excellent for weight loss programs and for maintaining ideal weight.

Star Fruit juice Benefits:

Star fruit juice has a low glycemic index and it’s also rich in potassium. Because of this, star fruit juice is considered a healthy option for people with diabetes, since it can help keep blood sugar levels under control.

This fruit is a great source of vitamin C too. Antioxidants found in star fruit can boost your immune system and protect you from free radicals and infections. Besides that, vitamin C plays a very important role in the formation of collagen and it’s necessary for your skin, teeth, gums, bones, and tendons to stay healthy. star fruit benefits for skin

Star Fruit Benefits for Skin:

Vitamin C found in star fruit is essential for collagen production as well. Collagen is the protein that gives structure to your skin, hair, and nails. Topical application of vitamin C has been shown to increase collagen production in damaged skin while improving elasticity and firmness. Studies have also shown that it can help lighten age spots on sun-exposed areas, even out discoloration, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and give your skin a youthful glow.

Star Fruit Benefits for Hair:

Vitamin C strengthens the capillaries in the scalp and improves blood flow to that area too. Because of that, star fruit can be helpful with reducing hair loss and encouraging the new growth of healthy hair. It’s also extremely beneficial for your hair’s health and appearance. It can help prevent dandruff and neutralize free radicals that cause dullness, dryness, and brittleness.

Star fruit Benefits for Bone Strength:

Vitamin C is important in the production of collagen as we mentioned above. Stronger collagen means stronger bones. Studies have shown that people reach peak bone mass between the ages of 11 and 15, so getting enough vitamin C is essential during those years.

Star Fruit Benefits for Eye Health:

Vitamin A found in star fruit helps maintain healthy vision and reduces the risk of age-related cataracts, macular degeneration, and other eye diseases that can lead to blindness.

Star fruit and cancer:

Studies have shown that antioxidants found in star fruit may slow the growth of tumors and prevent the spread of existing cancer cells. It’s also been proven to kill colon cancer cells without harming healthy ones, thanks to its phytochemical compounds.

Star fruit benefits for diabetes:

Star fruit is low in carbs and can be beneficial to people with type 2 diabetes because of its low glycemic index. It’s also rich in potassium which helps control blood sugar levels naturally.

Star fruit benefits for digestion:

A study has shown that star fruit is effective in relieving constipation because it’s rich in dietary fiber. Besides that, antioxidants found in this fruit can reduce inflammation of the intestinal lining and prevent digestive problems like hemorrhoids.

Star fruit juice side effects/cautions:

Star fruit juice contains oxalate compounds which can cause kidney stones and other problems in people with a history of kidney disease. Those who suffer from arthritis or gout should also avoid star fruit juice because it’s high in uric acid.

Star fruit juice is not safe for pregnant women since it can stimulate menstruation and increase the risk of miscarriage. It may also lower blood sugar levels too much for women with gestational diabetes.

Star fruit juice is not suitable for people with gastritis, reflux esophagitis, or hiatal hernia since it can irritate the lining of your digestive tract. It’s also not good for people who are on kidney dialysis.

Although star fruit may seem like a healthy choice to add to your diet, you should never give this fruit to children under five years of age. Star fruit contains a neurotoxin called hypoglycin which is dangerous for little kids and can cause brain damage.

Disadvantages of star fruit:

1. The fruit is known to be bad for diabetic people as it might lower their blood sugar levels too much which may cause serious health problems.

2. The juice of the fruit can stimulate menstruation, thereby increasing the risk of miscarriage and other problems in pregnancy. It is not safe for pregnant women and shouldn’t be consumed by them at all.

3. People with epilepsy, arthritis, and gout should also refrain from eating star fruit as it may cause more health problems for them.

4. Liver patients and those who suffer from kidney disease should avoid this fruit as well as the juice of the fruit can affect their conditions and might make things worse for them.

5. The juice of the fruit can also lower blood sugar levels in some people and this may cause serious problems.

6. People who are on dialysis should avoid consuming star fruit juice as well since it contains a high level of oxalate which affects them adversely.

7. Star fruit is known to contain a neurotoxin called hypoglycin which is harmful to children below five years of age. Hence

8. Pregnant women who suffer from gastritis, reflux esophagitis, and hiatal hernia should also avoid star fruit juice as it can cause irritation in their digestive tracts and further complicate their conditions.

9. People with kidney disorders like renal calculi (kidney stones) and nephrocalcinosis should also not consume star fruit juice as it is high in oxalates which can affect their health badly.

10. The juice of the fruit contains high levels of oxalate and must be avoided by people with a history of kidney disease and those who are on dialysis treatment.

11. Though the fruit is beneficial for diabetic people as it can help them control their blood sugar levels, those who are suffering from liver diseases and those who have recently undergone a transplant surgery should not consume it as it has toxic effects on these organs and may affect the health of the person concerned.

12. Star fruit contains a high amount of oxalate and so, people with a history of kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis should avoid eating it.

13. People who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder should also avoid eating star fruit as even a small amount may trigger the manic phase in them.

Health Benefits of Star Fruit Leaves:

1. The fruit is known to be good for diabetic people as it can help them control their blood sugar levels and stay healthy.

2. Star fruit leaves extract taken as tea is used as a natural remedy for diabetes as it can bring down the glucose level in the body, thereby helping diabetics.

3. It may also control blood pressure in hypertensive people.

4. Star fruit leaves are known to be good for the heart as they contain elements that increase the production of collagen, thereby making the walls of blood vessels flexible and preventing several cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, etc.

5. Extracts from star fruit leaves are also used to cure problems in the respiratory tract like asthma, bronchitis, etc.

6. It may help cure cataract problems in people by making them more resistant to oxidative stress and preventing their retina cells from being damaged.

7. The leaves of star fruit can be applied on ulcers and wounds as they contain anti-fungal properties that can help treat any fungal infection.

8. The extract of star fruit leaves is also used in herbal preparations to cure several skin problems like psoriasis, acne vulgaris, scabies, etc.

9. It contains elements that are good for the heart and may also prevent various cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and angina pectoris.

10. Star fruit leaves extracts are used in several herbal preparations to cure various skin problems like psoriasis, acne vulgaris, scabies, etc.

11. Extracts from the leaves of star fruit can help treat ulcers and wounds by making them more resistant to oxidative stress and preventing retina cells from being damaged.

12. The leaves of star fruit can also be applied on cataracts as they contain anti-fungal properties that treat any fungal infection.

13. It may help cure problems in the respiratory tract like asthma, bronchitis, etc.

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