Conditions of Cupping for Women

Conditions of Cupping for Women

1- She should be pure with Haidh and Nifaas.

2- Should cover the satr of her body.

3- Never perform cupping on a pregnant woman even if she is having severe pain.

4- If a woman has heavy blood flow, do not go for cupping until the doctor says.

5- If a woman has cumbersome blood flow, then she should not perform cupping because, in that case, her skin does not get sucked much.

6- Cupping is also performed on the stomach, thighs, and back.

7- Cupping is Haraam on children below 15 years of age.

8- It is better to avoid cupping on the right side of the abdomen.

9- Do not perform cupping on an old lady or someone else.

10- If a man likes to do cupping, he should avoid it on the chest, lower abdomen, sensitive body parts, etc.

11- If there is any wound, rash, or physical injury on the body, then avoid cupping.

12- Never do cupping on the face or head.

13- Cupping harps on someone who has fainted, is unconscious, seizure, has a severe cold, fever with hot breath, and has bleeding problems.

14- To perform cupping, the skin should be clean, and it is better to let the skin dry before performing cupping.

15- Cupping is also served on the body parts for which needling is not possible, e.g., shoulder, elbow, knee, etc.

16- If there are other physical problems, then you must consult your doctor first that whether it will be suitable or not.

17- Do cupping at least 2 cm. away from the spine and do not go for cupping on the back in certain areas, e.g., in case of lungs and heart problems, at least two fingers breathe from these areas.

18- Do not place the new cup on a scar or wound of your body.

19- Cupping is either done on the left or right side of the body.

20- If you want to cup on your children, then at least ten-year-old children can perform cupping. And if it is less than ten years of age, then no one should do cupping, even a baby.

21- Do not perform cupping on a person who is severely ill or whose body is freezing.

22- Do not allow anyone else to cup on your body without your permission (unless they are a doctor).

23- Perform the act of cupping in a clean place and do not share your cups with others.

24- Let the mug cool before pulling it off your skin.

25- Do not perform cupping on anyone who is sleeping, unconscious or intoxicated.

26- Do not do cupping when you are fasting, and make sure your body does not have any injury before performing the act of cupping.

27- Cupping can be performed facing Qibla (by turning the head), and do not perform cupping facing the direction of the Ka’ba.

28- If you are performing cupping on someone else, then sit facing Qibla.

29- Do not let anyone’s blood fall onto your body while performing this act, e.g., do not allow your blood to fall on another person or their clothes.

30- Always wash the blood from your body with water before performing Wudhu.

Dangers of cupping:

Cupping therapy has been used for thousands of years and is still in use today. There are several different types of cupping, but the most popular one is wet cupping. This type of cupping involves putting special cups on somebody’s region, which causes blood to flow out through suctioning. Sometimes it causes bruising or bleeding as a result.

But despite this, it is a popular therapy in many parts of the world, including China and South America. However, there are mixed reviews about cupping therapy as some people benefit from it while others do not notice any changes.

Medieval Cupping Therapy:

Cupping therapy is an ancient traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment that has been used for thousands of years. The practice was first recorded in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic on Internal Medicine. There were many recipes for treatment using cupping in the classic, including: “bamboo cup” and “silk cupping.”

The bamboo cup prays the skin with a sharp needle to break capillaries and draw blood into the cup. Then, the skin is stretched with silk cupping, and steam or an irritant is brushed on to make it taut before applying the cups.

While these methods are still used today, wet cupping is the most common type of cupping therapy as it involves putting special cups on some regions of the body, which causes blood to flow out through suctioning. Sometimes it causes bruising or bleeding as a result.

An ancient traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment that has been used for thousands of years. The practice was first recorded in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic on Internal Medicine. Several recipes for treatment using cupping in the classic, including: “bamboo cup” and “silk cupping.”

The bamboo cup prays the skin with a sharp needle to break capillaries and draw blood into the cup. Then, the skin is stretched with silk cupping, and steam or an irritant is brushed on to make it taut before applying the cups.

While these methods are still used today, wet cupping is the most common type of cupping therapy as it involves putting special cups on some regions of the body, which causes blood to flow out through suctioning. Sometimes it causes bruising or bleeding as a result.

Where to place cups for cupping:

Cupping therapy has been used in the past and continues to be used in different parts of the world. It is a practice that dates back thousands of years, so there is plenty of information available on how it works and where to place the cups for cupping. In addition, some people believe they can improve their health by using cupping to try complementary or alternative therapy.

The goal of cupping is to release muscle tension and improve circulation by using suction. But many people use it as an effective way to treat various types of pain such as chronic neck and back pain, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, and arthritis.

How cupping works:

Cupping is one of the many forms of alternative medicine used for various aches and pains. Cupping therapy has been around for thousands of years and involves placing cups in somebody’s region to apply suction and create a vacuum.

The goal is to release muscle tension and improve circulation by using suction. But since it also causes bruising and bleeding when done by itself, it is typically combined with acupuncture to treat various types of pain.

Depending on what type of treatment is being performed, the cups are left in place on the skin for a few minutes to an hour or more. Although cupping therapy does cause some discomfort under the cups when they’re first placed on the skin, this discomfort typically subsides once the suction is formed. The cups are moved slowly up and down or left in place depending on what cupping therapy is being performed.

Cupping therapy has been used in the past and continues to be used in different parts of the world. It is a practice that dates back thousands of years, so there is plenty of information available on how it works and where to place the cups for cupping. In addition, some people believe they can improve their health by using cupping to try it as a complementary or alternative therapy.

Does cupping hurt:

The goal of cupping is to release muscle tension and improve circulation by using suction? Of course, but many people use it as an effective way to treat various types of pain such as chronic neck and back pain, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, and arthritis.

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