Symptoms of low Blood Sugar

Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar

1) Dizziness

2) Headache

3) Sweating

4) Shaking or trembling

5) Feeling nervous, irritable, restless, or confused

6) Hunger

7) Difficulty concentrating

8 ) Clumsiness

9 )pale skin

10). Rapid heartbeat

11). Pounding in the ears

12. Cold sweats

13). Blurred vision

14). Numbness of lips


16). Seizures

17 ). Unconsciousness

18. Loss of consciousness

19). Coma

20). Death

The outcome of low blood sugar:

1) Death(if not treated immediately)

2) Coma(if not fully recovered before regaining consciousness)

3) Physically disabled but mentally normal

4). Physically handicapped for the rest of your life

5). Physically healthy but mentally unstable

6). Physically and mentally fit

7). All symptoms are temporary

8 ) You feel drowsy but are able to work or take an active part in any other activity again

9 ). You are able to regulate your food intake

10). You can think reasonably clearly

11 ). You are relaxed

12). All symptoms disappear within an hour after taking care of the problem

13). No harm is caused to you.

Symptoms of low and high blood sugar:

signs and symptoms of low blood sugar include:

low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) occurs when there is not enough glucose, the body’s main source of energy, in your bloodstream. without it, you have fewer available brain cells to think clearly or react quickly. signs of it include shakiness, sweating, nervousness, irritability, and hunger.

Below are some informative facts on hypoglycemia:

5 effective natural remedies for hypoglycemia:

1-potassium gluconate supplements are used to treat insulin shock because they are absorbed very quickly. however intramuscular injection is required as pills may pass through before being fully absorbed. garden grown potatoes contain vitamin C which increases the effectiveness of potassium.

2-turmeric also increases the effectiveness of potassium as a supplement by increasing its bioavailability.

3-favored foods for hypoglycemia should be chosen to maintain a well-rounded diet. these include green leafy vegetables, fresh poultry, lean meats, and wild meats such as buffalo, deer, and elk.

preferred fruits should be berries such as blueberries or raspberries. whole grains which are high in fiber but low in fat are particularly good for hypoglycemia sufferers because they have been shown to reduce blood sugar levels after meals just as effectively as fruit juice without the added sugars that lead to insulin spikes. it is important not to eat large quantities of any one food at a time since this can cause an insulin spike.

4-high blood sugar is also known as hyperglycemia or glucosuria. when this is due to natural causes it is usually temporary, lasting only a few hours. this occurs when the body has more substances called glucose in its cells than it can use at one time.

although fasting glucose levels are usually between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter of blood, symptoms of high blood sugar don’t appear until they exceed 180 milligrams per deciliter of blood which means that you have diabetes mellitus if your sugars are consistently at that level or higher. signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia include increased thirst, increased urination, fatigue, weight loss, and blurred vision.

4-excess insulin or glucagon is typically released when glucose levels are too high, thereby returning the level back to normal. this happens in both types of diabetes mellitus. diabetics with type 1 will need to use an insulin pump since their pancreas no longer releases enough insulin.

those with type 2 can usually treat themselves by reducing their carbohydrate intake and increasing their exercise regimen as well as using medications such as acarbose, metformin, or troglitazone which help control sugar production by the liver instead of insulin therapy.

The 5-polycystic ovarian disease is seen in women whose ovaries contain numerous small cysts that are not yet cancerous but are large enough to cause irregular menstrual periods as well as other signs such as excess facial hair or baldness.

infertility also occurs in most cases because the ovary fails to release an egg which is necessary for reproduction by these patients every month due to their lack of hormones needed for ovulation. high blood sugar levels are usually associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome although it has been shown that this condition can be caused by obesity alone without any other underlying causes.

what causes low blood sugar without diabetes:

1-stress or trauma to the body can cause blood sugar levels to temporarily be lower than normal for some people. this may occur when blood sugar is tested while fasting since low glucose levels are common in people who weren’t eating just before blood was drawn.

2-not eating enough foods containing carbohydrates, proteins, or fats within three hours of waking up in the morning can make your body think it doesn’t have any energy sources at all and release its own energy stores (glycogen) which causes the glucose level of the bloodstream to drop drastically, causing hypoglycemia symptoms to appear.

3-exercise that is either too intense or too prolonged without enough food intake will lead to low blood sugar soon after until replenished with food sources.

4-not getting enough rest or sleep after a strenuous day of work can lead to low blood sugar as your body uses up its supply of glycogen faster than it is being replenished. this condition is called “afterburn” and can be easily avoided by resting for a couple of hours after returning from work instead of rushing off to do some other task that’s not as important as taking care of yourself.

5-diuretics, corticosteroids, and oral contraceptives are known to lower glucose levels which means that those people who have diabetes mellitus must monitor their blood sugar levels more closely while using these medications in order to prevent hypoglycemia from occurring while on them since many times the dosage amount may have to be adjusted.

in addition, if any of the above-listed symptoms are accompanied by sweating or trembling then you should contact your physician immediately for further information on how to treat these conditions at home through glucose tablets (available over-the-counter) or visiting your local emergency room as soon as possible since this may indicate that insulin levels in your body are too low and need immediate attention.

what to eat when blood sugar is low:

1-foods containing carbohydrates (starches and sugars) should be eaten in order to bring glucose levels back up. fruit juices may help as well since they provide your body with a quick energy source.

2-eating something with proteins or fats such as peanut butter, cheese, nuts or bread will slow down the release of sugar into your bloodstream so that it can be absorbed more gradually instead of all at once which is responsible for hypoglycemia symptoms appearing.

3-drinking lots of water or other non-alcoholic beverages will prevent dehydration caused by the diuretic effect of low blood sugar which could lead to further problems including dizziness if left untreated.

4-not exercising after you’ve already had low blood sugar will slow down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream so that it will be absorbed gradually instead of all at once.

5-eating breakfast within one hour after waking up in the morning is very important since doing otherwise may lead to low blood sugar symptoms appearing. because insulin levels are naturally lower when you wake up, this can cause an immediate drop in glucose levels which must be avoided by eating something nutritious right away.

hypoglycemia symptoms are especially common in children who haven’t eaten breakfast yet due to their bodies’ natural response to fasting overnight while resting due to lack of food intake.

what is dangerously low blood sugar:

glucose levels below 40mg/dL will lead to a condition called hypoglycemia which can cause unconsciousness if not treated immediately. so if you think you or someone else is having this type of low blood sugar level then it’s imperative that they ingest glucose tablets, fruit juices, non-diet soda, or any other food source containing carbohydrates IMMEDIATELY in order to prevent the brain from shutting down due to lack of energy since permanent damage may result if left untreated.

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