Darling in the Franxx Season 2: Release date, cast, plot, and everything we know

Darling in the Franxx Season 2: Release date, cast, plot, and everything we know.

Today, in this article, we will talk about the all-new season ‘Darling in the Franxx Season 2’ release date, cast, plot, and all we know. It is a Japanese science fiction anime series. The first season has won many hearts of the fans.

Some fans have been looking for some personalized peripheral products in order to express their love and express their expectations for season 2. Today, custom stickers have actually become a trend and are loved by many fans. These stickers can be designed with elements according to your preferences. Stick the stickers anywhere for fun and promotion. Custom Pins are also a popular product, which can be easily worn on clothes and bags. Even, some fans make T-shirts with relative characters. When an theme-related event is held, these custom gifts will be the highlight and symbols of the event.

Now, the fans are eagerly waiting for the second season. The series includes a romance with drama. CloverWorks produced it. They also handle the animation side. The announcement of the series was at Trigger’s Anime Expo 2017 in July 2017.

In the series, there are so many twists and secrets at each moment. It also includes emotions. The series is all about the pain of heartbreak, and that painful emotion is shown correctly and amazingly in this amazing series. There are so many heartbreaking scenes that can make you cry, or you will feel the pain. It is that type of emotional series.

The way it presents is superb and incredible. We can say that it is a beautiful series with natural emotions. The opening soundtrack is wonderful. Maybe it will give you goosebumps. That song is ‘King of Death’ by famous Japanese singer Mika Nakashima. It is so much attractive. Even the music has won the award for the best opening sequence by Crunchyroll awards.

This opening song is putting an extra charm to the series. When you listen to this song first, you enjoy the series more, and the emotion will better understand. This song sticks to our minds. You will find the opening soundtrack below.


Season 2 is the most awaited anime season ever. The first season was so much beautiful as well as meaningful. It was easy to understand. The design of the character was so perfect. How someone falls in love is shown correctly by containing so many emotions. The ending result and explanation of the whole story are superb and unbelievable.

No one confirmed that season 2 would arrive. There is no official confirmation of the announcement of season 2. So, we can only expect that season 2 will be released. The first season was released in back 2018. To make another season, it can take a time of two or more years. We can expect that the season will be released in 2021 or 2022 only if anyone confirms the second season.

We can not say that with confidence because even we can not predict that. If we see the ending of season 1, it clearly shows that the end is pleasant and acceptable. The first season got a huge success, so there is some possibility of season 2.

Is there any trailer?

There is no trailer available because the series is not yet renewed. If we get any update regarding this series, we will definitely update here. So, make sure to check this page or site frequently.

If you want to watch season 1, then it is available on Funimation. You will also find the English dubbing of season 1. Find the season 1 trailer below. Now, let’s talk about the story of season 2.

DARLING in the FRANXX (Anime-Trailer)


The show is not yet renewed, but if it confirms, then maybe the story will be as follows. As the first season is ended superbly, we expect that there will be a new start. In the previous season, Hiro and Zero both gave up their lives to defeat the aliens. In most series, main stars sacrifice their lives to save the world from danger. So, in this series, the same has happened.

In the end, the dangerous and cruel villain said that they would back definitely, and they will create more danger than this. Apart from that, after so many years, Hiro and Zero meet again.

If the second season arrives, we expect that these two will be the main star in the previous season. We do not expect that any new character will join the team. Maybe the villain will return, and there will be a more cruel situation than the previous one. It is just a prediction because no one knows that what will happen.

This series is so popular only because of the storyline. The creators had displayed the love between two young people in a very different way. They had to face and solve so many problems. The way they present is amazing.

By viewing that, all the viewers are attracted to the characters. You will love every character of the series. After viewing this, you will feel like you experienced the definition of love in real because the emotions are presented with whole another level. Let’s talk about the release of this fantastic series.

Release Date:

It is just a prediction if it happens. The first season was released in summer 2018. So, maybe the next season will happen in 2022. There is no chance of release in 2021. Let’s talk about the financial situation.

A still from the series ‘Darling in the Franxx.’

Financial Perspective:

The first season hit well. So, we expect that the budget for season 2 will be bigger than the previous one. If we talk about the first season’s DVD sales, then there are 6186 copies sold in Japan. So, we expect that the second season will break the record.

If we talk about ranking, then the first season has earned 7.3 out of 10 on IMDB and 4.4 out of 5 on Crunchyroll. It clearly shows that the first season has gained so much popularity, and the creation is so much beautiful.

In the first season, there was a total of 24 episodes. So, we expect the same for season 2. If we talk about the cast and characters, we hope that the same cast will return in season 2. In the first season, there was Haruko Tomatsu as Zero Two, Yuto Uemura as Hiro, Saori Hayami as Kokoro, Aoi Ichikawa as Mitsuru, Mutsumi Tamura as Code:666, and Shizuka Ishigami as Ikuno.

Atsushi Nishigori directed the first season. Naotaka Hayashi handled the composition. Masayoshi Tanaka designed the beautiful characters. Hiroyuki Yamagishi directed the action animation, and Asami Tachibana did the music composition.

To get the latest update, bookmark the website. We will update this article as we get any update related to this series. So, stay tuned for the next update.

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