Benefits of Watermelon During Pregnancy

Benefits of Watermelon During Pregnancy

Watermelons are truly tropical fruit. They can be grown in most places where they have warm climates. The watermelon plant is a member of the cucurbit family, cousins to both pumpkins and squash. Watermelons grow on vines much like their cousins, but unlike their cousins, watermelons do not require pollination from bees or other insects.

The seeds of the watermelon are also sterile which means that no additional pollen needs to be introduced to get the plants started. This characteristic adds to the reliability and ease of growing these plants and makes them ideal for container planting by apartment and condo dwellers who cannot always depend upon bee traffic in their small gardens.

Benefits of eating Watermelon during pregnancy:

Watermelons are a great source of water. Most experts recommend that expectant mothers drink at least 8 glasses of water a day when pregnant. Watermelons can help us meet this requirement since it is made up of 92% water.

The fleshy part of the melon also has many essential nutrients for a healthy pregnancy in addition to being high in water content which makes it good for you and your baby.

High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure triggers off a lot of complications during pregnancy, be sure to avoid it by eating foods that are low in sodium and potassium like watermelon.

Pregnant women who have high blood pressure need to watch their salt intake as well as take supplements for potassium because they aid muscle function and proper blood pressure regulation.

Aphthous stomatitis:

Aphthous stomatitis is a painful mouth irritation that has no known cause. It often appears during pregnancy and can be debilitating to the mother which makes it crucial for her to eat well during this period. Watermelon contains nutrients like B6, folate, and Vitamin A- all of which are important in fighting off the pain associated with aphthous stomatitis.

Cravings: When pregnant expectant mothers crave food more intensely than before since they need twice as many calories than normal! Low calcium will create discomfort or nausea, watermelons are high sources of calcium, magnesium, and potassium so they work great for quick satisfaction of pregnancy cravings.

There are many foods pregnant women can crave when they go into their third trimester for example chocolates, ice creams, and popsicles which have high sugar content in them, fruits like watermelon can be a great substitute since they have low sugar levels.

Risks of eating Watermelon during pregnancy:

Watermelons are not completely safe for all women since some may experience reactions or side effects when consuming this fruit. Some of the risks involved are:

Miscarriage is one of the most common risks associated with too much Vitamin A intake. The warning signs of overdose include fatigue, itchy skin, and stomach discomfort. This effect is more pronounced in women who already suffer from kidney disease or liver ailments like hepatitis.

Too much watermelon can also cause diarrhea, dizziness and exacerbate pre-existing diabetes as well as gout. It is advised to avoid high intakes of watermelon during pregnancy because it may lead to allergic rashes which often develop in the face or body after consuming this fruit. Pregnant women need to be careful since some women are more sensitive than others.

Watermelon contains a substance called citrulline which has been associated with affecting blood pressure levels, so if you have normal blood pressure you don’t need to worry about eating too much watermelon but if your family medical history includes hypertension then watch what you eat! There was no evidence that citrulline affects blood vessels however it does affect kidneys. So, it can become an issue when combined with certain medications.

Craving watermelon during pregnancy:

If you’re pregnant and craving watermelon, you’re in luck because this juicy summer fruit is a good source of vitamins A and C. In addition, it contains small amounts of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. Watermelon can be incorporated into a healthy diet for pregnant women because it has no fat or cholesterol and only 50 calories per cup.

Watermelon contains nutrients and minerals that can aid in the improvement of such conditions as anemia, cancer, constipation, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and it is also helpful with increasing immunity.

It’s a fact that pregnant women need more nutrients than normal women do to sustain their babies’ development; therefore, we all know that pregnancy requires special attention and complete nutrition.

1 cup (154 grams) of watermelon has 50 calories and 14% of the daily value for vitamin C which increases iron absorption from other foods eaten at the same time by up to six times making an important factor for vegetarians or those who don’t eat meat. Vitamin C helps make collagen which is essential for skin health as well as gum and blood vessel health.

Watermelon is also a good source of the mineral potassium which helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in our bodies; it’s important to get enough potassium while pregnant because low potassium levels can lead to muscle cramps, especially in our legs. Potassium deficiency causes constipation which can be problematic during pregnancy too.

Watermelon is also rich in vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) which boosts immunity by increasing white blood cells; these cells fight bacteria and viruses.

Improves vision and prevents night blindness (xerophthalmia). It has anti-aging properties that help prevent skin cancer and delay signs of aging like wrinkles, discoloration, or age spots caused by sun exposure.

Watermelon is also rich in the antioxidant lycopene which has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. Furthermore, lycopene protects against sun damage reducing the risk of skin cancer and it boosts the production of collagen which keeps our skin looking young and healthy. Lycopene is especially important during pregnancy because our need for this antioxidant increases while we are carrying a baby.

What’s more, watermelon contains vitamins B1, B2, & B6 (thiamin) which help convert food into energy. Thiamine plays an important role during pregnancy because insufficient amounts can lead to blurred vision or confusion making it difficult for pregnant women to properly care for themselves or their children. Research shows that thiamine levels in the body decline during pregnancy and remain low for several weeks after giving birth.

Watermelon is also high in water (92%) which makes it a great aid in hydration; it’s important to drink plenty of fluids during pregnancy because we lose more water than usual through our urine, sweat, and stool.

Pregnant women normally need about 10 cups (2.4 liters) of total beverages daily; however, some women may require more or less depending on climate conditions, activity level, how much they are sweating, etc. Dehydration can occur when you do not meet your fluid needs; this causes dry skin and can lead to other problems including constipation.

Benefits of watermelon seeds in pregnancy:

Watermelon seeds are also rich in essential nutrients like calcium, iron, copper magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

There is no limit to how much watermelon you can eat during pregnancy because this fruit has very low levels of oxalic acid which prevents the formation of kidney stones when eaten in moderation.

The seeds are safe for pregnant women but they should be removed before eating; this allows pregnant women to enjoy this tasty fruit without worrying about consuming too much fiber (eating the seeds along with the fruit provides plenty of fiber).

Pregnant women may include watermelon in their diet because it’s a healthy fruit that contains lots of vitamins and minerals. Just make sure to avoid recipes that contain ingredients that might not be good for your babies such as alcohol, caffeine, or any other ingredient that might not be safe during pregnancy.

Watermelon is delicious and healthy making it a great choice whether you’re pregnant, trying to conceive, or just looking for healthy snacks to eat throughout the day.

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