Fast And Furious 9: Paul Walker Brian O’conner Returns

Fast And Furious 9: Paul Walker Brian O’conner Returns

There have been rumors about Paul walkers’ character brain’s Conner returning for fast and furious 9. Recently, Vin Diesel uploaded a photo on Instagram along with Cody walker on the sets of FF 9 which is currently under the production.

Fast & Furious 9
Fast & Furious 9

The franchise of this movie has never been the same as the part of this 7 part. Well, everybody knows that his character way out of the franchise, due to car accident of paul walker.

Around the time of the production on the fast and furious 7, brian O’Conner star Paul walker was tragically killed in a car crash on a day off from filming the shoot was the obviously delayed as rewrites were made at that point of time and the walker’s brother Cody and Caleb stepped in to complete brain’s scenes thanks to CGI. Well, at the end of Furious 7, walker takes a drive with his family.

Speculations are there like vin diesel as well as Cody will work in future in order to bring the paul’s character back in FF 9. However, these things are spotted on diesel’s Instagram.

Everybody knows paul was killed in a tragic car accident on 30 November 2013. During this accident, his age was 40. At that time Fast and furious 7 had not yet been finished. Due to this thing, decision was prepared to write the brian’s ending in script using graphics with the support of Paul’s brother Cody walker. However, it looks real and fantastic which has grabbed the attention of people for bringing back paul on screen.

The best thing is where we get to witness the fitting ending with the support of most loved song “See you again”. It was also created a record like most viewed song in YouTube.

Details Revealed About Fast And Furious 9

The fast and furious franchise has not been the same since its seventh installment. Also, the scene where the brian conner take a step forward to leave from the team which was also happened under the production of FF7. Well, this scene was made successfully with the support of cody walker.

This thing makes it exceptional and brought tears from most of the people while watching the movie. For information, now the protagonist Vin Diesel’s recent post in Instagram is suggesting that Brian might make a comeback with the support of cody. Well, it will be a surprise for fans once the movie is released.

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